BINARY := bombadillo man1dir := /usr/local/share/man/man1 #PKGS := $(shell go list ./... |grep -v /vendor) VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags 2> /dev/null) BUILD := $(shell date) GOPATH ?= $(HOME)/go GOBIN ?= ${GOPATH}/bin BUILD_PATH ?= ${GOBIN} # If VERSION is empty or not deffined use the contents of the VERSION file ifndef VERSION VERSION := $(shell cat ./VERSION) endif LDFLAGS := ifdef CONF_PATH LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-s -X main.version=${VERSION} -X${BUILD} -X main.conf_path${conf_path}" else LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-s -X main.version=${VERSION} -X${BUILD}" endif .PHONY: test test: @echo ${LDFLAGS} @echo ${VERSION} @echo ${BUILD_PATH} .PHONY: build build: @go build ${LDFLAGS} -o ${BINARY} .PHONY: install install: install-man @go build ${LDFLAGS} -o ${BUILD_PATH}/${BINARY} .PHONY: install-man install-man: bombadillo.1 @gzip -k ./bombadillo.1 @install -d ${man1dir} @install -m 0644 ./bombadillo.1.gz ${man1dir} .PHONY: clean clean: @go clean -i @rm ./bombadillo.1.gz 2> /dev/null .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: clean @rm -f ${man1dir}/bombadillo.1.gz @echo Removing ${BINARY} @rm -f ${BUILD_PATH}/${BINARY}