package main // Bombadillo is distributed under the "Non-Profit Open Source Software License 3.0" // The license is included with the source code in the file LICENSE. The basic // takeway: use, remix, and share this software for any purpose that is not a commercial // purpose as defined by the above mentioned license and is itself distributed udner // the terms of said license with said license file included. import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "" "" ) var bombadillo *client var helplocation string = "gopher://" var settings config.Config // func saveFileFromData(v gopher.View) error { // quickMessage("Saving file...", false) // urlsplit := strings.Split(v.Address.Full, "/") // filename := urlsplit[len(urlsplit)-1] // saveMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Saved file as %q", options["savelocation"]+filename) // err := ioutil.WriteFile(options["savelocation"]+filename, []byte(strings.Join(v.Content, "")), 0644) // if err != nil { // quickMessage("Saving file...", true) // return err // } // quickMessage(saveMsg, false) // return nil // } func saveConfig() error { bkmrks := bombadillo.BookMarks.IniDump() // TODO opts becomes a string builder rather than concat opts := "\n[SETTINGS]\n" for k, v := range bombadillo.Options { opts += k opts += "=" opts += v opts += "\n" } return ioutil.WriteFile(bombadillo.Options["configlocation"] + "/.bombadillo.ini", []byte(bkmrks+opts), 0644) } func loadConfig() error { file, err := os.Open(bombadillo.Options["configlocation"] + "/.bombadillo.ini") if err != nil { err = saveConfig() if err != nil { return err } } confparser := config.NewParser(file) settings, _ = confparser.Parse() file.Close() for _, v := range settings.Settings { lowerkey := strings.ToLower(v.Key) if lowerkey == "configlocation" { // The config should always be stored in home // folder. Users cannot really edit this value. // It is still stored in the ini and as a part // of the options map. continue } if _, ok := bombadillo.Options[lowerkey]; ok { bombadillo.Options[lowerkey] = v.Value } } for i, v := range settings.Bookmarks.Titles { bombadillo.BookMarks.Add([]string{v, settings.Bookmarks.Links[i]}) } return nil } func initClient() error { bombadillo = MakeClient(" ((( Bombadillo ))) ") cui.SetCharMode() err := loadConfig() return err } func main() { cui.HandleAlternateScreen("smcup") defer cui.Exit() err := initClient() if err != nil { // if we can't initialize we should bail out panic(err) } // TODO find out why the loading message // has disappeared on initial load... // Start polling for terminal size changes go bombadillo.GetSize() if len(os.Args) > 1 { // If a url was passed, move it down the line // Goroutine so keypresses can be made during // page load bombadillo.Visit(os.Args[1]) } else { // Otherwise, load the homeurl // Goroutine so keypresses can be made during // page load bombadillo.Visit(bombadillo.Options["homeurl"]) } // Loop indefinitely on user input for { bombadillo.TakeControlInput() } }