package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //------------------------------------------------\\ // + + + T Y P E S + + + \\ //--------------------------------------------------\\ type client struct { Height int Width int Options map[string]string Message string MessageIsErr bool PageState Pages BookMarks Bookmarks TopBar Headbar FootBar Footbar Certs gemini.TofuDigest } //------------------------------------------------\\ // + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\ //--------------------------------------------------\\ func (c *client) GetSizeOnce() { cmd := exec.Command("stty", "size") cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Fatal error: Unable to retrieve terminal size") os.Exit(5) } var h, w int fmt.Sscan(string(out), &h, &w) c.Height = h c.Width = w } func (c *client) GetSize() { c.GetSizeOnce() c.SetMessage("Loading...", false) c.Draw() for { cmd := exec.Command("stty", "size") cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Fatal error: Unable to retrieve terminal size") os.Exit(5) } var h, w int fmt.Sscan(string(out), &h, &w) if h != c.Height || w != c.Width { c.Height = h c.Width = w c.SetPercentRead() c.Draw() } time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) } } func (c *client) Draw() { var screen strings.Builder screen.Grow(c.Height*c.Width + c.Width) screen.WriteString("\033[0m") screen.WriteString(c.TopBar.Render(c.Width, c.Options["theme"])) screen.WriteString("\n") pageContent := c.PageState.Render(c.Height, c.Width-1) if c.Options["theme"] == "inverse" { screen.WriteString("\033[7m") } if c.BookMarks.IsOpen { bm := c.BookMarks.Render(c.Width, c.Height) bmWidth := len([]rune(bm[0])) for i := 0; i < c.Height-3; i++ { if c.Width > bmWidth { contentWidth := c.Width - bmWidth if i < len(pageContent) { screen.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%-*.*s", contentWidth, contentWidth, pageContent[i])) } else { screen.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%-*.*s", contentWidth, contentWidth, " ")) } screen.WriteString("\033[500C\033[39D") } if c.Options["theme"] == "inverse" && !c.BookMarks.IsFocused { screen.WriteString("\033[2;7m") } else if !c.BookMarks.IsFocused { screen.WriteString("\033[2m") } screen.WriteString(bm[i]) if c.Options["theme"] == "inverse" && !c.BookMarks.IsFocused { screen.WriteString("\033[7;22m") } else if !c.BookMarks.IsFocused { screen.WriteString("\033[0m") } screen.WriteString("\n") } } else { for i := 0; i < c.Height-3; i++ { if i < len(pageContent) { screen.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%-*.*s", c.Width, c.Width, pageContent[i])) screen.WriteString("\n") } else { screen.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%-*.*s", c.Width, c.Width, " ")) screen.WriteString("\n") } } } screen.WriteString("\033[0m") // TODO using message here breaks on resize, must regenerate screen.WriteString(c.RenderMessage()) screen.WriteString("\n") // for the input line screen.WriteString(c.FootBar.Render(c.Width, c.PageState.Position, c.Options["theme"])) // cui.Clear("screen") cui.MoveCursorTo(0, 0) fmt.Print(screen.String()) } func (c *client) TakeControlInput() { input := cui.Getch() switch input { case 'j', 'J': // scroll down one line c.ClearMessage() c.Scroll(1) case 'k', 'K': // scroll up one line c.ClearMessage() c.Scroll(-1) case 'q', 'Q': // quit bombadillo cui.Exit() case 'g': // scroll to top c.ClearMessage() c.Scroll(-len(c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].WrappedContent)) case 'G': // scroll to bottom c.ClearMessage() c.Scroll(len(c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].WrappedContent)) case 'd': // scroll down 75% c.ClearMessage() distance := c.Height - c.Height/4 c.Scroll(distance) case 'u': // scroll up 75% c.ClearMessage() distance := c.Height - c.Height/4 c.Scroll(-distance) case 'b': // go back c.ClearMessage() err := c.PageState.NavigateHistory(-1) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetHeaderUrl() c.SetPercentRead() c.Draw() } case 'R': c.ClearMessage() err := c.ReloadPage() if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.Draw() } case 'B': // open the bookmarks browser c.BookMarks.ToggleOpen() c.Draw() case 'f', 'F': // go forward c.ClearMessage() err := c.PageState.NavigateHistory(1) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetHeaderUrl() c.SetPercentRead() c.Draw() } case '\t': // Toggle bookmark browser focus on/off c.BookMarks.ToggleFocused() c.Draw() case ':', ' ': // Process a command c.ClearMessage() c.ClearMessageLine() if c.Options["theme"] == "normal" { fmt.Printf("\033[7m%*.*s\r", c.Width, c.Width, "") } entry, err := cui.GetLine() c.ClearMessageLine() if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() break } else if strings.TrimSpace(entry) == "" { c.DrawMessage() break } parser := cmdparse.NewParser(strings.NewReader(entry)) p, err := parser.Parse() if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() } else { err := c.routeCommandInput(p) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.Draw() } } } } func (c *client) routeCommandInput(com *cmdparse.Command) error { var err error switch com.Type { case cmdparse.SIMPLE: c.simpleCommand(com.Action) case cmdparse.GOURL: c.goToURL(com.Target) case cmdparse.GOLINK: c.goToLink(com.Target) case cmdparse.DO: c.doCommand(com.Action, com.Value) case cmdparse.DOLINK: c.doLinkCommand(com.Action, com.Target) case cmdparse.DOAS: c.doCommandAs(com.Action, com.Value) case cmdparse.DOLINKAS: c.doLinkCommandAs(com.Action, com.Target, com.Value) default: return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command entry!") } return err } func (c *client) simpleCommand(action string) { action = strings.ToUpper(action) switch action { case "Q", "QUIT": cui.Exit() case "H", "HOME": if c.Options["homeurl"] != "unset" { go c.Visit(c.Options["homeurl"]) } else { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("No home address has been set"), false) c.DrawMessage() } case "B", "BOOKMARKS": c.BookMarks.ToggleOpen() c.Draw() case "R", "RELOAD": c.ClearMessage() err := c.ReloadPage() if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.Draw() } case "SEARCH":"", "", "?") case "HELP", "?": go c.Visit(helplocation) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %q", action), true) c.DrawMessage() } } func (c *client) doCommand(action string, values []string) { if length := len(values); length != 1 { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected 1 argument, received %d", len(values)), true) c.DrawMessage() return } switch action { case "CHECK", "C": c.displayConfigValue(values[0]) case "PURGE", "P": err := c.Certs.Purge(values[0]) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } if values[0] == "*" { c.SetMessage("All certificates have been purged", false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("The certificate for %q has been purged", strings.ToLower(values[0])), false) c.DrawMessage() } err = saveConfig() if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error saving purge to file", true) c.DrawMessage() } case "SEARCH":[0], "", "") case "WRITE", "W": if values[0] == "." { values[0] = c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full } u, err := MakeUrl(values[0]) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } fns := strings.Split(u.Resource, "/") var fn string if len(fns) > 0 { fn = strings.Trim(fns[len(fns)-1], "\t\r\n \a\f\v") } else { fn = "index" } if fn == "" { fn = "index" } c.saveFile(u, fn) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %q", action), true) c.DrawMessage() } } func (c *client) doCommandAs(action string, values []string) { if len(values) < 2 { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected 2+ arguments, received %d", len(values)), true) c.DrawMessage() return } if values[0] == "." { values[0] = c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full } switch action { case "ADD", "A": msg, err := c.BookMarks.Add(values) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.SetMessage(msg, false) c.DrawMessage() err = saveConfig() if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error saving bookmark to file", true) c.DrawMessage() } if c.BookMarks.IsOpen { c.Draw() } case "SEARCH":, " "), "", "") case "SET", "S": if _, ok := c.Options[values[0]]; ok { val := strings.Join(values[1:], " ") if !validateOpt(values[0], val) { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid setting for %q", values[0]), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.Options[values[0]] = lowerCaseOpt(values[0], val) if values[0] == "tlskey" || values[0] == "tlscertificate" { c.Certs.LoadCertificate(c.Options["tlscertificate"], c.Options["tlskey"]) } err := saveConfig() if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Value set, but error saving config to file", true) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s is now set to %q", values[0], c.Options[values[0]]), false) c.Draw() } return } c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to set %s, it does not exist", values[0]), true) c.DrawMessage() default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown command structure"), true) } } func (c *client) doLinkCommandAs(action, target string, values []string) { num, err := strconv.Atoi(target) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected link number, got %q", target), true) c.DrawMessage() return } num-- links := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links if num >= len(links) || num < 0 { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", target), true) c.DrawMessage() return } switch action { case "ADD", "A": bm := make([]string, 0, 5) bm = append(bm, links[num]) bm = append(bm, values...) msg, err := c.BookMarks.Add(bm) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.SetMessage(msg, false) c.DrawMessage() err = saveConfig() if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error saving bookmark to file", true) c.DrawMessage() } if c.BookMarks.IsOpen { c.Draw() } case "WRITE", "W": out := make([]string, 0, len(values)+1) out = append(out, links[num]) out = append(out, values...) c.doCommandAs(action, out) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown command structure"), true) } } func (c *client) getCurrentPageUrl() (string, error) { if c.PageState.Length < 1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("There are no pages in history") } return c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full, nil } func (c *client) getCurrentPageRawData() (string, error) { if c.PageState.Length < 1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("There are no pages in history") } return c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].RawContent, nil } func (c *client) saveFile(u Url, name string) { var file []byte var err error c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Saving %s ...", name), false) c.DrawMessage() switch u.Scheme { case "gopher": file, err = gopher.Retrieve(u.Host, u.Port, u.Resource) case "gemini": file, err = gemini.Fetch(u.Host, u.Port, u.Resource, &c.Certs) case "http", "https": file, err = http.Fetch(u.Full) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Saving files over %s is not supported", u.Scheme), true) c.DrawMessage() return } if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } // We are ignoring the error here since WriteFile will // generate the same error, and will handle the messaging savePath, _ := findAvailableFileName(c.Options["savelocation"], name) err = ioutil.WriteFile(savePath, file, 0644) if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error writing file: "+err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("File saved to: %s", savePath), false) c.DrawMessage() } func (c *client) saveFileFromData(d, name string) { data := []byte(d) c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Saving %s ...", name), false) c.DrawMessage() // We are ignoring the error here since WriteFile will // generate the same error, and will handle the messaging savePath, _ := findAvailableFileName(c.Options["savelocation"], name) err := ioutil.WriteFile(savePath, data, 0644) if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error writing file: "+err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("File saved to: %s", savePath), false) c.DrawMessage() } func (c *client) doLinkCommand(action, target string) { num, err := strconv.Atoi(target) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected number, got %q", target), true) c.DrawMessage() } switch action { case "DELETE", "D": msg, err := c.BookMarks.Delete(num) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.SetMessage(msg, false) c.DrawMessage() err = saveConfig() if err != nil { c.SetMessage("Error saving bookmark deletion to file", true) c.DrawMessage() } if c.BookMarks.IsOpen { c.Draw() } case "BOOKMARKS", "B": if num > len(c.BookMarks.Links)-1 { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("There is no bookmark with ID %d", num), true) c.DrawMessage() return } c.Visit(c.BookMarks.Links[num]) case "CHECK", "C": num-- links := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links if num >= len(links) || num < 0 { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", target), true) c.DrawMessage() return } link := links[num] c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("[%d] %s", num+1, link), false) c.DrawMessage() case "WRITE", "W": links := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links if len(links) < num || num < 1 { c.SetMessage("Invalid link ID", true) c.DrawMessage() return } u, err := MakeUrl(links[num-1]) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } fns := strings.Split(u.Resource, "/") var fn string if len(fns) > 0 { fn = strings.Trim(fns[len(fns)-1], "\t\r\n \a\f\v") } else { fn = "index" } if fn == "" { fn = "index" } c.saveFile(u, fn) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Action %q does not exist for target %q", action, target), true) c.DrawMessage() } } func (c *client) search(query, url, question string) { var entry string var err error if query == "" { c.ClearMessage() c.ClearMessageLine() if c.Options["theme"] == "normal" { fmt.Printf("\033[7m%*.*s\r", c.Width, c.Width, "") } fmt.Print(question) entry, err = cui.GetLine() c.ClearMessageLine() if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } else if strings.TrimSpace(entry) == "" { return } } else { entry = query } if url == "" { url = c.Options["searchengine"] } u, err := MakeUrl(url) if err != nil { c.SetMessage("The search url is not a valid url", true) c.DrawMessage() return } switch u.Scheme { case "gopher": go c.Visit(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", u.Full, entry)) case "gemini": // TODO url escape the entry variable escapedEntry := entry go c.Visit(fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", u.Full, escapedEntry)) case "http", "https": c.Visit(u.Full) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a supported protocol", u.Scheme), true) c.DrawMessage() } } func (c *client) Scroll(amount int) { if c.BookMarks.IsFocused { bottom := len(c.BookMarks.Titles) - c.Height + 5 // 3 for the three bars: top, msg, bottom if amount < 0 && c.BookMarks.Position == 0 { c.SetMessage("The bookmark ladder does not go up any further", false) c.DrawMessage() fmt.Print("\a") return } else if (amount > 0 && c.BookMarks.Position == bottom) || bottom < 0 { c.SetMessage("Feel the ground beneath your bookmarks", false) c.DrawMessage() fmt.Print("\a") return } newScrollPosition := c.BookMarks.Position + amount if newScrollPosition < 0 { newScrollPosition = 0 } else if newScrollPosition > bottom { newScrollPosition = bottom } c.BookMarks.Position = newScrollPosition } else { var percentRead int page := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position] bottom := len(page.WrappedContent) - c.Height + 3 // 3 for the three bars: top, msg, bottom if amount < 0 && page.ScrollPosition == 0 { c.SetMessage("You are already at the top", false) c.DrawMessage() fmt.Print("\a") return } else if (amount > 0 && page.ScrollPosition == bottom) || bottom < 0 { c.FootBar.SetPercentRead(100) c.SetMessage("You are already at the bottom", false) c.DrawMessage() fmt.Print("\a") return } newScrollPosition := page.ScrollPosition + amount if newScrollPosition < 0 { newScrollPosition = 0 } else if newScrollPosition > bottom { newScrollPosition = bottom } c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].ScrollPosition = newScrollPosition if len(page.WrappedContent) < c.Height-3 { percentRead = 100 } else { percentRead = int(float32(newScrollPosition+c.Height-3) / float32(len(page.WrappedContent)) * 100.0) } c.FootBar.SetPercentRead(percentRead) } c.Draw() } func (c *client) ReloadPage() error { if c.PageState.Length < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("There is no page to reload") } url := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full err := c.PageState.NavigateHistory(-1) if err != nil { return err } length := c.PageState.Length c.Visit(url) c.PageState.Length = length return nil } func (c *client) SetPercentRead() { page := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position] var percentRead int if len(page.WrappedContent) < c.Height-3 { percentRead = 100 } else { percentRead = int(float32(page.ScrollPosition+c.Height-3) / float32(len(page.WrappedContent)) * 100.0) } c.FootBar.SetPercentRead(percentRead) } func (c *client) displayConfigValue(setting string) { if val, ok := c.Options[setting]; ok { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s is set to: %q", setting, val), false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid: %q does not exist", setting), true) c.DrawMessage() } } func (c *client) SetMessage(msg string, isError bool) { c.MessageIsErr = isError c.Message = strings.Replace(msg, "\t", "%09", -1) } func (c *client) DrawMessage() { cui.MoveCursorTo(c.Height-1, 0) fmt.Print(c.RenderMessage()) } func (c *client) RenderMessage() string { leadIn, leadOut := "", "" if c.Options["theme"] == "normal" { leadIn = "\033[7m" leadOut = "\033[0m" } if c.MessageIsErr { leadIn = "\033[31;1m" leadOut = "\033[0m" if c.Options["theme"] == "normal" { leadIn = "\033[41;1;7m" } } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%-*.*s%s", leadIn, c.Width, c.Width, c.Message, leadOut) } func (c *client) ClearMessage() { c.SetMessage("", false) } func (c *client) ClearMessageLine() { cui.MoveCursorTo(c.Height-1, 0) cui.Clear("line") } func (c *client) goToURL(u string) { if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+.?\d*$`, u); num { c.goToLink(u) return } go c.Visit(u) } func (c *client) goToLink(l string) { if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+$`, l); num && c.PageState.Length > 0 { linkcount := len(c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links) item, err := strconv.Atoi(l) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", l), true) c.DrawMessage() return } if item <= linkcount && item > 0 { linkurl := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links[item-1] c.Visit(linkurl) } else { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", l), true) c.DrawMessage() return } } } func (c *client) SetHeaderUrl() { if c.PageState.Length > 0 { u := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full c.TopBar.url = strings.Replace(u, "\t", "%09", -1) } else { c.TopBar.url = "" } } // Visit functions as a controller/router to the // appropriate protocol handler func (c *client) Visit(url string) { c.SetMessage("Loading...", false) c.DrawMessage() url = strings.Replace(url, "%09", "\t", -1) u, err := MakeUrl(url) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } switch u.Scheme { case "gopher": c.handleGopher(u) case "gemini": c.handleGemini(u) case "telnet": c.handleTelnet(u) case "http", "https": c.handleWeb(u) case "local": c.handleLocal(u) case "finger": c.handleFinger(u) default: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a supported protocol", u.Scheme), true) c.DrawMessage() } } // +++ Begin Protocol Handlers +++ func (c *client) handleGopher(u Url) { if u.DownloadOnly { nameSplit := strings.Split(u.Resource, "/") filename := nameSplit[len(nameSplit)-1] filename = strings.Trim(filename, " \t\r\n\v\f\a") if filename == "" { filename = "gopherfile" } c.saveFile(u, filename) } else if u.Mime == "7" {"", u.Full, "?") } else { content, links, err := gopher.Visit(u.Mime, u.Host, u.Port, u.Resource) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } pg := MakePage(u, content, links) pg.WrapContent(c.Width - 1) c.PageState.Add(pg) c.SetPercentRead() c.ClearMessage() c.SetHeaderUrl() c.Draw() } } func (c *client) handleGemini(u Url) { capsule, err := gemini.Visit(u.Host, u.Port, u.Resource, &c.Certs) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } go saveConfig() switch capsule.Status { case 1:"", u.Full, capsule.Content) case 2: if capsule.MimeMaj == "text" { pg := MakePage(u, capsule.Content, capsule.Links) pg.WrapContent(c.Width - 1) c.PageState.Add(pg) c.SetPercentRead() c.ClearMessage() c.SetHeaderUrl() c.Draw() } else { c.SetMessage("The file is non-text: writing to disk...", false) c.DrawMessage() nameSplit := strings.Split(u.Resource, "/") filename := nameSplit[len(nameSplit)-1] c.saveFileFromData(capsule.Content, filename) } case 3: c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Follow redirect (y/n): %s?", capsule.Content), false) c.DrawMessage() ch := cui.Getch() if ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y' { c.Visit(capsule.Content) } else { c.SetMessage("Redirect aborted", false) c.DrawMessage() } } } func (c *client) handleTelnet(u Url) { c.SetMessage("Attempting to start telnet session", false) c.DrawMessage() msg, err := telnet.StartSession(u.Host, u.Port) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetMessage(msg, true) c.DrawMessage() } c.Draw() } func (c *client) handleLocal(u Url) { content, err := local.Open(u.Resource) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } pg := MakePage(u, content, []string{}) pg.WrapContent(c.Width - 1) c.PageState.Add(pg) c.SetPercentRead() c.ClearMessage() c.SetHeaderUrl() c.Draw() } func (c *client) handleFinger(u Url) { content, err := finger.Finger(u.Host, u.Port, u.Resource) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) c.DrawMessage() return } pg := MakePage(u, content, []string{}) pg.WrapContent(c.Width - 1) c.PageState.Add(pg) c.SetPercentRead() c.ClearMessage() c.SetHeaderUrl() c.Draw() } func (c *client) handleWeb(u Url) { // Following http is disabled if strings.ToUpper(c.Options["openhttp"]) != "TRUE" { c.SetMessage("'openhttp' is not set to true, cannot open web link", false) c.DrawMessage() return } // Use lynxmode if strings.ToUpper(c.Options["lynxmode"]) == "TRUE" { if http.IsTextFile(u.Full) { page, err := http.Visit(u.Full, c.Width-1) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Lynx error: %s", err.Error()), true) c.DrawMessage() return } pg := MakePage(u, page.Content, page.Links) pg.WrapContent(c.Width - 1) c.PageState.Add(pg) c.SetPercentRead() c.ClearMessage() c.SetHeaderUrl() c.Draw() } else { c.SetMessage("The file is non-text: writing to disk...", false) c.DrawMessage() var fn string if i := strings.LastIndex(u.Full, "/"); i > 0 && i+1 < len(u.Full) { fn = u.Full[i+1:] } else { fn = "" } c.saveFile(u, fn) } // Open in default web browser if available } else { if strings.ToUpper(c.Options["terminalonly"]) == "TRUE" { c.SetMessage("'terminalonly' is set to true and 'lynxmode' is not enabled, cannot open web link", false) c.DrawMessage() } else { c.SetMessage("Attempting to open in web browser", false) c.DrawMessage() msg, err := http.OpenInBrowser(u.Full) if err != nil { c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true) } else { c.SetMessage(msg, false) } c.DrawMessage() } } } //------------------------------------------------\\ // + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\ //--------------------------------------------------\\ // Creates a client instance and names the client after the string that is passed in func MakeClient(name string) *client { c := client{0, 0, defaultOptions, "", false, MakePages(), MakeBookmarks(), MakeHeadbar(name), MakeFootbar(), gemini.MakeTofuDigest()} return &c } func findAvailableFileName(fpath, fname string) (string, error) { savePath := filepath.Join(fpath, fname) _, fileErr := os.Stat(savePath) for suffix := 1; fileErr == nil; suffix++ { fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", fname, suffix) savePath = filepath.Join(fpath, fn) _, fileErr = os.Stat(savePath) if !os.IsNotExist(fileErr) && fileErr != nil { return savePath, fileErr } } return savePath, nil }