package cui import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "strings" ) var Shapes = map[string]string{ "walll": "╎", "wallr": " ", "ceiling": " ", "floor": " ", "tl": "╎", "tr": " ", "bl": "╎", "br": " ", "awalll": "▌", "awallr": "▐", "aceiling": "▀", "afloor": "▄", "atl": "▞", "atr": "▜", "abl": "▚", "abr": "▟", } func drawShape(shape string) { if val, ok := Shapes[shape]; ok { fmt.Printf("%s", val) } else { fmt.Print("x") } } func moveThenDrawShape(r, c int, s string) { MoveCursorTo(r, c) drawShape(s) } func MoveCursorTo(row, col int) { fmt.Printf("\033[%d;%dH", row, col) } func moveCursorToward(dir string, amount int) { directions := map[string]string{ "up": "A", "down": "B", "left": "D", "right": "C", } if val, ok := directions[dir]; ok { fmt.Printf("\033[%d%s", amount, val) } } func Exit() { moveCursorToward("down", 500) moveCursorToward("right", 500) SetLineMode() fmt.Print("\n") fmt.Print("\033[?25h") HandleAlternateScreen("smam") HandleAlternateScreen("rmcup") os.Exit(0) } func Clear(dir string) { directions := map[string]string{ "up": "\033[1J", "down": "\033[0J", "left": "\033[1K", "right": "\033[0K", "line": "\033[2K", "screen": "\033[2J", } if val, ok := directions[dir]; ok { fmt.Print(val) } } // takes the document content (as a slice) and modifies any lines that are longer // than the specified console width, splitting them over two lines. returns the // amended document content as a slice. func wrapLines(s []string, consolewidth int) []string { // TODO redo this so that it returns a string and can hard and // soft wrap. It will use parsing to go char by char. CUI should // set tabs to 4 on screen init. Multispace chars should be detected // tab spacing should be detected using % to see where the next tab stop // is. Use a counter as building the sub buffer. len returns num of bytes // be sure to get num of chars instead: len([]rune("a")). indent := " " //11 spaces out := []string{} for _, ln := range s { if len(ln) <= consolewidth { out = append(out, ln) } else { words := strings.Split(ln, " ") var subout bytes.Buffer for i, wd := range words { sublen := subout.Len() if sublen+len(wd)+1 <= consolewidth { //if line was indented, reinsert indent if i == 11 && sublen == 0 { subout.WriteString(indent) } if sublen > 0 { subout.WriteString(" ") } subout.WriteString(wd) if i == len(words)-1 { out = append(out, subout.String()) } } else { out = append(out, subout.String()) subout.Reset() subout.WriteString(indent + wd) if i == len(words)-1 { out = append(out, subout.String()) subout.Reset() } } } } } return out } func Getch() rune { reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) char, _, err := reader.ReadRune() if err != nil { return '@' } return char } func GetLine() (string, error) { SetLineMode() reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) fmt.Print(": ") text, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { return "", err } SetCharMode() return text[:len(text)-1], nil } func SetCharMode() { cmd := exec.Command("stty", "cbreak", "-echo") cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Print("\033[?25l") } func SetLineMode() { cmd := exec.Command("stty", "-cbreak", "echo") cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { panic(err) } } func HandleAlternateScreen(opt string) { cmd := exec.Command("tput", opt) cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout // explicitly ignoring the error here as // the alternate screen is an optional feature // that may not be available everywhere we expect // to run _ = cmd.Run() }