
88 lines
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package gopher
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
// The url struct represents a URL for the rest of the system.
// It includes component parts as well as a full URL string.
type Url struct {
Scheme string
Host string
Port string
Gophertype string
Resource string
Full string
IsBinary bool
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
// MakeUrl is a Url constructor that takes in a string
// representation of a url and returns a Url struct and
// an error (or nil).
func MakeUrl(u string) (Url, error) {
var out Url
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^((?P<scheme>gopher|http|https|ftp|telnet):\/\/)?(?P<host>[\w\-\.\d]+)(?::(?P<port>\d+)?)?(?:/(?P<type>[01345679gIhisp])?)?(?P<resource>(?:[\/|Uu].*)?)?$`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(u)
if valid := re.MatchString(u); valid != true {
return out, errors.New("Invalid URL or command character")
for i, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
switch name {
case "scheme":
out.Scheme = match[i]
case "host":
out.Host = match[i]
case "port":
out.Port = match[i]
case "type":
out.Gophertype = match[i]
case "resource":
out.Resource = match[i]
if out.Scheme == "" {
out.Scheme = "gopher"
if out.Host == "" {
return out, errors.New("No host.")
if out.Scheme == "gopher" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "70"
} else if out.Scheme == "http" || out.Scheme == "https" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "80"
if out.Gophertype == "" && (out.Resource == "" || out.Resource == "/") {
out.Gophertype = "1"
switch out.Gophertype {
case "1", "0", "h", "7":
out.IsBinary = false
out.IsBinary = true
if out.Scheme == "gopher" && out.Gophertype == "" {
out.Gophertype = "0"
out.Full = out.Scheme + "://" + out.Host + ":" + out.Port + "/" + out.Gophertype + out.Resource
return out, nil