#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Chalk: A line mode text editor # by Brian Evans # You may copy or modify at will for profit or not so long # as any usage is attributed and it released with these same # provisions #_ import sys import os import subprocess import re import readline class c: black = '' red = '\033[0;31m' b_red = '\033[1;31m' yellow = '\033[1;33m' green = '\033[0;32m' b_green = '\033[1;32m' cyan = '\033[0;36m' b_cyan = '\033[1;36m' purple = '\033[1;35m' blue = '\033[0;34m' b_blue = '\033[1;34m' white = '\033[1;37m' end = '\033[0m' def input_editable(prompt, prefill=''): readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill)) try: return input(prompt) finally: readline.set_startup_hook() def validate_filename(filename): if re.match(r'^[\w.\-]{1,100}', filename): return True return False def validate_path(path): if not path[0] in ['.','~','/']: path = './{}'.format(path) temp = path.split('/') temp.pop() temp = '/'.join(temp) loc = subprocess.run(['ls',temp], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if loc.returncode > 0: return False if temp[-1] == '/': temp = temp[:-1] if filepath: temp = temp + '/' + path.split('/')[-1] return temp def chalk(path): fn = path.split('/')[-1] valid_fn = validate_filename(fn) if not valid_fn: print('Invalid filename') sys.exit(2) valid_path = validate_path(path) if not valid_path: print('Invalid path') sys.exit(2) header = "{:7} 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65\n{:7} ....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|".format(' ',' ') helptext = [ "", "{}Commands are entered as the only entry for their row:{}".format(c.yellow, c.end), " {}.{} - Finish writing/exit, will prompt for save".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!?{} - Print this help message".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!d{} - Display the contents of the file".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!v{} - View lines, prompt will request a range of lines".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!#{} - Rewrite a line, # is replaced by line number e.g. !27".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!x{} - Delete line(s), prompt will request line or range".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!i{} - Insert line(s), prompt will request start point and optional quantity".format(c.b_green, c.end), " {}!g{} - Print the ruler/guide".format(c.b_green, c.end), "" ] content = [] if os.path.exists(valid_path): with open(valid_path,'r') as f: content = f.read().split('\n') print('\n Chalk 0.8 by sloum') print('\n{} Writing:{} {}{}'.format(c.yellow, c.white, fn, c.end)) print(" For a command list, enter {}!?\n{}".format(c.green, c.end)) print(header) while True: ln = input('{:6} {}>{} '.format(len(content), c.yellow, c.end)) if ln == '.': break elif ln == '!?': print('') for x in helptext: print('{:8} {}'.format(' ',x)) print('') print(header) elif ln == '!g': print('') print(header) elif ln == '!d': print('') for i, x in enumerate(content): print('{:6} - {}{}{}'.format(i, c.green, x, c.end)) print('') print(header) elif ln == '!x': print('\n{:8} {}Enter line to delete, for a range enter the start and\n{:8} end separated by a space. To cancel, enter -1.\n{:8} Deletion cannot be undone. Be careful.{}'.format(' ', c.cyan, ' ', ' ', c.end)) delete = input('{:6} {}>{} '.format(' ', c.b_red, c.end)) entry = delete.split(' ') try: beg = int(entry[0]) end = beg + 1 if len(entry) > 1: end = int(entry[1]) + 1 if beg < 0: continue content = content[:beg] + content[end:] except: print('{}{:8} Invalid entry{}'.format(c.red, ' ', c.end)) print('') elif ln == '!i': print('\n{:8} {}Enter the line number that you want the new line(s) to\n{:8} appear after.To insert multiple lines enter the starting\n{:8} point and the number of lines separated by a space.\n{:8}To cancel, enter -1{}'.format(' ', c.cyan,' ', ' ', ' ', c.end)) insert = input('{:6} {}>{} '.format(' ', c.b_green, c.end)) entry = insert.split(' ') try: beg = int(entry[0]) + 1 count = 1 if len(entry) > 1: count = int(entry[1]) if beg < 0 or count < 1: continue while count > 0: content.insert(beg,'') count -= 1 except: print('{}{:8} Invalid entry{}'.format(c.red, ' ', c.end)) print('') elif ln == '!v': print('\n{:8} {}Enter the start & end, separated by a space, to indicate\n{:8} the range you wish to view. To cancel, enter: -1{}'.format(' ', c.cyan, ' ', c.end)) view = input('{:6} {}>{}'.format(' ', c.yellow, c.end)) entry = view.split(' ') try: beg = int(entry[0]) if beg < 0: continue if len(entry) < 2 or beg > int(entry[1]): print('{}{:8} Invalid entry, must provide two numbers separated by a space{}'.format(c.red, ' ', c.end)) continue end = int(entry[1]) end = end if end < len(content) else len(content) - 1 if beg > end: print('{}{:8} Invalid entry, start position must be less than end position.{}'.format(c.red, ' ', c.end)) continue else: for x in range(beg, end + 1): print('{:6} - {}{}{}'.format(x, c.green, content[x], c.end)) print('') print(header) except: print('{}{:8} Invalid entry{}'.format(c.red, ' ', c.end)) elif re.match(r'^\!\d+$',ln): try: row = int(ln[1:]) newln = input_editable('{:6} {}>{} '.format(row, c.b_blue, c.end), content[row]) if newln == '!c': print('{:8} Cancelled...'.format(' ')) else: content[row] = newln except: print('{}{:8} Invalid entry!{}'.format(c.b_red, ' ', c.end)) print('') print(header) else: content.append(ln) confirmation = '' while confirmation.lower() not in ['y','yes','n','no']: confirmation = input('{}Save {}?{} (Y/n) '.format(c.b_green, fn, c.end)) if not len(confirmation): continue if confirmation.lower()[0] == 'y': print('{}saving...{}'.format(c.white, c.end)) text = '\n'.join(content) try: with open(valid_path, 'w') as f: f.write(text) print('Done.\n') except: print('{} You do not have permission to write to this file.{}'.format(c.red, c.end)) else: print('{}exiting...{}\n'.format(c.white, c.end)) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv if len(args) < 2: print('Incorrect number of arguments.') sys.exit(1) filepath = args[1] chalk(filepath)