
329 lines
8.4 KiB

Copyright (C) 2023 Brian Evans (aka sloum). All rights reserved.
This source code is available under the terms of the ffsl, or,
Floodgap Free Software License. A copy of the license has been
provided as the file 'LICENSE' in the same folder as this source
code file. If for some reason it is not present, you can find the
terms of version 1 of the FFSL at the following URL:
package main
import (
Ditch these vars and use a stack. If there is a
close to a scope that function (eatIf, etc) can
check that the top value on the stack is of that
sort. If not, it is an error. `parse` should be
adjusted to return `([]token, error)`
Alternately, keep the vars, but update parse to
return an error so that a go stackdump does not
occur and panic does not need to be used
var (
ifDepth int
whileDepth int
listDepth int
tryDepth int
dictDepth int
procDepth int
func parse(r *tokenReader) ([]token, error) {
out := make([]token, 0, len(r.tokens))
var err error
for {
var t token
t, err = r.Read()
if err != nil {
err = nil
switch t.kind {
case END:
return out, nil
if listDepth == 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Token `]` found outside of a list (Line %d of %s)", t.line, t.file)
return out, nil
list, err := eatList(r, t.line, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, list)
case RCURLY:
if dictDepth == 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Token `}` found outside of a dict (Line %d of %s)", t.line, t.file)
// TODO out will not work here
return out, nil
case LCURLY:
dict, err := eatDict(r, t.line, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
// TODO out will not work here
out = append(out, dict)
if t.val.(string) == "docstring!" {
out = append(out, t)
var t2 token
t2, err = r.Read()
if err != nil {
break Loop
out = append(out, t2)
} else if t.val.(string) == "proc" {
pt, err := eatProcedure(r, t.line, false, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, pt)
} else if t.val.(string) == "proc!" {
pt, err := eatProcedure(r, t.line, true, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, pt)
} else if t.val.(string) == "break" {
if whileDepth <= 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("`break` found outside of `while`/`dowhile` ... `.` construct (Line %d of %s)", t.line, t.file)
out = append(out, t)
} else if t.val.(string) == "catch" {
if tryDepth <= 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("`catch` found outside of `try` ... `.` construct (Line %d of %s)", t.line, t.file)
out = append(out, t)
return out, nil
} else if t.val.(string) == "else" {
if ifDepth <= 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("`else` found outside of `if` .. `.` construct on line %d of %s", t.line, t.file)
out = append(out, t)
return out, nil
} else if t.val.(string) == "if" {
it, err := eatIf(r, t.line, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, it)
} else if t.val.(string) == "while" {
wt, err := eatWhile(r, t.line, false, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, wt)
} else if t.val.(string) == "dowhile" {
wt, err := eatWhile(r, t.line, true, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, err
out = append(out, wt)
} else if t.val.(string) == "try" {
tt, err := eatTry(r, t.line, t.file)
if err != nil {
return []token{}, nil
out = append(out, tt)
} else {
out = append(out, t)
out = append(out, t)
if debug {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARN │ Line %d\n │ docstring found outside of proc body\n", t.line)
if debug {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARN │ Line %d\n │ Unimplemented type found: %s\n", kindToString(t.kind))
out = append(out, t)
if ifDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing `if`")
if whileDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing `while` or `dowhile`")
if listDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing LIST literal")
if dictDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing DICT literal")
if tryDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing `try`/`catch`")
if procDepth > 0 {
return []token{}, fmt.Errorf("Reached parser EOF without closing `proc` or `proc!`")
return out, err
func eatList(r *tokenReader, line int, f string) (token, error) {
l := list{}
var err error
l.body, err = parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
tok := token{LIST, l, line, f}
return tok, nil
func eatDict(r *tokenReader, line int, f string) (token, error) {
d := NewDict()
tokens, err := parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
// Loop over and have evens be keys and odds be vals
var k string
onKey := true
for _, t := range tokens {
if onKey {
if t.kind == STRING {
k = t.val.(string)
} else {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("Non-string key found, %s, while parsing DICT on line %d of %s", toString(t, true), t.line, t.file)
} else {
d.body[k] = t
onKey = !onKey
if !onKey {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("Unbalanced DICT declaration (a key with no value) while parsing DICT on line %d of %s", line, f)
return token{DICT, d, line, f}, nil
func eatIf(r *tokenReader, line int, f string) (token, error) {
i := condIf{}
truthy, err := parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
if len(truthy) != 0 {
last := truthy[len(truthy)-1]
if last.kind == KEYWORD && last.val.(string) == "else" {
i.hasFalseBranch = true
truthy = truthy[:len(truthy)-1]
i.falsy, err = parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
last := i.falsy[len(i.falsy)-1]
if last.kind == KEYWORD && last.val.(string) == "else" {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("Extra call to `else` found on line %d of %s", last.line, f)
i.truthy = truthy
return token{IF, i, line, f}, nil
func eatTry(r *tokenReader, line int, f string) (token, error) {
t := try{}
main, err := parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
if len(main) != 0 {
last := main[len(main)-1]
if last.kind == KEYWORD && last.val.(string) == "catch" {
main = main[:len(main)-1]
t.catch, err = parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
last := t.catch[len(t.catch)-1]
if last.kind == KEYWORD && last.val.(string) == "catch" {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("Extra call to `catch` found on line %d of %s", last.line, f)
} else {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("`try` with no `catch` found on line %d of %s", line, f)
t.try = main
return token{TRY, t, line, f}, nil
func eatWhile(r *tokenReader, line int, doWhile bool, f string) (token, error) {
w := while{}
w.doWhile = doWhile
var err error
w.body, err = parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
return token{WHILE, w, line, f}, nil
func eatProcedure(r *tokenReader, line int, hasArg bool, f string) (token, error) {
p := proc{}
name, err := r.Read()
if name.kind != SYMBOL || err != nil {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("proc expected a name on line %d of %s", name.line, f)
p.name = name.val.(string)
if hasArg && !strings.HasSuffix(p.name, "!") {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("proc! was passed a name (%q) that does not end with a '!' on line %d of %s", p.name, name.line, f)
} else if !hasArg && strings.HasSuffix(p.name, "!") {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("proc was passed a name (%q) that ends with a '!' on line %d of %s", p.name, name.line, f)
doc, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("eof reached without closing of procedure near line %d of %s", line, f)
} else if doc.kind == DOCSTRING {
p.doc = doc.val.(string)
} else {
body, err := parse(r)
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
p.hasArg = hasArg
p.body = body
return token{PROC, p, line, f}, nil
func resetParseCounters() {
ifDepth = 0
whileDepth = 0
listDepth = 0
tryDepth = 0
dictDepth = 0
procDepth = 0