# This filter demonstrates ways to use existing pixel data by setting the color via the GET command # and then using it with APY. It also uses mode switching and non-pixel data set by calls to COL. # # License note: # This example file is public domain and was written by sloum (The "Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0" # that covers the software does not apply to works _created_ by the software, only to the software itself # and variations thereupon or services provided related to said software. Any filters you, the user, create # may be covered under any license you like so long as the core filtress software is not used against its # license. All example filters provided with filtress are released as public domain. RG1 WID RG1 /2 RG2 HIG RG2 /2 # Create sample in paralellagram shape LOC RG1:RG2 LOC +50:-50 BEG 100 LOC -129:+1 BEG 130 GET LOC +150:+150 APY LOC -150:-150 LOC +1:+0 END END LOC 50:37 # Create vertical lines throughout MOD 0 BEG 50 LOC +50:*73 BEG 2 LOC +1:+0 GET APY +0:+RG2 END END # Create transparent red bar at top MOD 1 LOC 0:0 COL 240:50:50:240 RG1 HIG RG1 /10 APY +WID:+RG1 # Create noise underneath red bar MOD 0 LOC +5:+1 BEG 50 LOC *9:+2 GET LOC +0:+RG1 BEG 50 LOC +37:+0 APY +1:+1 END LOC +0:-RG1 END #Add dark bars LOC 0:0 MOD 1 COL 0:0:0:240 RG1 7 BEG 5 LOC +0:+113 APY +WID:+RG1 RG1 *2 END