/* If file is unsaved, you will have to press * Ctrl-q the number of times indicated here * to quit without saving */ #define UNSAVED_QUIT_COUNT 1 // Set global tab width for the editor here static const int tabwidth = 4; // Turn on or off paren matching for: (, {, [, ", ` static const int MATCH_PARENS = 1; // Auto-indent on known filetypes static const int AUTO_INDENT = 1; /* * Values from 1 to 256 representing 256 color/8-bit pallate * see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit */ static const int EDITOR_BG_COLOR = 235; static const int VISUAL_BG_COLOR = 69; static const int HL_NUMBER_COLOR = 207; static const int HL_STRING_COLOR = 116; static const int HL_COMMENT_COLOR = 243; static const int HL_KEYWORD1_COLOR = 69; static const int HL_KEYWORD2_COLOR = 167; static const int HL_DEFAULT_COLOR = 229; static const int BAR_BG_COMMAND = 229; static const int BAR_FG_COMMAND = 235; static const int BAR_BG_INPUT = 121; static const int BAR_FG_INPUT = 235; static const int BAR_BG_VISUAL = 171; static const int BAR_FG_VISUAL = 235;