// // includes // -------- #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Apple does not seem to have basename available // as a part of string.h, so import libgen if needed #if __APPLE__ #include #endif #include "config.h" // // definitions // ----------- #define HERMES_VERSION "0.5" #define CTRL_KEY(k) ((k) & 0x1f) // // definitions for config file // --------------------------- enum editorMode {CommandMode, InputMode, VisualMode}; enum editorHighlight { HL_NORMAL = 0, HL_STRING, HL_COMMENT, HL_MLCOMMENT, HL_KEYWORD1, HL_KEYWORD2, HL_NUMBER, HL_VISUAL }; enum editorKey { BACKSPACE = 127, ARROW_LEFT = 1000, ARROW_RIGHT, ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, DEL_KEY, HOME_KEY, END_KEY }; // // data // ---- #include "syntaxhl.h" typedef struct erow { int idx; int size; int rendersize; char *chars; char *render; unsigned char *hl; int hl_open_comment; } erow; struct editorConfig { enum editorMode mode; int rowoff; int coloff; int cx, cy, rx; int screenRows; int screenCols; int numRows; int unsaved; int pastelen; int vx, vy; erow *row; char *paste; char *filepath; char *filename; char statusmsg[80]; time_t statusmsg_time; struct termios orig_termios; struct editorSyntax *syntax; }; struct editorConfig E; // // prototypes // ---------- void editorStatusMessage(const char *fmt, ...); void editorRefreshScreen(); char *editorPrompt(char *prompt); // // terminal // -------- void die(const char *s) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[2J", 4); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[H", 3); perror(s); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\r", 1); exit(1); } void quit() { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[m", 3); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[2J", 4); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[H", 3); exit(0); } void disableRawMode() { if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &E.orig_termios) == -1) die("tcsetattr"); if (use_alternate_screen) write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?47h", 6); // disable alt screen } void enableRawMode() { if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &E.orig_termios) == -1) die("tcgetattr"); atexit(disableRawMode); struct termios raw = E.orig_termios; raw.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); raw.c_cflag |= ~(CS8); raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG); raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw) == -1) die("tcsetattr"); } int editorReadKey() { int nread; char c; while ((nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1)) != 1) { if (nread == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) die("read"); } if (c == '\033') { char seq[3]; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[0], 1) != 1) return '\033'; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[1], 1) != 1) return '\033'; if (seq[0] == '[') { if (seq[1] >= '0' && seq[1] <= '9') { if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[2], 1) != 1) return '\033'; if (seq[2] == '~') { switch (seq[1]) { case '1': return HOME_KEY; case '3': return DEL_KEY; case '4': return END_KEY; case '5': return PAGE_UP; case '6': return PAGE_DOWN; case '7': return HOME_KEY; case '8': return END_KEY; } } } else { switch (seq[1]) { case 'A': return ARROW_UP; case 'B': return ARROW_DOWN; case 'C': return ARROW_RIGHT; case 'D': return ARROW_LEFT; case 'H': return HOME_KEY; case 'F': return END_KEY; } } } else if (seq[0] == 'O') { switch (seq[1]) { case 'H': return HOME_KEY; case 'F': return END_KEY; } } return '\033'; } return c; } int getCursorPosition(int *rows, int *cols) { char buf[32]; unsigned int i = 0; if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[6n", 4) != 4) return -1; printf("\r\n"); while (i < sizeof(buf) - 1) { if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &buf[i], 1) != 1) break; if (buf[i] == 'R') break; i++; } buf[i] = '\0'; if (buf[0] != '\033' || buf[1] != '[') return -1; if (scanf(&buf[2], "%d;%d", rows, cols) != 2) return -1; return 0; } int getWindowSize(int *rows, int *cols) { struct winsize ws; if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1 || ws.ws_col == 0) { if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[999C\033[999B", 12) != 12) return -1; return getCursorPosition(rows, cols); } *cols = ws.ws_col; *rows = ws.ws_row; return 0; } // // syntax highlighting // ------------------- int is_separator(int c) { return isspace(c) || c == '\0' || strchr(",.()+-/*=~%<>[];{}&|", c) != NULL; } void editorUpdateSyntax(erow *row) { row->hl = realloc(row->hl, row->rendersize); memset(row->hl, HL_NORMAL, row->rendersize); if (E.syntax == NULL) return; char **keywords = E.syntax->keywords; char *scs = E.syntax->singleline_comment_start; char *mcs = E.syntax->multiline_comment_start; char *mce = E.syntax->multiline_comment_end; int scs_len = scs ? strlen(scs) : 0; int mcs_len = mcs ? strlen(mcs) : 0; int mce_len = mce ? strlen(mce) : 0; int prev_sep = 1; int in_string = 0; int in_comment = (row->idx > 0 && E.row[row->idx - 1].hl_open_comment); int i = 0; while (i < row->rendersize) { char c = row->render[i]; unsigned char prev_hl = (i > 0) ? row->hl[i - 1] : HL_NORMAL; if (scs_len && !in_string && !in_comment) { if (!strncmp(&row->render[i], scs, scs_len)) { memset(&row->hl[i], HL_COMMENT, row->rendersize - i); break; } } if (mcs_len && mce_len && !in_string) { if (in_comment) { row->hl[i] = HL_MLCOMMENT; if (!strncmp(&row->render[i], mce, mce_len)) { memset(&row->hl[i], HL_MLCOMMENT, mce_len); i += mce_len; in_comment = 0; prev_sep = 1; continue; } else { i++; continue; } } else if (!strncmp(&row->render[i], mcs, mcs_len)) { memset(&row->hl[i], HL_MLCOMMENT, mcs_len); i += mcs_len; in_comment = 1; continue; } } if (E.syntax->flags & HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS) { if (in_string) { row->hl[i] = HL_STRING; if (c == '\\' && i < row->rendersize) { row->hl[i + 1] = HL_STRING; i += 2; continue; } if (c == in_string) in_string = 0; i++; prev_sep = 1; continue; } else { if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { in_string = c; row->hl[i] = HL_STRING; i++; continue; } } } if (E.syntax->flags & HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS) { if ((isdigit(c) && (prev_sep || prev_hl == HL_NUMBER)) || (c == '.' && prev_hl == HL_NUMBER)) { row->hl[i] = HL_NUMBER; i++; prev_sep = 0; continue; } } if (prev_sep) { int j; for (j = 0; keywords[j]; j++) { int klen = strlen(keywords[j]); int kw2 = keywords[j][klen - 1] == '|'; if (kw2) klen--; if (!strncmp(&row->render[i], keywords[j], klen) && is_separator(row->render[i + klen])) { memset(&row->hl[i], kw2 ? HL_KEYWORD2 : HL_KEYWORD1, klen); i += klen; break; } if (keywords[j] != NULL) { prev_sep = 0; continue; } } } prev_sep = is_separator(c); i++; } int changed = (row->hl_open_comment != in_comment); row->hl_open_comment = in_comment; if (changed && row->idx + 1 < E.numRows) editorUpdateSyntax(&E.row[row->idx + 1]); } unsigned int editorSyntaxToColor(int hl) { switch (hl) { case HL_NUMBER: return HL_NUMBER_COLOR; case HL_STRING: return HL_STRING_COLOR; case HL_MLCOMMENT: case HL_COMMENT: return HL_COMMENT_COLOR; case HL_KEYWORD1: return HL_KEYWORD1_COLOR; case HL_KEYWORD2: return HL_KEYWORD2_COLOR; case HL_VISUAL: return VISUAL_BG_COLOR; default: return HL_DEFAULT_COLOR; } } void editorSelectSyntaxHighlight() { E.syntax = NULL; if (E.filepath == NULL) return; char *ext = strrchr(E.filepath, '.'); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < HLDB_ENTRIES; j++) { struct editorSyntax *s = &HLDB[j]; unsigned int i = 0; while (s->filematch[i]) { int is_ext = (s->filematch[i][0] == '.'); if ((is_ext && ext && !strcmp(ext, s->filematch[i])) || (!is_ext && strstr(E.filepath, s->filematch[i]))) { E.syntax = s; int filerow; for (filerow = 0; filerow < E.numRows; filerow++) { editorUpdateSyntax(&E.row[filerow]); } return; } i++; } } } // // row ops // ------- int editorRowCxToRx(erow *row, int cx) { int rx = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < cx; j++) { if (row->chars[j] == '\t') rx += (tabwidth - 1) - (rx % tabwidth); rx++; } return rx; } void editorUpdateRow(erow *row) { int tabs = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < row->size; j++) if (row->chars[j] == '\t') tabs++; free(row->render); row->render = malloc(row->size + tabs * (tabwidth - 1) + 1); int idx = 0; for (j = 0; j < row->size; j++) { if (row->chars[j] == '\t') { row->render[idx++] = ' '; while (idx % tabwidth != 0) row->render[idx++] = ' '; } else { row->render[idx++] = row->chars[j]; } } row->render[idx] = '\0'; row->rendersize = idx; editorUpdateSyntax(row); } void editorInsertRow(int at, char *s, size_t len) { if (at < 0 || at > E.numRows) return; E.row = realloc(E.row, sizeof(erow) * (E.numRows + 1)); memmove(&E.row[at + 1], &E.row[at], sizeof(erow) * (E.numRows - at)); for (int j = at + 1; j <= E.numRows; j++) E.row[j].idx++; E.row[at].idx = at; E.row[at].size = len; E.row[at].chars = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(E.row[at].chars, s, len); E.row[at].chars[len] = '\0'; E.row[at].rendersize = 0; E.row[at].render = NULL; E.row[at].hl = NULL; E.row[at].hl_open_comment = 0; editorUpdateRow(&E.row[at]); E.numRows++; E.unsaved++; } void editorFreeRow(erow *row) { free(row->render); free(row->chars); free(row->hl); } void editorDelRow(int at) { if (at < 0 || at >= E.numRows) return; editorFreeRow(&E.row[at]); memmove(&E.row[at], &E.row[at + 1], sizeof(erow) * (E.numRows - at - 1)); for (int j = at; j < E.numRows - 1; j++) E.row[j].idx--; E.numRows--; E.unsaved++; } void editorRowInsertChar(erow *row, int at, int c) { if (at < 0 || at > row->size) at = row->size; row->chars = realloc(row->chars, row->size+2); memmove(&row->chars[at + 1], &row->chars[at], row->size - at + 1); row->size++; row->chars[at] = c; editorUpdateRow(row); E.unsaved++; } void editorRowAppendString(erow *row, char *s, size_t len) { row->chars = realloc(row->chars, row->size + len + 1); memcpy(&row->chars[row->size], s, len); row->size += len; row->chars[row->size] = '\0'; editorUpdateRow(row); E.unsaved++; } void editorRowDeleteChar(erow *row, int at) { if (at < 0 || at >= row->size) return; memmove(&row->chars[at], &row->chars[at + 1], row->size - at); row->size--; editorUpdateRow(row); E.unsaved++; } // // editor ops // ---------- void editorInsertChar(int c) { if (E.cy == E.numRows) { editorInsertRow(E.numRows, "", 0); } editorRowInsertChar(&E.row[E.cy], E.cx, c); E.cx++; } void editorDeleteChar() { if (E.cy == E.numRows) return; if (E.cy == 0 && E.cx ==0) return; erow *row = &E.row[E.cy]; if (E.cx > 0) { editorRowDeleteChar(row, E.cx - 1); E.cx--; } else { E.cx = E.row[E.cy - 1].size; editorRowAppendString(&E.row[E.cy - 1], row->chars, row->size); editorDelRow(E.cy); E.cy--; } } void editorInsertNewline() { if (E.cx == 0) { editorInsertRow(E.cy, "", 0); } else { erow *row = &E.row[E.cy]; editorInsertRow(E.cy + 1, &E.row->chars[E.cx], row->size - E.cx); row = &E.row[E.cy]; row->size = E.cx; row->chars[row->size] = '\0'; editorUpdateRow(row); } E.cy++; E.cx = 0; } void editorUpdatePaste(char *str, int len) { E.paste = realloc(E.paste, len); memcpy(E.paste, str, len); E.pastelen = len; } // // file io // ------- char *editorRowsToString(int *buflen) { int totlen = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < E.numRows; j++) totlen += E.row[j].size + 1; *buflen = totlen; char *buf = malloc(totlen); char *p = buf; for (j = 0; j < E.numRows; j++) { memcpy(p, E.row[j].chars, E.row[j].size); p += E.row[j].size; *p = '\n'; p++; } return buf; } void editorOpen(char *filepath) { free(E.filepath); E.filepath = strdup(filepath); E.filename = basename(strdup(filepath)); editorSelectSyntaxHighlight(); FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (!fp) die("Open file"); char *line = NULL; size_t linecap = 0; ssize_t linelen; while ((linelen = getline(&line, &linecap, fp)) != -1) { while (linelen > 0 && (line[linelen - 1] == '\n' || line[linelen - 1] == '\r')) linelen--; editorInsertRow(E.numRows, line, linelen); } free(line); fclose(fp); E.unsaved = 0; } void editorSave(int saveAs) { if (E.filepath == NULL || saveAs) { char *name = editorPrompt("Save as: %s"); if (name == NULL) { editorStatusMessage("Save cancelled"); return; } free(E.filepath); E.filepath = strdup(name); free(E.filename); E.filename = basename(E.filepath); editorSelectSyntaxHighlight(); } int len; char *buf = editorRowsToString(&len); int fd = open(E.filepath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644); if (fd != -1) { if (ftruncate(fd, len) != -1) { if (write(fd, buf, len) == len) { close(fd); free(buf); E.unsaved = 0; editorStatusMessage("%d bytes saved to disk", len); return; } } close(fd); } free(buf); editorStatusMessage("Can't save! i/o error: %s", strerror(errno)); } // // append buffer // ------------- struct abuf { char *b; int len; }; #define ABUF_INIT {NULL, 0} void abAppend(struct abuf *ab, const char *s, int len) { char *new = realloc(ab->b, ab->len + len); if (new == NULL) return; memcpy(&new[ab->len], s, len); ab->b = new; ab->len += len; } void abFree(struct abuf *ab) { free(ab->b); } // // output // ------ void editorScroll() { E.rx = E.cx; if (E.cy < E.numRows) { E.rx = editorRowCxToRx(&E.row[E.cy], E.cx); } if (E.cy < E.rowoff) { E.rowoff = E.cy; } if (E.cy >= E.rowoff + E.screenRows) { E.rowoff = E.cy - E.screenRows + 1; } if (E.rx < E.coloff) { E.coloff = E.rx; } if (E.rx >= E.coloff + E.screenCols) { E.coloff = E.rx - E.screenCols + 1; } } void editorDrawVisualBg(struct abuf *ab, int end, int drawx, int drawy, int rowlen) { int cond = end ? ((drawx + E.coloff == E.cx || E.cx == rowlen) && drawy == E.cy) : (drawx + E.coloff == E.vx && drawy == E.vy); if (E.mode == VisualMode && cond) { int color = end ? EDITOR_BG_COLOR : VISUAL_BG_COLOR; if (E.cy < E.vy || (E.cx < E.vx && E.cy == E.vy)) color = end ? VISUAL_BG_COLOR : EDITOR_BG_COLOR; char vbuf[16]; int vclen = snprintf(vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), "\033[48;5;%dm", color); abAppend(ab, vbuf, vclen); } } void editorDrawRows(struct abuf *ab) { int y; for (y = 0; y < E.screenRows; y++) { int filerow = y + E.rowoff; if (filerow >= E.numRows) { if (E.numRows == 0 && y == E.screenRows / 3) { char welcome[80]; int welcomelen = snprintf(welcome, sizeof(welcome), "[ hermes ] - version %s", HERMES_VERSION); if (welcomelen > E.screenCols) welcomelen = E.screenCols; int padding = (E.screenCols - welcomelen) / 2; if (padding) { abAppend(ab, "~", 1); padding--; } while (padding--) abAppend(ab, " ", 1); abAppend(ab, welcome, welcomelen); } else { abAppend(ab, "~", 1); } } else { int len = E.row[filerow].rendersize - E.coloff; if (len < 0) len = 0; if (len > E.screenCols) len = E.screenCols; char *c = &E.row[filerow].render[E.coloff]; unsigned char *hl = &E.row[filerow].hl[E.coloff]; int current_color = -1; if (E.mode == VisualMode && len <= 0 && filerow == E.cy) { int col = EDITOR_BG_COLOR; if (E.cy < E.vy || (E.cx < E.vx && E.cy == E.vy)) col = VISUAL_BG_COLOR; char vbuf[16]; int vclen = snprintf(vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), "\033[48;5;%dm", col); abAppend(ab, vbuf, vclen); } int j; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (iscntrl(c[j])) { char sym = (c[j] <= 26) ? '@' + c[j] : '?'; abAppend(ab, "\033[7m", 4); abAppend(ab, &sym, 1); abAppend(ab, "\033[m", 3); char bgcolor[16]; int bglen = sprintf(bgcolor, "\033[48;5;%dm", EDITOR_BG_COLOR); abAppend(ab, bgcolor, bglen); if (current_color != -1) { char buf[16]; int clen = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[%dm", current_color); abAppend(ab, buf, clen); } } else if (hl[j] == HL_NORMAL) { int color = editorSyntaxToColor(hl[j]); if (current_color != -1) { current_color = -1; char buf[16]; int clen = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[38;5;%dm", color); abAppend(ab, buf, clen); } editorDrawVisualBg(ab, 0, j, filerow, len); abAppend(ab, &c[j], 1); editorDrawVisualBg(ab, 1, j, filerow, len); } else { int color = editorSyntaxToColor(hl[j]); if (color != current_color) { current_color = color; char buf[16]; int clen = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[38;5;%dm", color); abAppend(ab, buf, clen); } editorDrawVisualBg(ab, 0, j, filerow, len); abAppend(ab, &c[j], 1); editorDrawVisualBg(ab, 1, j, filerow, len); } } abAppend(ab, "\033[39m", 5); } abAppend(ab, "\033[K", 3); abAppend(ab, "\r\n", 2); } } void editorDrawStatusBar(struct abuf *ab) { abAppend(ab, "\033[7m", 4); char status[80], rstatus[80]; char *editorMode; switch (E.mode) { case CommandMode: editorMode = "Command"; break; case InputMode: editorMode = "Input"; break; case VisualMode: editorMode = "Visual"; break; } int len = snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "%.20s - %d lines %s", E.filename ? E.filename : "[Unnamed]", E.numRows, E.unsaved ? "(modified)" : ""); int rlen = snprintf(rstatus, sizeof(rstatus), "<%s> %d:%d/%d [%s] ", E.syntax ? E.syntax->filetype : "generic" ,E.cx < 0 ? 0 : E.cx, E.cy + 1, E.numRows, editorMode); if (len > E.screenCols) len = E.screenCols; abAppend(ab, status, len); while (len < E.screenCols) { if (E.screenCols - len == rlen) { abAppend(ab, rstatus, rlen); break; } else { abAppend(ab, " ", 1); len++; } } abAppend(ab, "\033[m", 4); char bgcolor[16]; int bglen = sprintf(bgcolor, "\033[48;5;%dm", EDITOR_BG_COLOR); abAppend(ab, bgcolor, bglen); abAppend(ab, "\r\n", 2); } void editorDrawMsgBar(struct abuf *ab) { abAppend(ab, "\033[K", 3); int msglen = strlen(E.statusmsg); if (msglen > E.screenCols) msglen = E.screenCols; if (msglen && time(NULL) - E.statusmsg_time < 5) abAppend(ab, E.statusmsg, msglen); } void editorRefreshScreen() { editorScroll(); struct abuf ab = ABUF_INIT; abAppend(&ab, "\033[?25l", 6); abAppend(&ab, "\033[H", 3); char bgcolor[16]; int bglen = sprintf(bgcolor, "\033[48;5;%dm", EDITOR_BG_COLOR); abAppend(&ab, bgcolor, bglen); editorDrawRows(&ab); editorDrawStatusBar(&ab); editorDrawMsgBar(&ab); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[%d;%dH", (E.cy - E.rowoff) + 1, (E.rx - E.coloff) + 1); abAppend(&ab, buf, strlen(buf)); abAppend(&ab, "\033[?25h", 6); write(STDOUT_FILENO, ab.b, ab.len); abFree(&ab); } void editorStatusMessage(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(E.statusmsg, sizeof(E.statusmsg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); E.statusmsg_time = time(NULL); } void editorPrevWord() { int x = E.cx; int y = E.cy; int moved = 0; erow *row = (y >= E.numRows || y < 0) ? NULL : &E.row[y]; while (row) { if (moved && row->chars[x] != ' ' && row->chars[x] != '\t' && (x == 0 || row->chars[x - 1] == ' ' || row->chars[x - 1] == '\t')) { // EXIT cond E.cx = x; E.cy = y; break; } else if (x == 0) { y--; row = (y >= E.numRows || y < 0) ? NULL : &E.row[y]; if (!row) return; x = row->size; moved++; } else { x--; moved++; } } } void editorNextWord() { int ws = 0; int x = E.cx; int y = E.cy; erow *row = (y >= E.numRows || y < 0) ? NULL : &E.row[y]; while (row) { if (ws > 0 && row->chars[x] != ' ' && row->chars[x] != '\t') { E.cx = x; E.cy = y; break; } else if (row->chars[x] == ' ' || row->chars[x] == '\t') { x++; ws++; } else if (x + 1 >= row->size) { y++; x = 0; ws++; row = (y >= E.numRows || y < 0) ? NULL : &E.row[y]; if (!row) return; } else { x++; } } } void editorEndOfWord() { int x = E.cx; int y = E.cy; erow *row = (y >= E.numRows) ? NULL : &E.row[y]; while (x + 1 >= row->size) { if (y + 1 < E.numRows) { x = 0; y++; row = &E.row[y]; } } if (row->chars[x + 1] == ' ' || row->chars[x + 1] == '\t') { x++; } while (1) { if (row->chars[x] != ' ' && row->chars[x] != '\t' && (x + 1 >= row->size || (row->chars[x + 1] == ' ' || row->chars[x + 1] == '\t'))) { E.cx = x; E.cy = y; break; } else { x++; } } } void editorCopySelection() { if (E.cy == E.vy) { int sx = E.vx; int ex = E.cx; if (E.cx < E.vx) { sx = E.cx; ex = E.vx; } int len = ex - sx + 1; char *buf = malloc(len); memcpy(buf, &E.row[E.cy].chars[sx], len); editorUpdatePaste(buf, len); free(buf); } // TODO multiline copy... been having problems } void editorDeleteSelection() { editorCopySelection(); int sx = E.cx; int sy = E.cy; int ex = E.vx; int ey = E.vy; if (E.cy < E.vy || (E.cx < E.vx && E.cy == E.vy)) { sx = E.vx; sy = E.vy; ex = E.cx; ey = E.cy; E.cx = sx; E.cy = sy; } if (sx < E.row[sy].size) E.cx++; while (E.cx != ex || E.cy != ey) { editorDeleteChar(); } } // // input // ----- char *editorPrompt(char *prompt) { size_t bufsize = 128; char *buf = malloc(bufsize); size_t buflen = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; while (1) { editorStatusMessage(prompt, buf); editorRefreshScreen(); int c = editorReadKey(); if (c == DEL_KEY || c == CTRL_KEY('h') || c == BACKSPACE) { if (buflen != 0) buf[--buflen] = '\0'; } else if (c == '\033') { editorStatusMessage(""); free(buf); return NULL; } else if (c == '\r') { if (buflen != 0) { editorStatusMessage(""); return buf; } else { editorStatusMessage(""); free(buf); return NULL; } } else if (!iscntrl(c) && c < 128) { if (buflen == bufsize - 1) { bufsize *= 2; buf = realloc(buf, bufsize); } buf[buflen++] = c; buf[buflen] = '\0'; } } } void editorMoveCursor(int key) { erow *row = (E.cy >= E.numRows) ? NULL : &E.row[E.cy]; int mod = E.mode != InputMode ? 1 : 0; switch (key) { case 'j': case ARROW_DOWN: if (E.cy < E.numRows - 1) { E.cy++; } if (sizeof(row) > 0 && E.cx < 0) E.cx = 0; break; case 'k': case ARROW_UP: if (E.cy != 0) { E.cy--; } if (sizeof(row) > 0 && E.cx < 0) E.cx = 0; break; case 'h': case ARROW_LEFT: if (E.cx > 0) { E.cx--; } break; case 'l': case ARROW_RIGHT: { if (row && E.cx < row->size - mod) E.cx++; break; } } row = (E.cy >= E.numRows) ? NULL : &E.row[E.cy]; int rowlen = row ? row->size : 0; if (E.cx > rowlen - mod) E.cx = rowlen - mod; } void editorPageCursor(int key) { if (key == PAGE_DOWN) { if (E.numRows < E.screenRows) { E.cy = E.numRows - 1; return; } E.rowoff = E.rowoff + E.screenRows; if (E.rowoff > E.numRows - E.screenRows) E.rowoff = E.numRows - E.screenRows; E.cy = E.rowoff + 1; } else if (key == PAGE_UP) { if (E.cy < E.screenRows) { E.cy = 0; return; } E.rowoff = E.rowoff - E.screenRows; if (E.rowoff < 0) E.rowoff = 0; E.cy = E.rowoff + E.screenRows - 1; } erow *row = (E.cy >= E.numRows) ? NULL : &E.row[E.cy]; int rowlen = row ? row->size : 0; if (E.cx > rowlen) E.cx = rowlen; } void editorInputKp(int c) { switch (c) { case '\033': case CTRL_KEY('l'): editorMoveCursor(ARROW_LEFT); E.mode = CommandMode; break; case '\r': editorInsertNewline(); break; case BACKSPACE: case DEL_KEY: case CTRL_KEY('h'): if (c == DEL_KEY) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDeleteChar(); break; default: editorInsertChar(c); break; } } void editorCommandKp(int c) { static int deleting = 0; static int counter = 1; static int place = 1; static int counting = 0; switch (c) { case 'j': case 'k': case 'h': case 'l': while (counter > 0) { editorMoveCursor(c); counter--; } break; case '\033': if (E.mode == VisualMode) E.mode = CommandMode; break; case 'g': if (deleting) { int totlen = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j <= E.cy; j++) totlen += E.row[j].size + 1; char *buf = malloc(totlen); char *p = buf; int count = E.cy; E.cy = 0; E.rowoff = 0; while (count >= 0) { memcpy(p, E.row[E.cy].chars, E.row[E.cy].size); p += E.row[E.cy].size; *p = '\r'; p++; deleting = 1; editorCommandKp('d'); count--; } editorUpdatePaste(buf, totlen); } else { E.cy = 0; E.cx = 0; E.rowoff = 0; } break; case 'G': if (deleting) { int totlen = 0; int j; for (j = E.cy; j < E.numRows; j++) totlen += E.row[j].size + 1; char *buf = malloc(totlen); char *p = buf; int count = E.numRows - E.cy - 1; if (count < 0) count = 0; while (count >= 0) { memcpy(p, E.row[E.cy].chars, E.row[E.cy].size); p += E.row[E.cy].size; *p = '\r'; p++; deleting = 1; editorCommandKp('d'); count--; } editorUpdatePaste(buf, totlen); } else { if (E.numRows > E.screenRows) { E.cy = E.numRows - 1; E.rowoff = E.numRows - E.screenRows - 1; } else { E.cy = E.numRows - 1; } E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size - 1; if (E.cx < 0) E.cx = 0; } break; case '\r': if (counting) { counter--; if (counter > E.numRows - 1) { E.cy = E.numRows - 1; } else if (counter < 0) { E.cy = 0; } else { E.cy = counter; } } break; case 'o': E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size; E.mode = InputMode; editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorInsertNewline(); break; case 'O': E.cx = 0; E.mode = InputMode; editorInsertNewline(); editorMoveCursor(ARROW_UP); editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); break; case 'x': while (counter > 0) { editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[E.cy].chars[E.cx], 1); E.mode = InputMode; editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDeleteChar(); E.mode = CommandMode; if (E.cx == E.row[E.cy].size) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_LEFT); counter--; } break; case 'i': case 'a': E.mode = InputMode; if (c == 'a') editorMoveCursor('l'); break; case 'd': if (E.mode == VisualMode) { editorDeleteSelection(); E.mode = CommandMode; break; } else if (!deleting) { deleting++; return; } else { int sz = E.row[E.cy].size + 1; char *buf = malloc(sz); strcpy(buf, E.row[E.cy].chars); buf[sz - 1] = '\r'; editorUpdatePaste(buf, sz); free(buf); while (counter > 0) { editorDelRow(E.cy); if (E.cy == E.numRows) E.cy--; if (E.cy < 0) E.cy = 0; if (E.cx >= E.row[E.cy].size) E.cx = 0; counter--; } break; } case '$': if (deleting) { int diff = E.row[E.cy].size - E.cx; editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[E.cy].chars[E.cx], diff); E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size - 1; if (E.cx < 0) E.cx = 0; while (diff > 0) { E.mode = InputMode; editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDeleteChar(); E.mode = CommandMode; if (E.cx == E.row[E.cy].size) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_LEFT); diff--; } } else if (E.cy < E.numRows) { E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size - 1; if (E.cx < 0) E.cx = 0; } break; case 'w': while (counter > 0) { if (deleting) { int start_x = E.cx; int start_y = E.cy; editorNextWord(); int len = start_y == E.cy ? E.cx - start_x : E.row[start_y].size - start_x; editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[start_y].chars[start_x], len); if (E.cy != start_y) { E.cy--; E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size; } while (E.cx != start_x) { editorDeleteChar(); } if (E.cx > E.row[E.cy].size - 1) E.cx--; } else { editorNextWord(); } counter--; } break; case 'P': case 'p': { char open = c == 'p' ? 'o' : 'O'; int startx = E.cx; int multiline = 0; if (E.paste && E.paste[E.pastelen-1] == '\r') multiline = 1; if (multiline) { editorCommandKp(open); } else { E.mode = InputMode; if (open == 'o') editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); } for (int i = 0; i < E.pastelen; i++) { editorInputKp(E.paste[i]); } if (multiline) { editorInputKp(BACKSPACE); E.cx = startx <= E.row[E.cy].size ? startx : E.row[E.cy].size; } E.mode = CommandMode; if (!multiline && c == 'p') editorMoveCursor(ARROW_LEFT); break; } case 'b': while (counter > 0) { if (deleting) { int start_x = E.cx; int start_y = E.cy; editorPrevWord(); int end_x = E.cx; int end_y = E.cy; E.cx = start_x; E.cy = start_y; editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[E.cy].chars[end_x], start_x - end_x); while (E.cy != end_y || E.cx != end_x) { editorDeleteChar(); } } else { editorPrevWord(); } counter--; } break; case 'e': while (counter > 0) { if (deleting) { int start_x = E.cx; int start_y = E.cy; editorEndOfWord(); editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[E.cy].chars[start_x], E.cx - start_x); while (E.cy != start_y || E.cx != start_x) { editorDeleteChar(); } E.mode = InputMode; editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDeleteChar(); E.mode = CommandMode; if (E.cx == E.row[E.cy].size) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_LEFT); } else { editorEndOfWord(); } counter--; } break; case '^': if (deleting) { editorUpdatePaste(&E.row[E.cy].chars[0], E.cx); while (E.cx > 0) { editorDeleteChar(); } } else { E.cx = 0; } break; case 'v': if (E.mode == CommandMode) { E.vx = E.cx; E.vy = E.cy; E.mode = VisualMode; } break; case 'V': if (E.mode == CommandMode) { E.vx = 0; E.vy = E.cy; E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size - 1; E.mode = VisualMode; } break; case 'y': if (E.mode == VisualMode) { editorCopySelection(); E.mode = CommandMode; E.cy = E.vy; E.cx = E.vx; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { if (counter <= 1 && place == 1) counter--; int num = c - 48; if (counting && num == 0) { counter *= place; } else { counter += num * place; } place *= 10; counting++; } return; } deleting = 0; place = 1; counter = 1; counting = 0; } void editorProcessKeypress() { static int quit_times = UNSAVED_QUIT_COUNT; int c = editorReadKey(); switch (c) { case CTRL_KEY('q'): if (E.unsaved && quit_times > 0) { editorStatusMessage("Warning: unsaved changed. Press Ctrl-q %d more times to quit anyway", quit_times); quit_times--; return; } quit(); break; case ARROW_DOWN: case ARROW_UP: case ARROW_LEFT: case ARROW_RIGHT: editorMoveCursor(c); return; case PAGE_UP: case PAGE_DOWN: editorPageCursor(c); return; case CTRL_KEY('u'): editorPageCursor(PAGE_UP); return; case CTRL_KEY('d'): editorPageCursor(PAGE_DOWN); return; case CTRL_KEY('s'): editorSave(0); return; case CTRL_KEY('a'): editorSave(1); return; case HOME_KEY: E.cx = 0; break; case END_KEY: if (E.cy < E.numRows) E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size; break; } quit_times = UNSAVED_QUIT_COUNT; if (E.mode == CommandMode || E.mode == VisualMode) { editorCommandKp(c); } else if (E.mode == InputMode) { editorInputKp(c); } } void updateWindowSize(void) { if (getWindowSize(&E.screenRows, &E.screenCols) == -1) die("Screen resize"); E.screenRows -= 2; } void handleSigWinCh(int unused __attribute__((unused))) { updateWindowSize(); if (E.cy > E.screenRows) E.cy = E.screenRows - 1; if (E.cx > E.screenCols) E.cx = E.screenCols - 1; // TODO does rowoff need to be set here? editorRefreshScreen(); } // // init // ---- void initEditor() { if (use_alternate_screen) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?47h", 6); } E.mode = CommandMode; E.rowoff = 0; E.coloff = 0; E.numRows = 0; E.unsaved = 0; E.statusmsg_time = 0; E.cx = 0; E.cy = 0; E.rx = 0; E.vx = 0; E.vy = 0; E.paste = NULL; E.row = NULL; E.filepath = NULL; E.filename = NULL; E.syntax = NULL; E.statusmsg[0] = '\0'; updateWindowSize(); signal(SIGWINCH, handleSigWinCh); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { enableRawMode(); initEditor(); if (argc >= 2) { editorOpen(argv[1]); } editorStatusMessage("Ctrl-s to save - Ctrl-q to quit"); while (1) { editorRefreshScreen(); editorProcessKeypress(); } return 0; }