
268 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File

# lid: lo-fi image dithering
# written by sloum
# licence: public domain - use it, improve it, share it!
from PIL import Image
import sys
import os, os.path
# Default dithering: 4 level ordered dither
def ordered_dither_4(r):
im =["path"]).convert("L")
width, height = im.size
new = create_image(width, height)
newpixels = new.load()
dots = [
[64, 128],
[192, 0]
total_px_count = width * height
counter = 1
last_percent_val = 0
last_hash_val = 0
print("Dither method: ordered (4 levels)\033[?25l")
for row in range(0, height):
for col in range(0, width):
dotrow = 1 if row % 2 else 0
dotcol = 1 if col % 2 else 0
impx = get_pixel(im, col, row)
newpixels[col, row] = int(impx > dots[dotrow][dotcol])
counter += 1
new_percent_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 100)
new_hash_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 10)
if new_percent_val != last_percent_val or new_hash_val != last_hash_val:
print("\r{:>3}% |{:<10}|".format(new_percent_val, "#" * new_hash_val), end="")
last_percent_val = new_percent_val
last_hash_val = new_hash_val"{}.{}".format(r["out"], r["-f"]), r["-f"].upper(), optimize=True, quality=r["-q"])
print("\033[20C\nFinished! ~ {}/{}.{}\033[?25h".format(os.getcwd(), r["out"], r["-f"].lower()))
# 9 level ordered dither
def ordered_dither_9(r):
im =["path"]).convert("L")
width, height = im.size
new = create_image(width, height)
newpixels = new.load()
dots = [
[0, 196, 84],
[168, 140, 56],
[112, 28, 224]
total_px_count = width * height
counter = 1
last_percent_val = 0
last_hash_val = 0
print("Dither method: ordered (9 levels)\033[?25l")
for row in range(0, height):
for col in range(0, width):
if not row % 3:
dotrow = 2
elif not row % 2:
dotrow = 1
dotrow = 0
if not col % 3:
dotcol = 2
elif not col % 2:
dotcol = 1
dotcol = 0
impx = get_pixel(im, col, row)
newpixels[col, row] = int(impx > dots[dotrow][dotcol])
counter += 1
new_percent_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 100)
new_hash_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 10)
if new_percent_val != last_percent_val or new_hash_val != last_hash_val:
print("\r{:>3}% |{:<10}|".format(new_percent_val, "#" * new_hash_val), end="")
last_percent_val = new_percent_val
last_hash_val = new_hash_val"{}.{}".format(r["out"], r["-f"]), r["-f"].upper(), optimize=True, quality=r["-q"])
print("\033[20C\nFinished! ~ {}/{}.{}\033[?25h".format(os.getcwd(), r["out"], r["-f"].lower()))
# Alternate dither mode
def error_dither(r):
im =["path"]).convert("L")
width, height = im.size
new = create_image(width, height)
newpixels = new.load()
i = im.load()
total_px_count = width * height
counter = 1
last_percent_val = 0
last_hash_val = 0
print("Dither method: error diffusion\033[?25l")
for row in range(0, height):
for col in range(0, width):
newpixels[col, row] = update_error(im, i, row, col)
counter += 1
new_percent_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 100)
new_hash_val = round(counter / total_px_count * 10)
if new_percent_val != last_percent_val or new_hash_val != last_hash_val:
print("\r{:>3}% |{:<10}|".format(new_percent_val, "#" * new_hash_val), end="")
last_percent_val = new_percent_val
last_hash_val = new_hash_val"{}.{}".format(r["out"], r["-f"]), r["-f"].upper(), optimize=True, quality=r["-q"])
print("\033[20C\nFinished! ~ {}/{}.{}\033[?25h".format(os.getcwd(), r["out"], r["-f"].lower()))
def update_error(im, i, r, c):
w, h = im.size
current = get_pixel(im, c, r)
if current > 128:
res = 1
diff = -(255 - current)
res = 0
diff = abs(0 - current)
mov = [[0, 1, 0.4375],[1, 1, 0.0625],[1, 0, 0.3125],[1, -1, 0.1875]]
for x in mov:
if r + x[0] >= h or c + x[1] >= w or c + x[1] <= 0:
p = get_pixel(im, c + x[1], r + x[0])
p = round(diff * x[2] + p)
if p < 0:
p = 0
elif p > 255:
p = 255
i[c + x[1], r + x[0]] = p
return res
def print_spinner(n):
print("\r|{:<10}|".format("#" * n), end="")
# Create a new image with the given size
def create_image(i, j):
image ="1", (i, j))
return image
# Get the pixel from the given image
def get_pixel(image, i, j):
width, height = image.size
if i > width or j > height:
return None
# Get Pixel
pixel = image.getpixel((i, j))
return pixel
def display_help():
helptext = """
lid - lo-fi image dithering
lid [option]... [infile] [outfile]
-f output format. defaults to: png (recommended)
-m dither mode. defaults to: o4. other options: e, o9
-q image quality. defaults to: 90. only has effect on png/jpg
infile path to a valid image file on your system
outfile file name to output, do not include file extension
example usage:
lid -f jpeg -q 75 -m e ~/my_picture.png my_dithered_picture
it is highly recommended that users output their files as PNG. the file
size will be significantly smaller than jpeg and the quality in most
cases will be about the same.
the quality flag mostly seems to effect jpegs and does not do a whole
heap to PNG files, but play around with it as mileage may vary.
# Get and validate the arguments
# returns dict or None
def parse_input():
args = sys.argv[1:]
argmap = {
"-f": "png", # output format
"-q": 25, # optimization quality
"-m": "o4", # mode, defaults to ordered
"path": None, # path to file
"out": "lid_file" # output filename
if len(args) < 1:
print("lid error: expected image filepath, received None")
return None
if "help" in args or "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
item = None
for x in args:
if x in argmap:
item = x
elif item:
argmap[item] = x
item = None
elif len(x) > 0 and x[0] == "-":
print("lid error: unknown flag {}".format(x))
return None
if argmap["path"]:
argmap["out"] = x
argmap["path"] = x
if not argmap["-f"].lower() in ["jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif"]:
print("lid error: invalid format requested with -f flag. Options: jpeg, png, gif. Defaults to png")
return None
elif argmap["-f"] == "jpg":
argmap["-f"] = "jpeg"
if not argmap["-m"] in ["o4", "e", "o9"]:
print("lid error: invalid dither mode provided for -m. Options: o4, o9, e. Default: o4")
return None
argmap["-q"] = int(argmap["-q"])
if argmap["-q"] < 1 or argmap["-q"] > 100:
print("lid error: -q value must be between 1 and 100")
return None
except ValueError:
print("lid error: -q value must be an integer")
return None
if not argmap["path"] or not os.path.isfile(argmap["path"]):
print("lid error: invalid filepath")
return None
return argmap
if __name__ == "__main__":
request = parse_input()
if request:
if request["-m"] == "o4":
elif request["-m"] == "o9":
elif request["-m"] == "e":
print("Unknown mode flag")