
171 lines
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[%# Journal search form.
# Authors:
# Mark Smith <mark@dreamwidth.org>
# Jen Griffin <kareila@livejournal.com>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Dreamwidth Studios, LLC.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself. For a copy of the license, please
# reference 'perldoc perlartistic' or 'perldoc perlgpl'.
[%- sections.title='.title' | ml -%]
[%- sections.head = BLOCK %]
<style type="text/css">
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
.exc { padding-left: 1em; font-style: italic; font-size: 90%; }
.stats { font-style: italic; margin-left: 1em; }
.detail { font-style: italic; font-size: 90%; }
.searchres { margin: 0.2em 0em 0.2em 2em; }
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
#content select { padding-right: 2rem; }
#content input, #content select {
display: inline;
height: auto;
width: auto;
margin: 0.25em 1em;
#content input[type="radio"], #content input[type="checkbox"] {
margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
#content small.error, label[for="sort_by"] {
display: inline;
input[type="radio"]+label[for="m-user"] {
margin-right: 0;
[% END %]
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
[%- CALL dw.active_resource_group( "foundation" ) -%]
[%- UNLESS did_post -%]
<p>[% '.blurb' | ml( sitename = site.name ) %]</p>
[%- END -%]
<form method="POST" action='[% site.root %]/search'>
[% dw.form_auth %]
[% form.radio( label = dw.ml( '.label.sitesearch' ),
name = "mode", id = "m-global", value = "",
selected = su.defined ? 0 : 1 );
tu = su.defined ? su : remote;
IF tu.allow_search_by( remote );
form.radio( label = dw.ml( '.label.journalsearch', user = tu.user ),
name = "mode", id = "m-user", value = tu.user, noescape => 1,
selected = su.defined ? 1 : 0 );
[% form.textbox( name = "query", maxlength = "255", size = "60", value = q );
" ";
form.submit( value = dw.ml( '.button.search' ) );
[% sortopts = [ 'new', dw.ml( '.sort.date.new' ),
'old', dw.ml( '.sort.date.old' ),
'rel', dw.ml( '.sort.relevance' ) ];
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
form.select( label = dw.ml( '.sortby' ), name = "sort_by",
id = "sort_by", selected = sort_by,
items = sortopts );
[% IF tu.is_paid;
wc_note = '.comments.include.note' | ml;
wc_label = '.comments.include' | ml;
wc_select = wc;
wc_hide = 0;
wc_note = '.comments.disabled.note' | ml;
wc_label = '.comments.disabled' | ml;
wc_select = 0;
wc_hide = 1;
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
"<div class='panel'>";
form.checkbox( label = wc_label, selected = wc_select,
name = "with_comments", id = "with_comments",
disabled = wc_hide );
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
"<br><span class='detail'>$wc_note</span></div>";
[%- IF did_post -%]
[%- IF result.size -%]
[%- IF result.total > 0;
FOREACH match = result.matches;
mu = load_uid( match.journalid );
pu = load_uid( match.poster_id );
# Do not show filtered icon for other users
IF match.security == 'usemask' && ! mu.equals( remote );
match.security = 'access';
icon = sec_icon( match.security );
IF match.jtalkid > 0;
IF match.poster_id > 0;
attrib = '.attribution.comment' | ml( journal => mu.ljuser_display,
poster => pu.ljuser_display );
attrib = '.attribution.comment.anon' | ml( journal => mu.ljuser_display );
IF mu.is_comm;
attrib = '.attribution.comm' | ml( journal => mu.ljuser_display,
poster => pu.ljuser_display );
attrib = '.attribution' | ml( journal => mu.ljuser_display );
<div class='searchres'>[% attrib %]: [% icon %]
<a href="[% match.url %]">[% match.subject %]</a><br>
<span class='exc'>[% match.excerpt %]</span><br>
[% IF match.tags.size;
'.tags' | ml; " "; tagprint( match.tags ); "<br>";
END %]
[% '.date' | ml %] <strong>[% match.eventtime %]</strong><br><br>
# put some stats on the output
IF offset > 0;
skip = '.results.skipped' | ml( offset = offset );
END -%]
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
<p><span class='stats'>
[% '.results.displayed' | ml( results = matchct, total = result.total,
skipped = " $skip", query = q ) %]
[% '.results.time' | ml( time = result.time ) %]
2023-08-07 22:33:15 +00:00
[%- offsetm = offset + matchct;
IF result.total > offsetm -%]
<form method="POST" action='[% site.root %]/search?offset=[% offsetm %]'>
[% dw.form_auth %]
[% form.hidden( name = 'query', value = q );
form.hidden( name = 'mode', value = su ? su.user : '' );
form.hidden( name = 'sort_by', value = sort_by );
form.hidden( name = 'with_comments', value = wc );
form.submit( value = dw.ml( '.button.more' ) ) %]
[%- END -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
<strong>[% 'error' | ml %]:</strong>
[% ".error.noresults" | ml( query = q, time = result.time ) %]
[%- END -%]
[%- END -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[% '.security.setting' | ml( aopts => "href='$site.root/manage/settings/?cat=privacy'" ) %]
[%- END -%]