
1085 lines
30 KiB

# DW::Logic::ProfilePage
# This module provides logic for rendering the profile page for various types
# of accounts.
# Authors:
# Mark Smith <mark@dreamwidth.org>
# Janine Smith <janine@netrophic.com>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by Dreamwidth Studios, LLC.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself. For a copy of the license, please reference
# 'perldoc perlartistic' or 'perldoc perlgpl'.
package DW::Logic::ProfilePage;
use strict;
use DW::Countries;
use DW::Logic::UserLinkBar;
use DW::External::ProfileServices;
# returns a new profile page object
sub profile_page {
my ( $u, $remote, %opts ) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u) or return undef;
# remote may be undef, OR a valid object
return undef
if defined $remote && !LJ::isu($remote);
my $viewall = $opts{viewall} ? $opts{viewall} : 0;
# sprinkle holy water
my $self = { u => $u, remote => $remote, viewall => $viewall };
bless $self, __PACKAGE__;
return $self;
*LJ::User::profile_page = \&profile_page;
*DW::User::profile_page = \&profile_page;
# returns array of hashrefs
# (
# { url => "http://...",
# title => "Something"
# image => "http://...",
# text => "More Text",
# class => ".css.class",
# },
# { ... },
# ...
# )
sub action_links {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $remote = $self->{remote};
my $user_link_bar = $u->user_link_bar( $remote, class_prefix => "profile" );
my @ret = $user_link_bar->get_links(
"manage_membership", "trust", "watch", "post",
"track", "message", "search", "buyaccount"
return \@ret;
# returns hashref with userpic display options
# {
# userpic => 'http://...',
# userpic_url => 'http://...', # OPTIONAL
# caption_text => 'Edit', # OPTIONAL
# caption_url => 'http://...', # OPTIONAL
# imgtag => HTML to display
# }
sub userpic {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $user = $u->user;
my $remote = $self->{remote};
my $ret = {};
my $ps = DW::Pay::get_paid_status( $self, no_cache => 1 );
my $level = $LJ::CAP{ $ps->{typeid} }->{_account_type};
my $img = '/silk/identity/'.$self->{$level}.'png';
# syndicated accounts have a very simple thing
if ( $u->is_syndicated ) {
$ret->{userpic} = "$LJ::IMGPREFIX/profile_icons/feed.png";
else {
# determine what picture URL to use
if ( my $up = $u->userpic ) {
$ret->{userpic} = $up->url;
elsif ( $u->is_personal ) {
$ret->{userpic} = $img;
$ret->{alt_text} = _profile_ml('.userpic.user.alt');
$ret->{width} = 100;
$ret->{height} = 100;
elsif ( $u->is_community ) {
$ret->{userpic} = "$LJ::IMGPREFIX/profile_icons/comm.png";
$ret->{alt_text} = _profile_ml('.userpic.comm.alt');
$ret->{width} = 100;
$ret->{height} = 100;
elsif ( $u->is_identity ) {
$ret->{userpic} = "$LJ::IMGPREFIX/profile_icons/openid.png";
$ret->{alt_text} = _profile_ml('.userpic.openid.alt');
$ret->{width} = 100;
$ret->{height} = 100;
# now determine what caption text to show
if ( $remote && $remote->can_manage($u) ) {
if ( $u->get_userpic_count ) {
$ret->{userpic_url} = $u->allpics_base;
$ret->{caption_text} = _profile_ml('.section.edit');
$ret->{caption_url} = "$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/icons?authas=$user";
else {
$ret->{userpic_url} = "$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/icons?authas=$user";
$ret->{caption_text} = _profile_ml('.userpic.upload');
$ret->{caption_url} = "$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/icons?authas=$user";
else {
if ( $u->get_userpic_count ) {
$ret->{userpic_url} = $u->allpics_base;
# build the HTML tag
my $userpic_obj = LJ::Userpic->get( $u, $u->{defaultpicid} );
my $imgtag_conditional;
if ($userpic_obj) {
$imgtag_conditional = $userpic_obj->imgtag;
else {
my $ret_userpic = $ret->{userpic} || '';
my $ret_height = $ret->{height} || '';
my $ret_width = $ret->{width} || '';
my $ret_alt_text = $ret->{alt_text} || '';
$imgtag_conditional =
qq{<img src="$ret_userpic" height=$ret_height width=$ret_width alt="$ret_alt_text" />};
# Set the wrapper materials to surrounded the userpic image
my ( $apre, $apost ) = ( '', '' );
if ( $ret->{userpic_url} ) {
$apre = "<a href='" . LJ::ehtml( $ret->{userpic_url} ) . "'>";
$apost = "</a>";
# Set the HTML to display the userpic
if ( $ret->{caption_text} ) {
$apost .= qq(
<br />
<span class="user_pic_caption">
[<a href="$ret->{caption_url}">$ret->{caption_text}</a>]
$ret->{imgtag} = $apre . $imgtag_conditional . $apost;
return $ret;
# returns an array of journal warnings
# (
# { class => 'someclass',
# text => 'Some Warning',
# },
# ...
# )
sub warnings {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
if ( $u->is_locked ) {
push @ret, { class => 'statusvis_msg', text => LJ::Lang::ml('statusvis_message.locked') };
elsif ( $u->is_memorial ) {
push @ret, { class => 'statusvis_msg', text => LJ::Lang::ml('statusvis_message.memorial') };
elsif ( $u->is_readonly ) {
push @ret, { class => 'statusvis_msg', text => LJ::Lang::ml('statusvis_message.readonly') };
unless ( $u->is_identity ) {
if ( $u->adult_content_calculated eq 'explicit' ) {
push @ret,
class => 'journal_adult_warning',
text => _profile_ml('.details.warning.explicit')
elsif ( $u->adult_content_calculated eq 'concepts' ) {
push @ret,
class => 'journal_adult_warning',
text => _profile_ml('.details.warning.concepts')
return \@ret;
# returns an array of comment statistic strings
sub comment_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
my $num_comments_received = $u->num_comments_received;
my $num_comments_posted = $u->num_comments_posted;
push @ret,
_profile_ml( '.details.comments.received2',
{ num_raw => $num_comments_received, num_comma => LJ::commafy($num_comments_received) } )
unless $u->is_identity;
push @ret,
_profile_ml( '.details.comments.posted2',
{ num_raw => $num_comments_posted, num_comma => LJ::commafy($num_comments_posted) } )
if LJ::is_enabled('show-talkleft') && ( $u->is_personal || $u->is_identity );
return \@ret;
# returns an array of support statistic strings
sub support_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
my $supportpoints = $u->support_points_count;
push @ret,
_profile_ml( '.details.supportpoints2',
{ aopts => qq{href="$LJ::SITEROOT/support/"}, num => LJ::commafy($supportpoints) } )
if $supportpoints;
return \@ret;
# return array of entry statistic strings
sub entry_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
my $ct = $u->number_of_posts;
push @ret,
num_raw => $ct,
num_comma => LJ::commafy($ct),
aopts => 'href="' . $u->journal_base . '"',
) unless $u->is_identity;
return \@ret;
# return array of tag statistic strings
sub tag_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
my $ct = scalar keys %{ $u->tags || {} };
push @ret,
num_raw => $ct,
num_comma => LJ::commafy($ct),
aopts => 'href="' . $u->journal_base . '/tag/"',
) unless $u->is_identity || $u->is_syndicated;
return \@ret;
# return array of memory statistic strings
sub memory_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
my $ct = LJ::Memories::count( $u->id ) || 0;
push @ret,
num_raw => $ct,
num_comma => LJ::commafy($ct),
aopts => "href='$LJ::SITEROOT/tools/memories?user=" . $u->user . "'",
) unless $u->is_syndicated;
return \@ret;
# return array of userpic statistic strings
sub userpic_stats {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
return [] if $u->is_syndicated;
my @ret = ();
my $ct = $u->get_userpic_count;
if ( $u->equals( $self->{remote} ) ) {
my $slots = $u->userpic_quota;
my $bonus = $u->prop('bonus_icons') || 0;
push @ret,
uploaded_raw => $ct,
uploaded_comma => LJ::commafy($ct),
slots_raw => $slots,
slots_comma => LJ::commafy($slots),
bonus_raw => $bonus,
bonus_comma => LJ::commafy($bonus),
aopts => "href='" . $u->allpics_base . "'",
else {
push @ret,
uploaded_raw => $ct,
uploaded_comma => LJ::commafy($ct),
aopts => "href='" . $u->allpics_base . "'",
return \@ret;
# returns array of hashrefs
sub basic_info_rows {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret = $self->_basic_info_display_name;
if ( $u->is_community ) {
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_location;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_website;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_comm_membership;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_comm_postlevel;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_comm_theme;
elsif ( $u->is_syndicated ) {
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_syn_status;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_syn_readers;
else {
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_birthday;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_location;
push @ret, $self->_basic_info_website;
return \@ret;
# returns the account's displayed name
# available for all account types
sub _basic_info_display_name {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
my $name = $u->name_html;
if ( $u->is_syndicated ) {
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.syndicatedfrom');
$ret->[1] = ' ';
if ( my $url = $u->url ) {
$ret->[2] = { url => LJ::ehtml($url), text => $name };
else {
$ret->[2] = { text => $name };
my $synd = $u->get_syndicated;
$ret->[3] = {
url => LJ::ehtml( $synd->{synurl} ),
text => LJ::img( 'xml', '', { align => 'absmiddle' } ),
else {
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.name');
$ret->[1] = $name;
return $ret;
# returns the account's birthday
# available only for personal and identity account types
sub _basic_info_birthday {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_personal || $u->is_identity;
if ( $u->bday_string && ( $u->can_share_bday || $self->{viewall} ) ) {
my $bdate = $u->prop('bdate');
if ( $bdate && $bdate ne "0000-00-00" ) {
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.birthdate');
$ret->[1] = $self->security_image( $u->opt_sharebday );
my ( $year, $mon, $day ) = split /-/, $bdate;
my $moname = LJ::Lang::month_short_ml($mon);
$day += 0;
if ( $u->bday_string =~ /\d+-\d+-\d+/ ) {
$ret->[1] .= "$moname $day, $year";
elsif ( $u->bday_string =~ /\d+-\d+/ ) {
$ret->[1] .= "$moname $day";
else {
$ret->[1] .= $u->bday_string;
return $ret;
# returns the account's location
# available only for personal, identity, and community account types
sub _basic_info_location {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret if $u->is_syndicated;
my ( $city, $state, $country ) = ( $u->prop('city'), $u->prop('state'), $u->prop('country') );
my ( $city_ret, $state_ret, $country_ret );
if ( ( $u->can_show_location || $self->{viewall} ) && ( $city || $state || $country ) ) {
my $ecity = LJ::eurl($city);
my $ecountry = LJ::eurl($country);
my $estate = "";
my $secimg = $self->security_image( $u->opt_showlocation );
my $dirurl = "$LJ::SITEROOT/directorysearch?opt_sort=ut&amp;s_loc=1";
if ($country) {
my %countries = ();
DW::Countries->load_legacy( \%countries );
$country_ret = {};
$country_ret->{url} = "$dirurl&amp;loc_cn=$ecountry"
if LJ::is_enabled('directory');
$country_ret->{text} = $countries{$country};
$country_ret->{secimg} = $secimg if !$state && !$city;
if ($state) {
my %states;
my $states_type = $LJ::COUNTRIES_WITH_REGIONS{$country}->{type};
LJ::load_codes( { $states_type => \%states } ) if defined $states_type;
$state = LJ::ehtml($state);
$state = $states{$state} if $states_type && $states{$state};
$estate = LJ::eurl($state);
$state_ret = {};
$state_ret->{url} = "$dirurl&amp;loc_cn=$ecountry&amp;loc_st=$estate"
if $country && LJ::is_enabled('directory');
$state_ret->{text} = LJ::ehtml($state);
$state_ret->{secimg} = $secimg if !$city;
if ($city) {
$city = LJ::ehtml($city);
$city_ret = {};
$city_ret->{url} = "$dirurl&amp;loc_cn=$ecountry&amp;loc_st=$estate&amp;loc_ci=$ecity"
if $country && LJ::is_enabled('directory');
$city_ret->{text} = $city;
$city_ret->{secimg} = $secimg;
push @$ret, $city_ret, $state_ret, $country_ret;
unshift @$ret, ( _profile_ml('.label.location'), ', ' );
return $ret;
# returns the account's website
# available only for personal, identity, and community account types
sub _basic_info_website {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret if $u->is_syndicated;
my ( $url, $urlname ) = ( $u->url, $u->prop('urlname') );
if ($url) {
$url = LJ::ehtml($url);
unless ( $url =~ /^https?:\/\// ) {
$url =~ s/^http\W*//;
$url = "http://$url";
$urlname = LJ::ehtml( $urlname || $url );
if ($url) {
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.website');
$ret->[1] = { url => $url, text => $urlname };
return $ret;
# returns the account's community membership
# available only for community account types
sub _basic_info_comm_membership {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_community;
my ( $membership, $postlevel ) = $u->get_comm_settings;
my $membership_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.membership.open');
if ( $membership && $membership eq "moderated" ) {
$membership_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.membership.moderated');
elsif ( $membership && $membership eq "closed" ) {
$membership_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.membership.closed');
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.commsettings.membership.header');
$ret->[1] = $membership_string;
return $ret;
# returns the account's community posting level
# available only for community account types
sub _basic_info_comm_postlevel {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_community;
my ( $membership, $postlevel ) = $u->get_comm_settings;
my $postlevel_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.postlevel.members');
if ( $postlevel && $postlevel eq "select" ) {
$postlevel_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.postlevel.select');
elsif ( $u->prop('nonmember_posting') ) {
$postlevel_string = _profile_ml('.commsettings.postlevel.anybody');
$postlevel_string .= _profile_ml('.commsettings.postlevel.moderated') if $u->prop('moderated');
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.commsettings.postlevel.header');
$ret->[1] = $postlevel_string;
return $ret;
# returns the account's community theme
# available only for community account types
sub _basic_info_comm_theme {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_community;
if ( $u->prop('comm_theme') ) {
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.commdesc.header');
$ret->[1] = LJ::ehtml( $u->prop('comm_theme') );
return $ret;
# returns the account's feed status
# available only for syndication account types
sub _basic_info_syn_status {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_syndicated;
my $synd = $u->get_syndicated;
my $syn_status;
$syn_status .= _profile_ml('.syn.lastcheck') . " ";
$syn_status .= $synd->{lastcheck} || _profile_ml('.syn.last.never');
my $status = {
parseerror => "Parse error",
notmodified => "Not modified",
toobig => "Too big",
posterror => "Posting error",
ok => "", # no status line necessary
nonew => "", # no status line necessary
}->{ $synd->{laststatus} // 'ok' };
$syn_status .= " ($status)" if $status;
if ( $synd->{laststatus} && $synd->{laststatus} eq 'parseerror' ) {
$syn_status .=
"<br />"
. _profile_ml('.syn.parseerror') . " "
. LJ::ehtml( $u->prop('rssparseerror') );
$syn_status .= "<br />" . _profile_ml('.syn.nextcheck') . " $synd->{checknext}";
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.syndicatedstatus');
$ret->[1] = $syn_status;
return $ret;
# returns the account's feed readers
# available only for syndication account types
sub _basic_info_syn_readers {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret = [];
return $ret unless $u->is_syndicated;
$ret->[0] = _profile_ml('.label.syndreadcount');
$ret->[1] = scalar $u->watched_by_userids;
return $ret;
# returns various methods of contacting the user
sub contact_rows {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $remote = $self->{remote};
my @ret = ();
# private message
if ( ( $u->is_personal || $u->is_identity ) && $remote && $u->can_receive_message($remote) ) {
push @ret,
url => "$LJ::SITEROOT/inbox/compose?user=" . $u->user,
text => _profile_ml('.contact.pm')
# email
if ( ( !$u->is_syndicated && $u->share_contactinfo($remote) ) || $self->{viewall} ) {
my @emails = $u->emails_visible($remote);
my $secimg = $self->security_image( $u->opt_showcontact )
if @emails;
foreach my $email (@emails) {
push @ret,
email => $email,
secimg => $secimg
return \@ret;
# returns the bio
sub bio {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $ret;
if ( $ret = $u->bio ) {
if ( $u->is_identity ) {
$ret = LJ::ehtml($ret); # XXXXX FIXME: TEMP FIX
$ret =~ s!\n!<br />!g;
else {
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_userbio( \$ret, $u->email_status eq "N" );
LJ::EmbedModule->expand_entry( $u, \$ret );
return $ret;
# returns an array of interests
sub interests {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $remote = $self->{remote};
my @ret;
my $ints = $u->get_interests(); # arrayref of: [ intid, intname, intcount ]
if (@$ints) {
foreach my $int (@$ints) {
my $intid = $int->[0];
my $intname = $int->[1];
my $intcount = $int->[2];
LJ::text_out( \$intname );
my $eint = LJ::eurl($intname);
if ( $intcount > 1 ) {
# bold shared interests on all profiles except your own
if ( $remote && !$remote->equals($u) ) {
my %remote_intids =
map { $_ => 1 } @{ $remote->get_interests( { justids => 1 } ) };
$intname = "<strong>$intname</strong>" if $remote_intids{$intid};
push @ret, { url => "$LJ::SITEROOT/interests?int=$eint", text => $intname };
else {
push @ret, $intname;
return \@ret;
# return an array of external services (mostly IM services)
sub external_services {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my $remote = $self->{remote};
my @ret;
return [] unless $u->is_personal && ( $u->share_contactinfo($remote) || $self->{viewall} );
my $info = sub {
my ( $acct, $site ) = @_;
my $url =
defined $site->{url_format}
? sprintf( $site->{url_format}, LJ::eurl($acct) )
: undef;
return {
type => $site->{name},
text => LJ::ehtml($acct),
url => $url,
image => $site->{imgfile},
title_ml => $site->{title_ml},
my $services = DW::External::ProfileServices->list;
my $accounts = $u->load_profile_accts;
if (%$accounts) {
foreach my $site (@$services) {
my $s_id = $site->{service_id};
my $vals = $accounts->{$s_id} // [];
foreach my $acct (@$vals) {
push @ret, $info->( $acct->[1], $site );
return \@ret;
# legacy path for users who still have data in userprops
my $userprops = DW::External::ProfileServices->userprops;
foreach my $site (@$services) {
if ( my $acct = $u->prop( $site->{userprop} ) ) {
push @ret, $info->( $acct, $site );
return \@ret;
# returns whether a given list should be hidden or not
sub hide_list {
my ( $self, $list ) = @_;
my $u = $self->{u};
my $remote = $self->{remote};
return 1 if $list =~ /^posting_access/;
return $u->prop('opt_hidememberofs') if $list =~ /of_comms$/;
return 1 if $u->prop('opt_hidefriendofs');
return 0;
# returns all userids that are trusted but that don't trust in return
sub not_mutually_trusted_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
return [] unless $u->is_personal;
my @trusted_userids = $u->trusted_userids;
my %is_trusted_by = map { $_ => 1 } $u->trusted_by_userids;
foreach my $uid (@trusted_userids) {
push @ret, $uid if !$is_trusted_by{$uid};
return \@ret;
# returns all userids that trust but that aren't trusted in return
sub not_mutually_trusted_by_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
return [] unless $u->is_personal;
my @trusted_by_userids = $u->trusted_by_userids;
my %is_trusted = map { $_ => 1 } $u->trusted_userids;
foreach my $uid (@trusted_by_userids) {
push @ret, $uid if !$is_trusted{$uid};
return \@ret;
# returns all userids that are watched but that don't watch in return
sub not_mutually_watched_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
return [] unless $u->is_personal || $u->is_identity;
my @watched_userids = $u->watched_userids;
my %is_watched_by = map { $_ => 1 } $u->watched_by_userids;
foreach my $uid (@watched_userids) {
push @ret, $uid if !$is_watched_by{$uid};
return \@ret;
# returns all userids that watch but that aren't watched in return
sub not_mutually_watched_by_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
my $u = $self->{u};
my @ret;
return [] unless $u->is_personal || $u->is_identity;
my @watched_by_userids = $u->watched_by_userids;
my %is_watched = map { $_ => 1 } $u->watched_userids;
foreach my $uid (@watched_by_userids) {
push @ret, $uid if !$is_watched{$uid};
return \@ret;
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub maintainer_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->maintainer_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub member_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->member_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub member_of_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->member_of_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub moderator_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->moderator_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub mutually_trusted_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->mutually_trusted_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub mutually_watched_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->mutually_watched_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub trusted_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->trusted_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub trusted_by_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->trusted_by_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub watched_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->watched_userids ];
# identical to user method except returns a reference instead of a list
sub watched_by_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return [ $self->{u}->watched_by_userids ];
# convenience method
sub admin_of_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return LJ::load_rel_target_cache( $self->{u}, 'A' );
# convenience method
sub posting_access_from_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return LJ::load_rel_user_cache( $self->{u}, 'P' );
# convenience method
sub posting_access_to_userids {
my $self = $_[0];
return LJ::load_rel_target_cache( $self->{u}, 'P' );
# returns data hash mapping various userid lists
sub populate_edges {
my $profile = $_[0];
my $u = $profile->{u};
my $remote = $profile->{remote};
my %edges;
my $force_empty = exists $LJ::FORCE_EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTIONS{ $u->id } ? 1 : 0;
# identity accounts ignore show_mutualfriends for trust edges
# (they can be trusted but can't trust back)
$edges{trusted_by} = $profile->trusted_by_userids if $u->is_identity;
# show_mutualfriends can only be true for personal or identity accounts
if ( $u->show_mutualfriends ) {
if ( $u->is_personal ) {
$edges{mutually_trusted} = $profile->mutually_trusted_userids;
$edges{not_mutually_trusted} = $profile->not_mutually_trusted_userids;
$edges{not_mutually_trusted_by} = $profile->not_mutually_trusted_by_userids;
$edges{mutually_watched} = $profile->mutually_watched_userids;
$edges{not_mutually_watched} = $profile->not_mutually_watched_userids;
$edges{not_mutually_watched_by} = $profile->not_mutually_watched_by_userids;
# need this one to get watched communities and feeds
$edges{watched} = $profile->watched_userids;
else { # no show_mutualfriends, includes communities
if ( $u->is_personal ) {
$edges{trusted} = $profile->trusted_userids;
$edges{trusted_by} = $profile->trusted_by_userids;
if ( $u->is_individual ) {
$edges{watched} = $profile->watched_userids;
# respect option to hide watched_by unless journal owner == remote
my $hide_watched_by = 0;
unless ( $remote && $remote->can_manage($u) ) {
$hide_watched_by = $u->prop('opt_hidefriendofs') ? 1 : 0;
# but ALWAYS hide watched_by if journal in the force_empty list
unless ( $force_empty || $hide_watched_by ) {
$edges{watched_by} = $profile->watched_by_userids;
if ( $u->is_community && !$force_empty ) {
$edges{members} = $profile->member_userids;
$edges{posting_access_from} = $profile->posting_access_from_userids;
if ( $u->is_personal ) {
$edges{member_of} = $profile->member_of_userids;
$edges{admin_of} = $profile->admin_of_userids;
$edges{posting_access_to} = $profile->posting_access_to_userids;
# before returning, filter out any banned users
my %banned_users = map { $_ => 1 } @{ LJ::load_rel_user( $u, 'B' ) || [] };
foreach my $e ( keys %edges ) {
$edges{$e} = [ grep { !$banned_users{$_} } @{ $edges{$e} } ];
return \%edges;
# returns image link based on privacy settings
sub security_image {
my ( $self, $code ) = @_;
my %img = (
R => [ 'registered', 'identity/user.png' ],
F => [ 'trusted', 'entry/locked.png' ],
N => [ 'private', 'entry/private.png' ],
return '' unless $img{$code};
my ( $text, $imgfile ) = @{ $img{$code} };
$text = LJ::Lang::ml('entryform.security') . " $text";
$imgfile = "$LJ::SITEROOT/img/silk/$imgfile";
return "&nbsp;(<img alt='$text' title='$text' width='16' height='16'"
. " style='vertical-align: bottom' src='$imgfile' />)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
# explicitly scope the profile page for ml strings
sub _profile_ml {
my ( $string, $optref ) = @_;
my $page = "/profile/logic.tt";
return LJ::Lang::ml( "$page$string", $optref );