
220 lines
7.4 KiB

# This code was forked from the LiveJournal project owned and operated
# by Live Journal, Inc. The code has been modified and expanded by
# Dreamwidth Studios, LLC. These files were originally licensed under
# the terms of the license supplied by Live Journal, Inc, which can
# currently be found at:
# http://code.livejournal.org/trac/livejournal/browser/trunk/LICENSE-LiveJournal.txt
# In accordance with the original license, this code and all its
# modifications are provided under the GNU General Public License.
# A copy of that license can be found in the LICENSE file included as
# part of this distribution.
package LJ::Setting::EmailPosting;
use base 'LJ::Setting';
use strict;
use warnings;
sub should_render {
my ( $class, $u ) = @_;
return $LJ::EMAIL_POST_DOMAIN && $u && $u->is_personal ? 1 : 0;
sub helpurl {
my ( $class, $u ) = @_;
return "email_post";
sub label {
my $class = shift;
return $class->ml('setting.emailposting.label');
sub option {
my ( $class, $u, $errs, $args ) = @_;
my $key = $class->pkgkey;
my $can_emailpost = $u->can_emailpost;
my $upgrade_link = $can_emailpost ? "" : LJ::Hooks::run_hook( "upgrade_link", $u, "plus" );
my $addrlist = LJ::Emailpost::Web::get_allowed_senders($u);
my @addresses = sort keys %$addrlist;
my $pin = $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_pin" ) || $u->prop("emailpost_pin");
my $ret = "<p>"
. $class->ml(
aopts => "href='$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/emailpost?mode=help'"
$ret .= " $upgrade_link</p>";
$ret .= "<table summary='' class='setting_table' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'>";
if ($can_emailpost) {
foreach my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) {
$ret .= "<tr><td class='setting_label'><label for='${key}emailposting_addr$i'>";
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.addr') . "</label></td>";
$ret .= "<td>"
. LJ::html_text(
name => "${key}emailposting_addr$i",
id => "${key}emailposting_addr$i",
value => $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_addr$i" )
|| $addresses[$i]
|| "",
size => 40,
maxlength => 80,
$ret .= " <label for='${key}emailposting_senderrors$i'>";
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.senderrors') . "</label>";
$ret .= " "
. LJ::html_check(
name => "${key}emailposting_senderrors$i",
id => "${key}emailposting_senderrors$i",
value => 1,
selected => $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_senderrors$i" )
|| ( $addresses[$i]
&& $addrlist->{ $addresses[$i] }
&& $addrlist->{ $addresses[$i] }->{get_errors} ) ? 1 : 0,
$ret .= "<br />";
$ret .= " <label for='${key}emailposting_helpmessage$i'>";
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.helpmessage') . "</label>";
$ret .= " "
. LJ::html_check(
name => "${key}emailposting_helpmessage$i",
id => "${key}emailposting_helpmessage$i",
value => 1,
selected => 0,
my $addr_errdiv = $class->errdiv( $errs, "emailposting_addr$i" );
$ret .= "<br />$addr_errdiv" if $addr_errdiv;
$ret .= "<br />&nbsp;";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td class='setting_label'><label for='${key}emailposting_pin'>";
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.pin') . "</label></td>";
$ret .= "<td>"
. LJ::html_text(
name => "${key}emailposting_pin",
id => "${key}emailposting_pin",
type => "password",
value => $pin || "",
size => 10,
maxlength => 20,
. " <span class='smaller'>"
. $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.pin.note')
. "</span>";
my $pin_errdiv = $class->errdiv( $errs, "emailposting_pin" );
$ret .= "<br />$pin_errdiv" if $pin_errdiv;
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
$ret .= "<td><a href='$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/emailpost'>";
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.option.advanced') . "</a></td></tr>";
else {
$ret .= $class->ml('setting.emailposting.notavailable');
$ret .= " "
. $class->ml( 'setting.emailposting.notavailable.upgrade',
{ aopts => "href='$LJ::SITEROOT/shop'" } )
if LJ::is_enabled('payments');
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
sub save {
my ( $class, $u, $args ) = @_;
my @addr_val = map { $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_addr$_" ) } ( 0 ... 4 );
my $pin_val = $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_pin" );
my %allowed;
my $addrcount = 0;
my @send_helpmessage;
foreach my $addr (@addr_val) {
$addr =~ s/\s+//g;
next unless $addr;
next if length $addr > 80;
$addr = lc $addr;
"emailposting_addr$addrcount" => $class->ml('setting.emailposting.error.email.invalid')
) unless $addr =~ /\@/;
$allowed{$addr} = {};
$allowed{$addr}->{get_errors} = 1
if $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_senderrors$addrcount" );
push @send_helpmessage, $addr
if $class->get_arg( $args, "emailposting_helpmessage$addrcount" );
LJ::Emailpost::Web::set_allowed_senders( $u, \%allowed );
$class->email_helpmessage( $u, $_ ) foreach @send_helpmessage;
$pin_val =~ s/\s+//g;
emailposting_pin => $class->ml( 'setting.emailposting.error.pin.invalid', { num => 4 } ) )
unless !$pin_val || $pin_val =~ /^([a-z0-9]){4,20}$/i;
emailposting_pin => $class->ml(
{ sitename => $LJ::SITENAMESHORT }
) if $pin_val eq $u->user;
$u->set_prop( emailpost_pin => $pin_val );
return 1;
sub email_helpmessage {
my ( $class, $u, $address ) = @_;
return unless $u && $address;
my $user = LJ::isu($u) ? $u->user : $u; # allow object or string
my $postdomain = "\@post.$LJ::DOMAIN";
to => $address,
from => $LJ::BOGUS_EMAIL,
fromname => $LJ::SITENAME,
subject => LJ::Lang::ml(
{ sitenameshort => $LJ::SITENAMESHORT }
body => LJ::Lang::ml(
email => "$user+PIN$postdomain",
comm => "$user.communityname$postdomain",
url => "$LJ::SITEROOT/manage/emailpost"