Overhaul TOFU checking code.

Main motivation for this was to switch from keying the cache cert
database off hostname + address to hostname + port.  While making
the necessary changes I refactored to reduce code duplication and
make the overall flow of the TOFU checks more transparent.

The check of whether the "previous certificate" has expired has
been changed from using the most frequently seen previous cert to
the most recently seen, which makes a *lot* more sense and is
arguably a bug fix.

The address column of the DB is now used only for reporting, but
the column is not maintained well, or rather, the semantics are
currently "address cert was first received from", and we may want
something less static?
This commit is contained in:
Solderpunk 2024-01-17 20:58:59 +01:00
parent fc056ef680
commit 88daabe091
2 changed files with 152 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ you'll be able to transparently follow links to Gopherspace!""")
if self.options["tls_mode"] == "tofu":
cert = s.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
self.tofu_store.validate_cert(address[4][0], host, cert)
self.tofu_store.validate_cert(address[4][0], address[4][1], host, cert)
# Send request and wrap response in a file descriptor
ui_out.debug("Sending %s<CRLF>" % gi.url)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ try:
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import av98.util as util
ui_out = logging.getLogger("av98_logger")
class TofuStore:
@ -22,20 +23,38 @@ class TofuStore:
def __init__(self, config_dir):
self.config_dir = config_dir
self.certdir = os.path.join(config_dir, "cert_cache")
if not os.path.exists(self.certdir):
db_path = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "tofu.db")
self.db_conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
self.db_cur = self.db_conn.cursor()
def create_db(self):
self.db_cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cert_cache
(hostname text, address text, fingerprint text,
(hostname text, port integer, address text, fingerprint text,
first_seen date, last_seen date, count integer)""")
def update_db(self):
# Update 1 - check for port column
self.db_cur.execute("""SELECT port FROM cert_cache where 1=0""")
has_port = True
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
has_port = False
if not has_port:
self.db_cur.execute("""ALTER TABLE cert_cache ADD COLUMN port integer""")
self.db_cur.execute("""UPDATE cert_cache SET port= 1965 WHERE count > 0""")
def close(self):
def validate_cert(self, address, host, cert):
def validate_cert(self, address, port, host, cert):
Validate a TLS certificate in TOFU mode.
@ -46,14 +65,95 @@ class TofuStore:
Whether the cryptography module is installed or not, check the
certificate's fingerprint against the TOFU database to see if we've
previously encountered a different certificate for this IP address and
previously encountered a different certificate for this hostname and
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Do 'advanced' checks if Cryptography library is installed
# Using the cryptography module we can get detailed access
# to the properties of even self-signed certs, unlike in
# the standard ssl library...
self.check_cert_expiry_and_names(cert, host, now)
# Compute SHA256 fingerprint
sha = hashlib.sha256()
fingerprint = sha.hexdigest()
# Have we been here before?
self.db_cur.execute("""SELECT fingerprint, address, first_seen, last_seen, count
FROM cert_cache WHERE hostname=? AND port=?""", (host, port))
cached_certs = self.db_cur.fetchall()
# If not, cache this first cert and we're done
if not cached_certs:
ui_out.debug("TOFU: Blindly trusting first ever certificate for this host!")
self.cache_new_cert(cert, host, port, address, fingerprint, now)
# If we have, check the received cert against the cache
if self.find_cert_in_cache(host, port, fingerprint, cached_certs, now):
# Handle an unrecognised cert
ui_out.debug("TOFU: Unrecognised certificate {}! Raising the alarm...".format(fingerprint))
## Find the most recently seen previous cert for reporting
most_recent = None
for cached_fingerprint, cached_address, first, last, count in cached_certs:
if not most_recent or last > most_recent:
most_recent = last
most_recent_cert = cached_fingerprint
most_recent_address = cached_address
most_recent_count = count
## Report the situation
print("[SECURITY WARNING] Unrecognised certificate!")
print("The certificate presented for {}:{} ({}) has never been seen before.".format(host, port, address))
print("This MIGHT be a Man-in-the-Middle attack.")
print("A different certificate has previously been seen {} times.".format(most_recent_count))
previous_ttl = self.get_cached_cert_expiry(most_recent_cert) - now
if previous_ttl < datetime.timedelta():
print("That certificate has expired, which reduces suspicion somewhat.")
print("That certificate is still valid for: {}".format(previous_ttl))
if most_recent_address == address:
print("The new certificate is being served from the same IP address as the previous one.")
print("The new certificate is being served from a DIFFERNET IP address as the previous one.")
print("Attempt to verify the new certificate fingerprint out-of-band:")
## Ask the question
if util.ask_yes_no("Accept this new certificate?"):
self.cache_new_cert(cert, host, port, address, fingerprint, now)
raise Exception("TOFU Failure!")
def cache_new_cert(self, cert, host, port, address, fingerprint, now):
Accept a new certificate for a given host/port combo.
# Save cert to disk
with open(os.path.join(self.certdir, fingerprint+".crt"), "wb") as fp:
# Record in DB
self.db_cur.execute("""INSERT INTO cert_cache
(hostname, port, address, fingerprint, first_seen, last_seen, count)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
(host, port, address, fingerprint, now, now, 1))
def check_cert_expiry_and_names(self, cert, host, now):
- Check the certificate Common Name or SAN matches `host`
- Check the certificate's not valid before date is in the past
- Check the certificate's not valid after date is in the future
c = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert, _BACKEND)
# Check certificate validity dates
@ -82,79 +182,29 @@ class TofuStore:
# If we didn't break out, none of the names were valid
raise ssl.CertificateError("Hostname does not match certificate common name or any alternative names.")
sha = hashlib.sha256()
fingerprint = sha.hexdigest()
# Have we been here before?
self.db_cur.execute("""SELECT fingerprint, first_seen, last_seen, count
FROM cert_cache
WHERE hostname=? AND address=?""", (host, address))
cached_certs = self.db_cur.fetchall()
# If so, check for a match
if cached_certs:
max_count = 0
most_frequent_cert = None
for cached_fingerprint, first, last, count in cached_certs:
if count > max_count:
max_count = count
most_frequent_cert = cached_fingerprint
def find_cert_in_cache(self, host, port, fingerprint, cached_certs, now):
Try to find a cached certificate for the given host:port matching the
given fingerprint. If one is found, update the "last seen" DB value.
for cached_fingerprint, cached_address, first, last, count in cached_certs:
if fingerprint == cached_fingerprint:
# Matched!
ui_out.debug("TOFU: Accepting previously seen ({} times) certificate {}".format(count, fingerprint))
self.db_cur.execute("""UPDATE cert_cache
SET last_seen=?, count=?
WHERE hostname=? AND address=? AND fingerprint=?""",
(now, count+1, host, address, fingerprint))
WHERE hostname=? AND port=? AND fingerprint=?""",
(now, count+1, host, port, fingerprint))
certdir = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "cert_cache")
# Load the most frequently seen certificate to see if it has
# expired
with open(os.path.join(certdir, most_frequent_cert+".crt"), "rb") as fp:
return True
return False
def get_cached_cert_expiry(self, fingerprint):
Parse the stored certificate with a given fingerprint and return its
expiry date.
with open(os.path.join(self.certdir, fingerprint+".crt"), "rb") as fp:
previous_cert = fp.read()
previous_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(previous_cert, _BACKEND)
previous_ttl = previous_cert.not_valid_after - now
ui_out.debug("TOFU: Unrecognised certificate {}! Raising the alarm...".format(fingerprint))
print("[SECURITY WARNING] Unrecognised certificate!")
print("The certificate presented for {} ({}) has never been seen before.".format(host, address))
print("This MIGHT be a Man-in-the-Middle attack.")
print("A different certificate has previously been seen {} times.".format(max_count))
if previous_ttl < datetime.timedelta():
print("That certificate has expired, which reduces suspicion somewhat.")
print("That certificate is still valid for: {}".format(previous_ttl))
print("Attempt to verify the new certificate fingerprint out-of-band:")
choice = input("Accept this new certificate? Y/N ").strip().lower()
if choice in ("y", "yes"):
self.db_cur.execute("""INSERT INTO cert_cache
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
(host, address, fingerprint, now, now, 1))
with open(os.path.join(certdir, fingerprint+".crt"), "wb") as fp:
raise Exception("TOFU Failure!")
# If not, cache this cert
ui_out.debug("TOFU: Blindly trusting first ever certificate for this host!")
self.db_cur.execute("""INSERT INTO cert_cache
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
(host, address, fingerprint, now, now, 1))
certdir = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "cert_cache")
if not os.path.exists(certdir):
with open(os.path.join(certdir, fingerprint+".crt"), "wb") as fp:
return previous_cert.not_valid_after