improving rendering of images nested in links and of non-breaking spaces

This commit is contained in:
Lionel Dricot 2022-02-15 00:04:30 +01:00
parent fdd1f36de6
commit 8ae7587ab4
1 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -598,14 +598,32 @@ class HtmlRenderer(AbstractRenderer):
# You know how bad html is when you realize that space sometimes meaningful, somtimes not.
# CR are not meaniningful. Except that, somethimes, they should be interpreted as spaces.
# HTMLis real crap. At least the one people are generating.
def render_image(src,width=40,mode=None):
ansi_img = ""
if _RENDER_IMAGE and mode != "links_only" and src:
abs_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.url, src)
g = GeminiItem(abs_url)
if g.is_cache_valid():
img = g.get_cache_path()
renderer = ImageRenderer(img,abs_url)
# Image are 40px wide except if terminal is smaller
if width > 40:
size = 40
size = width
ansi_img = "\n" + renderer.get_body(width=size)
except Exception as err:
#we sometimes encounter really bad formatted files or URL
ansi_img += "[BAD IMG] %s"%src
return ansi_img
def sanitize_string(string):
endspace = string.endswith(" ")
startspace = string.startswith(" ")
endspace = string.endswith(" ") or string.endswith("\xa0")
startspace = string.startswith(" ") or string.startswith("\xa0")
toreturn = string.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t"," ").strip()
while " " in toreturn:
toreturn = toreturn.replace(" "," ")
toreturn = toreturn.strip("\n").strip("\t")
toreturn = toreturn.replace("&nbsp"," ")
toreturn = toreturn.replace("&nbsp","\xa0")
if endspace and not toreturn.endswith(" "):
toreturn += " "
if startspace and not toreturn.startswith(" "):
@ -660,12 +678,16 @@ class HtmlRenderer(AbstractRenderer):
rendered_body += recursive_render(child,indent=indent)
rendered_body += "\x1b[22m"
elif == "a":
text = sanitize_string(element.get_text())
text = ""
# support for images nested in links
for child in element.children:
if == "img":
img = recursive_render(child)
# recursive rendering seems to displaying images twice
src = child.get("src")
img = render_image(src,width=width,mode=mode)
rendered_body += img
text += recursive_render(child)
link = element.get('href')
if link:
links.append(link+" "+text)
@ -677,23 +699,7 @@ class HtmlRenderer(AbstractRenderer):
elif == "img":
src = element.get("src")
text = ""
ansi_img = ""
if _RENDER_IMAGE and mode != "links_only" and src:
abs_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.url, src)
g = GeminiItem(abs_url)
if g.is_cache_valid():
img = g.get_cache_path()
renderer = ImageRenderer(img,abs_url)
# Image are 40px wide except if terminal is smaller
if width > 40:
size = 40
size = width
ansi_img = "\n" + renderer.get_body(width=size)
except Exception as err:
#we sometimes encounter really bad formatted files or URL
ansi_img += "[BAD IMG] %s"%src
ansi_img = render_image(src,width=width,mode=mode)
alt = element.get("alt")
if alt:
alt = sanitize_string(alt)