don’t refresh more than every 1h

This commit is contained in:
Lionel Dricot 2021-12-16 13:10:55 +01:00
parent de840bdf9f
commit 9d5a1a9e4c
1 changed files with 35 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -157,20 +157,27 @@ class GeminiItem():
# index.gmi. I dont know how to know the real name
# of the file. But first, we need to ensure that the domain name
# finish by "/". Else, the cache with create a file, not a folder.
if self.path == "":
if self.path == "" or os.path.isdir(self.cache_path):
self.cache_path += "/"
if self.cache_path.endswith("/"):
self.cache_path += "index.gmi"
def is_cache_valid(self):
# TODO:Try to be smart about when to update a cache
def is_cache_valid(self,validity=None):
# Validity is the acceptable time for
# a cache to be valid (in seconds)
# If None, then any cache is considered as valid
if self.cache_path:
if os.path.exists(self.cache_path):
#last_access = os.path.getatime(self.cache_path)
#last_modification = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path)
#now = time.time()
return True
if validity:
last_modification = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path)
now = time.time()
age = now - last_modification
return age < validity
return True
#Cache has not been build
return False
@ -1810,7 +1817,8 @@ def main():
# Endless interpret loop
if args.sync:
#TODO : synconly should run only every XX hours, no more
# Dont refresh is cache is younger than 1h
refresh_time = 3600
gc.sync_only = True
# First we get ressources from syncfile
lines_lookup = []
@ -1835,26 +1843,27 @@ def main():
end = len(original_lookup)
for j in original_lookup:
count += 1
print("[%s/%s] Fetch "%(count,end),j.url)
gc.onecmd("go %s" %j.url)
# Depth = 1
temp_lookup = set(gc.lookup)
#temp_lookup = []
sec_count = 0
sec_end = len(temp_lookup)
for k in temp_lookup:
sec_count += 1
if not k.is_cache_valid():
#if not cached, we download
#and add to offline tour
print(" -> [%s/%s] "%(sec_count,sec_end),k.url,end='\r')
gc.onecmd("go %s" %k.url)
#we add to the next tour only if we managed to cache
#the ressource
if k.is_cache_valid():
with open(gc.tourfile,mode='a') as tf:
line = k.url + "\n"
if not j.is_cache_valid(validity=refresh_time):
print("[%s/%s] Fetch "%(count,end),j.url)
gc.onecmd("go %s" %j.url)
# Depth = 1
temp_lookup = set(gc.lookup)
#temp_lookup = []
sec_count = 0
sec_end = len(temp_lookup)
for k in temp_lookup:
sec_count += 1
if not k.is_cache_valid():
#if not cached, we download
#and add to offline tour
print(" -> [%s/%s] "%(sec_count,sec_end),k.url,end='\r')
gc.onecmd("go %s" %k.url)
#we add to the next tour only if we managed to cache
#the ressource
if k.is_cache_valid():
with open(gc.tourfile,mode='a') as tf:
line = k.url + "\n"
while True: