code: refactoring, use variables instead of path to components to make code easier to read

This commit is contained in:
Solene Rapenne 2022-05-05 19:59:38 +02:00
parent 16fbbbfc9d
commit c939300658
2 changed files with 31 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ var packages_to_delete = []
var output = []
var root_tree
onready var Tree = $Panel/Tree
onready var ConsoleDisplay = $Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel
func get_installed_packages():
var buffer = []
installed_packages = []
@ -29,22 +32,26 @@ func _ready():
# click on APPLY CHANGES
func _on_Button_pressed():
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text = ""
ConsoleDisplay.text = ""
if packages.size() > 0:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text = "You are going to install these packages:\n"
ConsoleDisplay.text = "You are going to install these packages:\n"
for l in packages:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += "- " + l + "\n"
ConsoleDisplay.text += "- " + l + "\n"
if packages_to_delete.size() > 0:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += "You are going to remove these packages:\n"
ConsoleDisplay.text += "You are going to remove these packages:\n"
for l in packages_to_delete:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += "- " + l + "\n"
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += "\n\nClick on Accept to apply changes"
ConsoleDisplay.text += "- " + l + "\n"
if packages_to_delete.size() > 0 or packages.size() > 0:
ConsoleDisplay.text += "\n\nClick on Accept to apply changes"
$Panel/Panel/Accept.visible = true
ConsoleDisplay.text = "No change to make"
$Panel/Panel/Accept.visible = false
$Panel/Panel/Cancel.visible = true
$Panel/Panel.visible = true
func _on_Tree_multi_selected():
var item = $Panel/Tree.get_selected()
var item = Tree.get_selected()
if item.get_parent() == root_tree:
@ -69,16 +76,16 @@ func _on_Tree_multi_selected():
func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(text):
root_tree = $Panel/Tree.create_item()
gui_program = $Panel/Tree.create_item()
root_tree = Tree.create_item()
gui_program = Tree.create_item()
gui_program.set_text(0, "Graphical programs")
gui_program.collapsed = false
tui_program = $Panel/Tree.create_item($Panel/Tree)
tui_program = Tree.create_item(Tree)
tui_program.set_text(0, "Terminal/console programs")
tui_program.collapsed = false
other = $Panel/Tree.create_item($Panel/Tree)
other = Tree.create_item(Tree)
other.set_text(0, "Other programs")
other.collapsed = false
@ -100,11 +107,11 @@ func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(text):
if str(s["gui"]) == "True":
root = $Panel/Tree.create_item(gui_program)
root = Tree.create_item(gui_program)
elif str(s["tui"]) == "True":
root = $Panel/Tree.create_item(tui_program)
root = Tree.create_item(tui_program)
root = $Panel/Tree.create_item(other)
root = Tree.create_item(other)
root.set_text(0, s["pkgname"])
if s["comment"]:
@ -114,37 +121,23 @@ func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(text):
root.set_metadata(0, "installed")
root.set_custom_bg_color(0, Color(0.7, 0.7,0.2,0.5))
func _on_Hide_pressed():
$Panel/Panel.visible = false
$Panel/Panel/Hide.visible = false
$Panel/Panel/Accept.visible = false
func reset_display():
packages = []
packages_to_delete = []
print("Regenerating display")
func _on_Accept_pressed():
$Panel/Panel/Accept.visible = false
$Panel/Panel/Hide.visible = true
$Panel/Panel/Cancel.visible = false
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text = ""
ConsoleDisplay.text = ""
if packages_to_delete.size() > 0:
if $Panel/doas_nopass.pressed:
OS.execute("doas", ["pkg_delete", "-Ivx"] + packages_to_delete, true, output, true)
OS.execute("xterm", ["-e", "doas", "pkg_delete", "-Ivx"] + packages_to_delete, true, output, true)
for l in output:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += l
if packages.size() > 0:
if $Panel/doas_nopass.pressed:
print(OS.execute("doas", ["pkg_add", "-Ivx"] + packages, true, output, true))
print(OS.execute("xterm", ["-e", "doas", "pkg_add", "-Ivx"] + packages, true, output, true))
for l in output:
$Panel/Panel/RichTextLabel.text += l
if not $Panel/doas_nopass.pressed:
OS.execute("xterm", ["-e", "doas", "pkg_add", "-Ivx"] + packages, true, output, true)
func _on_Cancel_pressed():
$Panel/Panel.visible = false

View File

@ -50,14 +50,6 @@ margin_bottom = 300.0
custom_colors/default_color = Color( 0, 1, 0.0156863, 1 )
scroll_following = true
[node name="Hide" type="Button" parent="Panel/Panel"]
visible = false
margin_left = 253.0
margin_top = 375.0
margin_right = 356.0
margin_bottom = 395.0
text = "Hide message"
[node name="Accept" type="Button" parent="Panel/Panel"]
visible = false
anchor_left = 0.5
@ -86,16 +78,8 @@ margin_right = 782.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
text = "Search in DESCR"
[node name="doas_nopass" type="CheckButton" parent="Panel"]
margin_left = 832.0
margin_right = 1014.0
margin_bottom = 40.0
pressed = true
text = "doas_nopass"
[connection signal="text_entered" from="Panel/LineEdit" to="." method="_on_LineEdit_text_entered"]
[connection signal="item_selected" from="Panel/Tree" to="." method="_on_Tree_multi_selected"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="Panel/Button" to="." method="_on_Button_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="Panel/Panel/Hide" to="." method="_on_Hide_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="Panel/Panel/Accept" to="." method="_on_Accept_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="Panel/Panel/Cancel" to="." method="_on_Cancel_pressed"]