
83 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# get the packages you want to have installed on the system
sub get_declared_packages()
my @pkg;
if ( -d "/etc/pkgset.conf.d/" ) {
my @result = `cat /etc/pkgset.conf.d/*`;
push @pkg, @result;
if ( -f "/etc/pkgset.conf" ) {
my @result = `cat /etc/pkgset.conf`;
push @pkg, @result;
for (@pkg) {
if ($_ !~ m/--/) {
$_ .= "--";
push @pkg, "quirks--"; #mandatory package
# remove duplicates
my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @pkg;
return keys %hash;
# check what is currently installed
sub get_installed_packages()
my @pkg = `pkg_info -mz`;
for (@pkg) {
if ($_ !~ m/--/) {
$_ .= "--";
return @pkg;
my @installed = get_installed_packages;
my @wanted = get_declared_packages;
my @autoinstall;
my @toinstall;
# check for installed
FIRST: for my $current (@installed) {
SECOND: for my $w (@wanted) {
if ($w eq $current) {
next FIRST;
push @autoinstall, $current;
# check for missing packages to install
FIRST: for my $w (@wanted) {
SECOND: for my $current (@installed) {
if ($w eq $current) {
next FIRST;
push @toinstall, $w;
for my $pkg (@autoinstall) {
print "Marking $pkg as auto installed\n";
`pkg_add -aa $pkg`;
for my $pkg (@toinstall) {
print "Installing $pkg\n";
`pkg_add -I $pkg`;
print "Running pkg_delete -a to delete unused dependencies (if any)\n";
`pkg_delete -a`;
print "Done\n";