
63 lines
2.6 KiB
Common Lisp

(load "functions.lisp")
(alert dont-use-it "REMINDER %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% _ %space% %result%")
(alert empty "")
(alert mail "")
(alert peroket "echo 'problem at %date% with %function% %params%'")
(alert sms "echo -n '%date% %function% CRITICAL on %hostname%' | curl http://somewebservice")
;(alert mail "echo -n '%date% %hostname% had problem on %function% %newline% %params% values %result% %newline%
; %desc%' | mail -s '[Error] %function% - %hostname%'")
;; check if used percent :path partition is more than :limit
(=> peroket disk-usage :path "/" :limit 90)
(=> peroket disk-usage :path "/usr" :limit 85)
(=> peroket disk-usage :path "/tmp" :limit 0) ;; failure
;; check if :path file exists
(=> mail file-exists :path "/bsd.rd" :desc "OpenBSD kernel /bsd.rd")
(=> empty file-exists :path "/non-existant-file") ;; failure file not found
;; check if :path file exists and has been updated since :limit minutes
(=> empty file-updated :path "/var/log/messages" :limit 400)
(=> mail file-updated :path "/bsd.rd" :limit 1 :desc "OpenBSD kernel") ;; failure
;; check if :path pid file process is running
(=> mail pid-running :path "/var/run/" :desc "XDM pid")
(=> mail pid-running :path "/home/user/") ;; failure
;; check if number of processes on the system is more than :limit
(=> mail number-of-processes :limit 200)
(=> mail number-of-processes :limit 1) ;; failure
;; check if service is running
(=> mail service :name "httpd")
(=> mail service :name "ospfd") ;; failure : not started
(=> mail service :name "unknown") ;; failure : not known
;; check if load average on (1/5/15) minutes is more than :limit
(=> mail load-average-1 :limit 4)
;;(=> mail load-average-5 :limit 2)
;;(=> mail load-average-15 :limit 1)
(=> mail load-average-1 :limit 0.2) ;; should trigger error
;; check if :host host is reachable
;;(=> mail ping :host "" :desc "Google DNS")
;;(=> empty ping :host "" :desc "Certainly not used address") ;; fail time out
(loop for host in (list "" "" "")
(=> empty ping :host host))
;; check if :command command return 0 (success) or something else (error)
(=> empty command :command "echo hello") ;; success
(=> empty command :command "ls /non-existent-file") ;; fail
;; check if web page :url answer under :limit
(=> empty command :command "curl -m 10")
;; check if the web page :url contains the text regex :pattern
(=> empty command :command "curl | grep html")
(=> empty command :command "curl | grep hello") ;; error