mirror of git://bitreich.org/reed-alert synced 2024-06-18 07:07:04 +00:00
Solene Rapenne 64185e6f15 Add a macro strcat for more readability of (concatenate 'string &body)
Use ~/.reed-alert/states instead of $PWD/states/ for saving states
2018-10-21 21:38:46 +02:00

143 lines
5.6 KiB
Common Lisp

(require 'asdf)
(defparameter *tries* 3)
(defparameter *alerts* '())
(defparameter *states-dir* "~/.reed-alert/states/")
(ensure-directories-exist *states-dir*)
(defun color(num1 num2)
(format nil "~a[~a;~am" #\Escape num1 num2))
(defparameter *red* (color 1 31))
(defparameter *white* (color 0 70))
(defparameter *green* (color 1 32))
(defparameter *yellow* (color 0 33))
;; simple hash function (Fowler Noll Vo)
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fowler%E2%80%93Noll%E2%80%93Vo_hash_function
(defun fnv-hash(string)
"return a hash from a string"
(let ((FNV_prime 2)
(hash 26123230013))
(loop for octet-of-data across string
(setf hash (* FNV_prime
(logxor hash (char-code octet-of-data)))))
;; common-lisp don't have a split string function natively
(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with part-length = (length part)
for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
for pos = (search part string
:start2 old-pos
:test test)
do (write-string string out
:start old-pos
:end (or pos (length string)))
when pos do (write-string replacement out)
while pos)))
(defmacro create-probe(name &body code)
(defparameter ,name ',name)
(defun ,name(params) ,@code)))
(defun get-file-size(path)
(with-open-file (stream path)
(and stream (file-length path))))
(defun command-return-code(command)
(let ((code (nth-value 2 (uiop:run-program command :ignore-error-status t))))
(if (= 0 code)
(list nil (format nil "return code = ~a" code)))))
(defmacro alert(name string)
(defparameter ,name ',name)
(push (list ',name ,string)
(defmacro strcat(&body body)
(concatenate 'string ,@body)))
(defun trigger-alert(level function params result state)
(let* ((notifier-command (assoc level *alerts*))
(command-string (cadr notifier-command)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%state%" (if (eql 'error state) "Start" "End")))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%result%" (format nil "~a" result)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%hostname%" (machine-instance)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%os%" (software-type)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%function%" (format nil "~a" function)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%params%" (format nil "~a" params)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%desc%" (getf params :desc "")))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%newline%" (string #\Newline)))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%level%" level))
(setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%date%"
(second minute hour day month year)
(format nil "~a/~a/~a ~a:~a:~a" year month day hour minute second))))
(defmacro stop-if-error(&body body)
(and ,@body)))
(defmacro escalation(&body body)
(or ,@body)))
(defun =>(level fonction &rest params)
(format t "[~a~10a ~20A~a] ~45A" *yellow* level fonction *white* (getf params :desc params))
(let* ((hash (fnv-hash (format nil "~{~a~}" (remove-if #'symbolp params))))
(result (funcall fonction params))
(filename (format nil "~a-~a-~a" level fonction hash))
(filepath (format nil "~a/~a" *states-dir* filename)))
;; we open the file to read the number of tries
;; if no fail then we have 0 try
(let* ((tries (if (not (probe-file filepath))
(with-open-file (stream filepath :direction :input)
(parse-integer (read-line stream 0 nil)))))
(triggered-before? (>= tries (getf params :try *tries*))))
;; if result is a list then the check had fail a return both nil and the error value
;; if result is not a list, then it was successful
(if (not (listp result))
;; we delete the file with previous states
(when (probe-file filepath)
(delete-file filepath))
;; it was a failure and then it's back to normal state
(if triggered-before?
(uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params t 'success) :output t)
(format t " => ~afailure => success~a~%" *green* *white*))
;; last time was a success
(format t " => ~asuccess~a~%" *green* *white*)))
;; in any case we return t because it's ok
;; failure handling
(let ((trigger-now? (= (+ 1 tries) (getf params :try *tries*)))) ; we add +1 because it's failing right now
(format t " => ~aerror (~a failure(s) before)~a~a~%" *red* tries *white* (if trigger-now? " NOTIFIED" ""))
;; more error than limit, send alert once
(when trigger-now?
(uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params (cadr result) 'error) :output t))
;; increment the number of tries by 1
(with-open-file (stream-out filepath :direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(format stream-out "~a~%~a~%" (+ 1 tries) params))
(load "probes.lisp")