# gemhltv ![the gemhltv match page](matches.png) ![the gemhltv news page](news.png) a gemini mirror of hltv.org ## requirements - python3 - pytz - php - an instance of reader.php somewhere ## setup - clone this repo - cd to this repo - `pip3 install pytz` - put all the scripts in your cgi-bin - put the logos folder in `/var/gemini-data` ## config - change `LOGO_FILE` at the top of all the scripts if the logos folder is somewhere other than `/var/gemini-data/logos` - change `CGI_BIN` at the top of `gemhltv` if the scripts are somewhere other than `/var/gemini/cgi-bin` - change `READER_LINK` at the top of gemhltv\_news to point to your instance of reader.php - change the current\_tz at the top of the gemhltv\_matches file to match yours - a list of valid timezones is available [here](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/heyalexej/8bf688fd67d7199be4a1682b3eec7568/raw/daacf0e4496ccc60a36e493f0252b7988bceb143/pytz-time-zones.py) - you can edit the files in the `logos` folder to change the logos displayed at the top of each page/section ## notes - rip c9 (c) oneseveneight/sose