![hellgate logo](mandatory-js-project-logo.png) ---- Hellgate is an extensible, general purpose http-\>gemini mirror with full javascript support ## Requirements - nodejs - npm - electron - openssh - sh - libgtk-2-0 - libgconf-2-4 - xvfb (if you're running it headless) ## Setup - `sudo apt install libgtk2.0-0 libgconf-2-4` (if you're on debian, other distros idk) - `sudo apt install xvfb` (again, on debian) - `git clone https://tildegit.org/sose/hellgate` - `cd hellgate` - `sudo npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true` - `npm install` - `./gen_cert` - `npm start` or `xvfb-run npm start` - The server will listen on `localhost:1965` by default ## Sigils - By default, more complex sites that are rendered by hellgate are not very pretty, and sometimes downright unreadable - For this, users can create website specific 'sigils' to display content in a certain way, or to automate certain actions on a website - Sigils are located in the `sigils` dir and are titled with the domain name of their corresponding website - See [writing sigils](writing_sigils.md) for more info on how to write sigils and how they work - If you write a new sigil for a specific website, don't hesitate to send it as a pull request to this repo ## Notes - As of right now the npm version of gemini-server is broken, use the version from github or this will not work