# how to write a sigil ## requirements - a text editor - a browser - some knowledge of javascript ## getting started Say we want to write a sigil for "https://time.is" to get the current times around the world and serve them in gemtext format. Our first step is to create the file `time.is` and place it in the `sigils` directory. ## writing the sigil The only necessary part of any sigil is the call to `window.electron.send_gemtext()`. This function sends any data generated in the browser to the web server. To start, we can write our sigil `time.is` to consist only of the line: ``` window.electron.send_gemtext("This is a test.") ``` Now, whenever you access "gemini://localhost?https://time.is" you will be greeted with: ``` This is a test. ``` Great! This is not very useful however, as we aren't getting any data from the page. So, lets add some data! If we navigate to "https://time.is" using a web browser, we can see the current time for the user's location is displayed near the top of the page. Using the "inspect element" feature we can see that the current time is contained in a `time` element with the id `clock`. If we want to use this data in our sigil, we can access it using `document.querySelector()`, the same way we would in the browser console: ``` var current_time = document.querySelector("time#clock").innerText ``` Now, if we want our sigil to send that data, we simply write: ``` window.electron.send_gemtext(current_time) ``` So now our sigil `time.is` looks like this: ``` var current_time = document.querySelector("time#clock").innerText window.electron.send_gemtext(current_time) ``` And now, when we access "gemini://localhost?https://time.is", we see: ``` 4:29:36pm ``` (or whatever the time is in your current location) If we want to display the current date as well, we can find it in the `div` element with id `dd` ``` var current_date = document.querySelector("div#dd").innerText ``` And send the entire thing as a string back to the web server: ``` var current_time = document.querySelector("time#clock").innerText var current_date = document.querySelector("div#dd").innerText window.electron.send_gemtext(current_time + "\n\n" + current_date) ``` Now, when we access "gemini://localhost?https://time.is" we see: ``` 4:38:02pm Friday, April 23, 2021 ``` Of course, sigils can be much more powerful than this. For a good example of a more complex sigil, you can see the `gitlab.com` sigil for viewing gitlab repos.