#!/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import time import json import pint import random from typing import Optional from mastodon import Mastodon ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() max_food_weight = 100000 # in mg max_food_length = 1000 # in mm max_food_volume = 2000 # in ml meme = "*finishes {}* wow. that was truly the {} of {}." ''' Mastodon.create_app( 'minecraftofbots', api_base_url = 'https://botsin.space', to_file = 'pytooter_clientcred.secret' ) ''' bot_password=open('./bot_password', 'r').readlines()[0].strip('\n') mastodon = Mastodon( client_id = 'pytooter_clientcred.secret', api_base_url = 'https://botsin.space' ) mastodon.log_in( 'sose-iwnl+mcofbots@protonmail.com', bot_password, to_file = 'pytooter_usercred.secret' ) mastodon = Mastodon( access_token = 'pytooter_usercred.secret', api_base_url = 'https://botsin.space' ) def sleep(seconds): for i in range(seconds): try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("killed") break def get_more_words(): # we're doing these 500 at a time so we can get some semblance of # randomness max_words: str = "500" new_continue_point: str with open("./continue_file", "r") as continue_file: continue_point = continue_file.read() if continue_point.strip() != "": url: str = ("https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query" + "&format=json" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmnamespace=0" + "&gcmtitle=Category:English_uncountable_nouns" + "&gcmsort=timestamp" + "&gcmlimit=" + max_words + "&gcmcontinue=" + continue_point) else: url: str = ("https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query" + "&format=json" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmnamespace=0" + "&gcmtitle=Category:English_uncountable_nouns" + "&gcmsort=timestamp" + "&gcmlimit=" + max_words) response: requests.Response = requests.get(url) response_json: dict words: list if response.ok: response_json = response.json() else: print("request failed with status code {}: {}" .format(response.status_code, response.reason)) return False new_continue_point = response_json["continue"]["gcmcontinue"] words = response_json["query"]["pages"].values() words = list(map(lambda x: x["title"], words)) with open("./good_words", "a") as good_words_file: for word in words: good_words_file.write(word + "\n") print("wrote new words to file") with open("./continue_file", "w") as continue_file: continue_file.write(new_continue_point) print("set to continue from " + new_continue_point) def get_a_food_action(): food_item_offset: str with open("./food_item_offset", "r+") as food_item_offset_file: food_item_offset = food_item_offset_file.read().strip() food_item_url: str = ("https://api.conceptnet.io/query" + "?end=/c/en/food" + "&rel=/r/IsA" + "&offset=" + food_item_offset + "&limit=1") print("getting " + food_item_url) response: requests.Response = requests.get(food_item_url) food_item: str if response.ok: food_item = response.json()["edges"][0]["start"]["label"] else: print("request failed with status code {}: {}" .format(response.status_code, response.reason)) return None with open("./units", "r") as units_file: lines: list = units_file.readlines() unit: str = random.choice(lines) amount: pint.Quantity if unit[0] == "m": amount = random.randrange(1, max_food_weight) * ureg.milligram elif unit[0] == "v": amount = random.randrange(1, max_food_volume) * ureg.milliliter elif unit[0] == "l": amount = random.randrange(1, max_food_length) * ureg.millimeter amount = amount.to(ureg("".join(unit.strip().split()[1]))) amount = ureg.Quantity(round(amount.m, 2), amount.u) with open("./food_item_offset", "w") as food_item_offset_file: food_item_offset_file.write(str(int(food_item_offset) + 1)) return("eating a " + str(amount).replace("_", " ") + " " + food_item) def get_an_action(): action_offset: str with open("./action_offset", "r") as action_offset_file: action_offset = action_offset_file.read().strip() action_url: str = ("https://api.conceptnet.io/query?start=/c/en/person" + "&rel=/r/CapableOf" + "&offset=" + action_offset + "&limit=1") conjugation_url: str = ("https://lt-nlgservice.herokuapp.com" + "/rest/english/conjugate" + "?verb=") print("getting " + action_url) response: requests.Response = requests.get(action_url) unconjugated_action: str conjugated_action: str if response.ok: unconjugated_action = response.json()["edges"][0]["end"]["label"] else: print("request failed with status code {}: {}" .format(response.status_code, response.reason)) return None conjugation_url += unconjugated_action print("getting " + conjugation_url) response = requests.get(conjugation_url) if response.ok: if response.json()["result"] != "OK": print("couldn't conjugate " + unconjugated_action) with open("./action_offset", "w") as action_offset_file: action_offset_file.write(str(int(action_offset) + 1)) return None conjugated_action = response.json()["conjugation_tables"]["indicative"][5]["forms"][0][1] conjugated_action = " ".join(conjugated_action.split()[1:]) else: print("request failed with status code {}: {}" .format(response.status_code, response.reason)) return None with open("./action_offset", "w") as action_offset_file: action_offset_file.write(str(int(action_offset) + 1)) return conjugated_action def get_more_words(): # we're doing these 500 at a time so we can get some semblance of # randomness max_words: str = "500" new_continue_point: str with open("./continue_file", "r") as continue_file: continue_point = continue_file.read() if continue_point.strip() != "": url: str = ("https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query" + "&format=json" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmnamespace=0" + "&gcmtitle=Category:English_uncountable_nouns" + "&gcmsort=timestamp" + "&gcmlimit=" + max_words + "&gcmcontinue=" + continue_point) else: url: str = ("https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query" + "&format=json" + "&generator=categorymembers" + "&gcmnamespace=0" + "&gcmtitle=Category:English_uncountable_nouns" + "&gcmsort=timestamp" + "&gcmlimit=" + max_words) response: requests.Response = requests.get(url) response_json: dict words: list if response.ok: response_json = response.json() else: print("request failed with status code {}: {}" .format(response.status_code, response.reason)) return None new_continue_point = response_json["continue"]["gcmcontinue"] words = response_json["query"]["pages"].values() words = list(map(lambda x: x["title"], words)) with open("./good_words", "a") as good_words_file: for word in words: good_words_file.write(word + "\n") print("wrote new words to file") with open("./continue_file", "w") as continue_file: continue_file.write(new_continue_point) print("set to continue from " + new_continue_point) def get_a_noun(): words: list word: str with open("./good_words", "r") as good_words_file: words = good_words_file.readlines() word = random.choice(words) words.pop(words.index(word)) with open("./good_words", "w") as good_words_file: good_words_file.writelines(words) with open("./bad_words", "a") as bad_words_file: bad_words_file.write(word) if len(words) == 0: print("out of words, getting more words...") get_more_words() word = word.strip() print("chose " + word) return word while True: random_number: int = random.randint(0, 2) action: Optional[str] if random_number == 0: action = get_an_action() if action is None: continue noun1 = get_a_noun() noun2 = get_a_noun() mastodon.toot(meme.format(action, noun1, noun2)) print("tooted " + meme.format(action, noun1, noun2).lower()) elif random_number == 1: action = get_a_food_action() if action is None: continue noun1 = get_a_noun() noun2 = get_a_noun() mastodon.toot(meme.format(action, noun1, noun2).lower()) print("tooted " + meme.format(action, noun1, noun2)) sleep(43200) # toot twice a day