Actually works with biboumi now

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Paul Weber 2021-06-23 23:02:38 -05:00
parent d0cf3b4b11
commit b160817afb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: D11C2911CE519CDE
4 changed files with 14 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ data Config = Config {
componentJid :: XMPP.JID,
server :: ServerConfig,
secret :: Text,
nick :: Text,
mucs :: [Bridge]
} deriving (Dhall.Generic, Dhall.FromDhall, Show)

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@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP
import Util
import Debug.Trace
runRoutedComponent ::
-> Text
@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ runRoutedComponent server secret =
ExceptT . XMPP.runComponent server secret . (runRouted =<<)
runRouted :: Routes -> XMPP.XMPP ()
runRouted routes = forever $ XMPP.getStanza >>= (void . forkXMPP . handle . traceShowId)
runRouted routes = forever $ XMPP.getStanza >>= (void . forkXMPP . handle)
handle (XMPP.ReceivedPresence presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceType = XMPP.PresenceProbe

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
nick = "cheogram",
componentJid = "component.localhost",
secret = "secret",
server = {

View File

@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ handlePresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceTo = Just to,
XMPP.presencePayloads = p
| bareTxt to /= bareTxt (Config.componentJid config) =
| bareTxt to /= s"bridge@" ++ XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) =
-- This is to one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
return ()
| hasMucCode 110 presence = return () -- ignore self presence
| Just resource <- XMPP.jidResource from,
not (s"/" `T.isInfixOf` XMPP.strResource resource) = forM_ (targets config from) $ \target ->
not (s"|" `T.isInfixOf` XMPP.strResource resource) = forM_ (targets config from) $ \target ->
XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
XMPP.presenceTo = XMPP.parseJID $
bareTxt target ++ s"/" ++ XMPP.strResource resource ++ s"/X",
bareTxt target ++ s"/" ++ XMPP.strResource resource ++ s"|X",
XMPP.presencePayloads = map (\payload ->
case XML.isNamed (s"{}x") payload of
[_] -> mucJoinX
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ handleGroupChat config message@XMPP.Message {
XMPP.messageFrom = Just from,
XMPP.messageTo = Just to
| bareTxt to /= bareTxt (Config.componentJid config) =
| bareTxt to /= s"bridge@" ++ XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) =
-- This is to one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
return ()
| otherwise = forM_ (targets config from) $ \target ->
@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ handleMessage config message@XMPP.Message {
-- If we get a direct message from a non-MUC source
-- check if there are any MUCs bridged to the given target
-- with a domain matching the domain of the from
-- and if so use the localpart as a nick from that source
-- and if so use the localpart (minus any %suffix) as a nick from that source
maybeFakeFrom = (XMPP.parseJID =<<) $
fmap ((++ s"/" ++ XMPP.strNode fromNode) . bareTxt) $
fmap ((++ s"/" ++ T.takeWhile (/='%') (XMPP.strNode fromNode)) . bareTxt) $
find (\source -> XMPP.jidDomain source == XMPP.jidDomain from) $
targets config =<< justZ target
handleMessage _ _ = return ()
@ -162,11 +162,14 @@ main = do
( $ Config.server config)
(Config.port $ Config.server config)
let Just bridgeJid = XMPP.parseJID $ s"bridge@" ++
XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) ++ s"/bridge"
exceptT print return $
runRoutedComponent server (Config.secret config) $ do
forM_ (Config.mucs config) $ \bridge -> do
XMPP.putStanza $ mucJoin (Config.muc1 bridge) (s"cheogram")
XMPP.putStanza $ mucJoin (Config.muc2 bridge) (s"cheogram")
XMPP.putStanza $ (mucJoin (Config.muc1 bridge) (Config.nick config)) { XMPP.presenceFrom = Just bridgeJid }
XMPP.putStanza $ (mucJoin (Config.muc2 bridge) (Config.nick config)) { XMPP.presenceFrom = Just bridgeJid }
return $ defaultRoutes {
presenceRoute = handlePresence config,
presenceErrorRoute = handlePresenceError,