
203 lines
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module Util where
import Prelude ()
import BasicPrelude
import Control.Applicative (many)
import Control.Concurrent
(ThreadId, forkFinally, myThreadId, throwTo)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import UnexceptionalIO (Unexceptional)
import qualified UnexceptionalIO as UIO
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML
import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP
import qualified Config
instance Unexceptional XMPP.XMPP where
lift = liftIO . UIO.lift
s :: (IsString s) => String -> s
s = fromString
fromIO_ :: (Unexceptional m) => IO a -> m a
fromIO_ = fmap (either absurd id) . UIO.fromIO' (error . show)
atomicUIO :: (Unexceptional m) => STM a -> m a
atomicUIO = fromIO_ . atomically
escapeJid :: Text -> Text
escapeJid txt = mconcat result
Right result = Atto.parseOnly (many (
slashEscape <|>
replace ' ' "\\20" <|>
replace '"' "\\22" <|>
replace '&' "\\26" <|>
replace '\'' "\\27" <|>
replace '/' "\\2f" <|>
replace ':' "\\3a" <|>
replace '<' "\\3c" <|>
replace '>' "\\3e" <|>
replace '@' "\\40" <|>
fmap Text.singleton Atto.anyChar
) <* Atto.endOfInput) txt
replace c str = Atto.char c *> pure (fromString str)
-- XEP-0106 says to only escape \ when absolutely necessary
slashEscape :: Atto.Parser Text
slashEscape =
fmap (s"\\5c"++) $
Atto.char '\\' *> Atto.choice escapes
escapes = map (Atto.string . fromString) [
"20", "22", "26", "27", "2f", "3a", "3c", "3e", "40",
unescapeJid :: Text -> Text
unescapeJid txt = fromString result
Right result = Atto.parseOnly (many (
(Atto.char '\\' *> Atto.choice unescapes) <|>
) <* Atto.endOfInput) txt
unescapes = map (\(str, c) -> Atto.string (fromString str) *> pure c) [
("20", ' '), ("22", '"'), ("26", '&'), ("27", '\''),
("2f", '/'), ("3a", ':'), ("3c", '<'), ("3e", '>'),
("40", '@'), ("5c", '\\')
castException :: (Ex.Exception e1, Ex.Exception e2) => e1 -> Maybe e2
castException = Ex.fromException . Ex.toException
-- Re-throws all by ThreadKilled async to parent thread
-- Makes sync child exceptions async in parent, which is a bit sloppy
forkXMPP :: XMPP.XMPP () -> XMPP.XMPP ThreadId
forkXMPP kid = do
parent <- liftIO myThreadId
session <- XMPP.getSession
liftIO $ forkFinally
(void $ XMPP.runXMPP session kid)
(either (handler parent) (const $ return ()))
handler parent e
| Just Ex.ThreadKilled <- castException e = return ()
| otherwise = throwTo parent e
iqReply :: Maybe XML.Element -> XMPP.IQ -> XMPP.IQ
iqReply payload iq = iq {
XMPP.iqType = XMPP.IQResult,
XMPP.iqFrom = XMPP.iqTo iq,
XMPP.iqTo = XMPP.iqFrom iq,
XMPP.iqPayload = payload
iqError :: XML.Element -> XMPP.IQ -> XMPP.IQ
iqError payload iq = (iqReply (Just payload) iq) {
XMPP.iqType = XMPP.IQError
messageError :: XML.Element -> XMPP.Message -> XMPP.Message
messageError payload message = message {
XMPP.messageType = XMPP.MessageError,
XMPP.messageFrom = XMPP.messageTo message,
XMPP.messageTo = XMPP.messageFrom message,
XMPP.messagePayloads = payload : XMPP.messagePayloads message
notImplemented :: XML.Element
notImplemented =
errorPayload "cancel" "feature-not-implemented" (s"Unknown request") []
child :: (XMPP.Stanza s) => XML.Name -> s -> Maybe XML.Element
child name = listToMaybe .
(XML.isNamed name <=< XMPP.stanzaPayloads)
errorChild :: (XMPP.Stanza s) => s -> Maybe XML.Element
errorChild = child (s"{jabber:component:accept}error")
getBody :: (XMPP.Stanza s) => s -> Maybe Text
getBody = fmap (mconcat . XML.elementText) .
child (s"{jabber:component:accept}body")
getSubject :: (XMPP.Stanza s) => s -> Maybe Text
getSubject = fmap (mconcat . XML.elementText) .
child (s"{jabber:component:accept}subject")
errorPayload :: String -> String -> Text -> [XML.Node] -> XML.Element
errorPayload typ definedCondition english morePayload =
XML.Element (s"{jabber:component:accept}error")
[(s"type", [XML.ContentText $ fromString typ])]
XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element definedConditionName [] []
) :
XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element
[(s"xml:lang", [XML.ContentText $ s"en"])]
[XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText english]
) :
definedConditionName = fromString $
"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}" ++ definedCondition
bareJid :: XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID
bareJid (XMPP.JID node domain _) = XMPP.JID node domain Nothing
bareTxt :: XMPP.JID -> Text
bareTxt (XMPP.JID (Just node) domain _) =
mconcat [XMPP.strNode node, s"@", XMPP.strDomain domain]
bareTxt (XMPP.JID Nothing domain _) = XMPP.strDomain domain
parseXMPPTime :: Text -> Maybe UTCTime
parseXMPPTime =
parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%QZ" . textToString
mkElement :: XML.Name -> Text -> XML.Element
mkElement name content = XML.Element name []
[XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText content]
mkDiscoIdentity :: Text -> Text -> Text -> XML.Element
mkDiscoIdentity category typ name =
XML.Element (s"{}identity") [
(s"category", [XML.ContentText category]),
(s"type", [XML.ContentText typ]),
(s"name", [XML.ContentText name])
] []
mkDiscoFeature :: Text -> XML.Element
mkDiscoFeature var =
XML.Element (s"{}feature") [
(s"var", [XML.ContentText var])
] []
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
(.:) = (.) . (.)
proxyJid :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID
proxyJid config from = jid
Just jid = XMPP.parseJID $ escapeJid (XMPP.formatJID from)
++ s"@" ++ XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) ++ s"/bridge"
mucJoin :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> XMPP.Presence
mucJoin muc nick = (XMPP.emptyPresence XMPP.PresenceAvailable) {
XMPP.presenceTo = XMPP.parseJID $ bareTxt muc ++ s"/" ++ nick,
XMPP.presencePayloads = [mucJoinX]
mucJoinX :: XML.Element
mucJoinX = XML.Element (s"{}x") [] [
XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element (s"{}history")
[(s"maxchars", [XML.ContentText $ s"0"])] []