+++ title = "Footer" date = 2018-01-03 +++ ![Kopimi logo]({{ url(path="img/kopimi.jpg") }}) # KOPIMI © [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) license. Some graphics not mine. Just reproducing them here because [sharing is caring](https://kopimi.com/) and **FUCK PRIVATE PROPERTY!** [Problem?](/contact) --- ![black & red anarchist flag]({{ url(path="img/Anarchist-Comunism.jpg") }}) # Topics ⚠️ Personal website & opinions. Tech-savvy anarchism / libertarian communism. Not interested? Feel free to browse away! --- ~ # Tildeverse This blog is kindly hosted by [thunix.net](https://thunix.net), a proud member of the [Tildeverse](https://tildeverse.org) federation of autonomous hosting coops and cyber-hackerspaces.