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<a href='#intro'>Home</a>
<a href='#about'>About</a>
<a href='#docs'>Guides</a>
<a href='#features'>Features</a>
<a href='#users'>User Pages</a>
<section id="intro">
<h1>Tilde Black</h1>
<h2>The black hole of the tildeverse</h2>
<div class="icon"><img src="/assets/black-hole.svg" alt="Target Icon"/></div>
<div class="copy">
<p>Tilde (~) servers are public access unix systems in the spirit of
<a href="https://tilde.club" rel="noreferrer">tilde.club</a>, which was created by Paul Ford
in 2014. Member status on a tilde server mainly involves some level of
engagement or presence on the system, but that activity may take a number
of forms (eg, learning OpenBSD, coding, community discussions).</p>
<p>The <a href="https://tildeverse.org" rel="noreferrer">tildeverse</a> is a loosely connected
system of like-minded tildes that share some services. An
<a href="https://tilde.chat" rel="noreferrer">IRC network</a> helps keep the community
together. You can find members of this server in the #black channel.</p>
<p><strong><a href="docs/sign-up/">Read how to join Tilde Black.</a></strong></p>
<section id="about">
<h3>About the Black</h3>
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<div class="intro">
<p>Tilde Black is an OpenBSD system themed to support the ideas of
privacy, anonymity, and security. The server itself is run by an amateur
hobbiest and should not be considered ultra-secure itself. Rather, the
ideals put into practice are done so as an experiment to test their
validity, efficacy, and identify problems.</p>
<p>The ideals of the Black are important for the safety of individual
freedom around the world and are not intended to be used for nefarious
purposes. <strong>Infiltration, network scanning, and other
&ldquo;hacking&rdquo; activities will result in membership being
<div class="terms">
<div class="term">
<dd>A place of seclusion from company or observation; retreat;
solitude; retirement.</dd>
<dd>Concealment of what is said or done.</dd>
<dd>A private matter; a secret.</dd>
<p>This is the fundamental idea that serves as justification for the
others. Individuals
<a href="https://www.abebooks.com/9780679724735/Secrets-Ethics-Concealment-Revelation-Sissela-0679724737/plp" rel="noreferrer">
require secrecy</a> for a healthy life. One of our goals is to discuss
new ways to ensure privacy in a digital age.</p>
<p>On the system, Tilde Black preserves read access to user home
directories for those members alone. Users may assume a level of privacy
from others on the system.</p>
<div class="term">
<dd>The state of being anonymous.</dd>
<dd>Having no known name or identity or known source.</dd>
<p>Surveillance states and surveillance capitalism watch us constantly.
The profiles they build have an unprecedented level of understanding
about our behavior, wants, and needs. This is a critical violation of
individual privacy. One remedy is anonymity.</p>
<p>On Tilde Black, over 10,000 user accounts have been pre-generated at
system creation. These accounts are based on 4 and 5 letter dictionary
words. When a <a href="/docs/sign-up/">new user requests membership</a>
on the system, 10 of these accounts are assigned to the new member at
random. These are full, real system accounts, not simple aliases. They
can be used individually or in aggregate to mask activity and preserve
identity. If a user desires more than 10, additional accounts can be
assigned upon request.</p> <p>Access to Tilde Black is available as a
<a href="/docs/ssh-over-tor/">Tor hidden service</a>, complete with SSH
<div class="term">
<dd>Freedom from risk; safety.</dd>
<dd>The state of being free from danger or injury.</dd>
<dd>Measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage.</dd>
<dd>Protection against unauthorized access to, or alteration of, information.</dd>
<p>Maintaining security is one of the most difficult and ever-changing
tasks in our increasingly connected world. So much of our lives are
affected by large information systems which are not in our control. What
measures can we take as individuals to mitigate our risk and preserve our
<p>One of the goals of Tilde Black is to create original content geared
toward this purpose in the form of guides. These guides are community
driven through activity on the net news system, IRC, email, and other
communication systems. The end result are attempts to help make the
individual a bit more secure.</p>
<section id="docs">
<div class="copy">
<p>The most public parts of Tilde Black are the <a href="docs/">Guides
and Documentation</a> generated by users. To get started, you can
try one of the introductory articles on how to use Tilde Black itself:</p>
<li><a href="docs/sign-up/">How to join Tilde Black</a></li>
<li><a href="docs/ssh-over-tor/">How to ssh over tor</a></li>
<section id="features">
<div class="copy">
<p>The Black comes packed with a number of services for its members.
Each of these can be used by any and all of the anonymous user accounts
assigned at sign-up.</p>
<li>Secure web hosting</li>
<li>Gopher hosting</li>
<li>Tor hidden service access</li>
<li>NNTP private discussion boards</li>
<li>Guide authoring</li>
<li>Programming tools</li>