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2023-06-22 15:18:19 +00:00
# re: Coffee and Tea and the Java and Me
Responding to:
=> gemini:// nytpu's post about coffee drinkers
2023-06-22 15:42:12 +00:00
> I remain convinced that coffee drinkers don't actually like coffee and only drink it for the caffine
I'm your exception to this! We have a bag of decaf coffee at home to make for when we want to enjoy coffee at night, or want to add coffee to a cocktail. I wished that decaf coffee was just as available and tasty as regular coffee. It's gotten better, but not quite 100% there. Believe it or not, I have also wished bourbon to taste exactly the same, but remove the alcohol. I enjoy the taste, but often I wish it had no alochol due to the possibility of dependence, impact on sleep, etc.
2023-06-22 15:18:19 +00:00
> I've tried really nice coffee brewed fancily and while it's marginally better it's still bitter and awful.
Coffee is definitely an acquired taste I think. But many things can make it sub-optimal. If its not fresh (i.e. roasted in the past two weeks and ground right before use) or if its brewed too long or ground to finely or if the water is too hot. My friend who was a barista made me a Chemex pour over with coffee roasted by the shop he worked at. It was a single origin coffee from Ethiopia Halo Bariti. He told me to slurp it while drinking it and I kid you not, I could taste blueberries in it. It was not a flavored coffee. Just because of where it was grown it had a blueberry note. It wasn't very bitter either. I was converted and have been brewing specialty coffee at home for almost 10 years now because of it.
> Versus drinking loose leaf tea brewed semi-decently is legitimately tasty and very different from bad tea—“brewed decently” being the laziest method of putting leaves in a mug and pouring hot water over it, which is how I normally drink tea.
Tea is fantastic. I generally go for black tea or black oolongs. The method you're referring to is also called "grandpa style" and its how I drank tea at work for a while. I think objectively tea is "better". The caffeine doesn't make you crash as hard. There is a HUGE variety of flavors. It can have much less ceremony than coffee but it can also have a TON of ceremony in making it. I think it lasts longer as well. Also the leaves can be re-steeped. But in my experience, I find tea to be like craft beer. So many options and flavors. And coffee, is a lot like bourbon. Its harder to acquire the taste for, but once you do there is a lot of nuance to explore. For me, I find acquiring tastes and exploring nuances fun.
> Also evidenced by it's relatively rare to add a lot of stuff into hot tea; while with coffee it's rather unusual to *not* add anything to it.
I don't add anything to my coffee normally. With the exception of americanos where I pull an espresso shot and add hot water to turn it into a normal black cup of coffee. And then the occasional latte my wife may make me. Nothing wrong with adding things to coffee!!
=> CC BY-SA 4.0 swiftmandolin