diff --git a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md index 0dfe16c..b458a9a 100644 --- a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md +++ b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md) | tilde name | description | where to join | notes | | --- | --- | --- | ---| -| [tilde.best](https://tilde.best) | tilde.best is a Debian server which is aiming to have a *best* community and *best* features. | email [root@tilde.best](mailto:root@tilde.best) with your ssh pubkey, desired username and reason why you want to join | | | [cosmic.voyage](https://cosmic.voyage) | cosmic.voyage is an Ubuntu server focused on collaborative sci-fi storytelling. The background story is visible on the homepage. New authors are welcome to join and take on the voice of various ships, outposts, and colonies scattered across the universe, sending text messages back to a relay at Earth's L4 point. | email [tomasino@lavabit.com](mailto:tomasino@lavabit.com) with your ssh pubkey, desired username, and the name of your first ship | | | [ctrl-c.club](http://ctrl-c.club) | A place for the curious to poke around and play. SSH access, web pages, games, and programming languages on tap. | [signup form](http://goo.gl/forms/oviL1wYSrV) | | | [envs.net](https://envs.net/) | envs.net is a minimalist, non-commercial shared unix system and will always be free to use. | [signup here](https://envs.net/signup) | | @@ -28,8 +27,10 @@ https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md) | [rw.rs](http://rw.rs) | An experimental software community with a 199X aesthetic. | [signup via pull request](https://github.com/adsr/rw.rs/) | | | [skylab.org](http://skylab.org) | An open-source community co-operative with ~150 members that has existed since 1997. Based in Portland, Oregon, United States with a userbase across the world, we have quietly existed. Featuring geektalk community chat, a variety of tools and hosting running on FreeBSD. | Email [skylabstatus@gmail.com](mailto:skylabstatus@gmail.com) with subject line SKYLAB.ORG and an email containing your desired username, full name, public SSH key and an acknowledgement to play nice. | | | [squiggle.city](http://squiggle.city) | squiggle.city is a Debian server in the spirit of tilde.club. It's for making web pages and learning about the command line. If you are reading [userland](https://p1k3.com/userland-book/), which is about how to unix, squiggle.city is a place to explore the ideas it contains. | email [bbearnes@gmail.com](mailto:bbearnes@gmail.com) with your ssh pubkey and a promise to not be a jerk | | +| [summit](https://www.summit.tildex.com) | Summit is a Linux-powered server offering members a variety of features and services from web hosting, chatting, various games, learning about Linux, programming, and much more. | Coming soon | | | [theasylum](https://theasylum.team) | invite-only tilde catering to programmers of all languages | join #theasylum on tilde.chat, and let us get to know you | | | [thunix](https://thunix.net) | thunix offers Secure Shell (SSH) accounts, Web Hosting, Email Accounts, and many other things to people free of charge. | [signup info here](https://www.thunix.net/signup.php) | | +| [tilde.best](https://tilde.best) | tilde.best is a Debian server which is aiming to have a *best* community and *best* features. | email [root@tilde.best](mailto:root@tilde.best) with your ssh pubkey, desired username and reason why you want to join | | | [tilde.cat](https://tilde.cat) | This is (or rather might be) public shell server like [the club](https://tilde.club), [the town](https://tilde.town), or other ~ servers. | [signup form](http://signup.tilde.cat) | down | | [tilde.center](https://tilde.center) | A public unix server focused around decentralization, federation, and home-brewed open source projects. | [signup form](https://tilde.center/signup.php) | down | | [tilde.fun](https://tilde.fun) | This is a Linux machine on the internet where you can get a shell account. | `ssh tilde@tilde.fun` | down |