diff --git a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md index 6f933bf..156dc8d 100644 --- a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md +++ b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ also see the [known tildes](https://tilde.wiki/wiki/Known_tildes) section on til | [dimension.sh](https://dimension.sh/) | dimension.sh is a small public linux shell host (or pubnix system) that is open to anyone who wants to learn, experiment, and socialize with other like minded people. | [signup form](https://dimension.sh/join.html) | | | [envs.net](https://envs.net/) | envs.net is a minimalist, non-commercial shared unix system and will always be free to use. | [signup here](https://envs.net/signup) | | | [hackers.cool](http://hackers.cool) | A tilde.club started by some nerd at Hacker School. As such, it's got a lot of Hacker Schoolers on it, but everyone is welcome! | [signup form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PHnXadDW1WySCB9frIefjXI3P6bt8n_p4YMyiPPD4O4/viewform) | | -| [hextilde.xyz](https://hextilde.xyz) | hextilde.xyz - HEXadecimal Arch Tilde | [signup form](https://hextilde.xyz/signup) | | +| [hextilde.xyz](https://hextilde.xyz) | hextilde.xyz - HEXadecimal Arch Tilde | [signup form](https://hextilde.xyz/signup) | | | [nand.club](http://nand.club) | a new anti-capitalist, solarpunk tilde | [signup info here](http://nand.club) | down | | [palvelin.club](http://palvelin.club) | Finnish language tilde server. | [signup form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tTGiOU0z3M92nCb5Lv3Tv_sJXGLh8kj5Gl79Gx4ZOdM/viewform) | | | [pebble.ink](http://pebble.ink) | pebble.ink is a project almost, but not quite, like tilde.club | ask [@phildini](https://twitter.com/phildini) or try [this signup form](http://pebble.ink/apply.html) | | @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ also see the [known tildes](https://tilde.wiki/wiki/Known_tildes) section on til | [skylab.org](http://skylab.org) | An open-source community co-operative with ~150 members that has existed since 1997. Based in Portland, Oregon, United States with a userbase across the world, we have quietly existed. Featuring geektalk community chat, a variety of tools and hosting running on FreeBSD. | Email [skylabstatus@gmail.com](mailto:skylabstatus@gmail.com) with subject line SKYLAB.ORG and an email containing your desired username, full name, public SSH key and an acknowledgement to play nice. | | | [southlondon.cc](https://southlondon.cc) | a nice debian server hosted in the uk. it's got ssh access, web hosting, an xmpp server that sorta works and some slightly more interesting things coming soon. | [take a look at this page](https://southlondon.cc/signup) | | | [squiggle.city](http://squiggle.city) | squiggle.city is a Debian server in the spirit of tilde.club. It's for making web pages and learning about the command line. If you are reading [userland](https://p1k3.com/userland-book/), which is about how to unix, squiggle.city is a place to explore the ideas it contains. | email [bbearnes@gmail.com](mailto:bbearnes@gmail.com) with your ssh pubkey and a promise to not be a jerk | | -| [summit pubnix](https://www.summit.tildex.com) | summit is an intentional and inclusive community for developing, making, learning, teaching, socializing, and enjoying various aspects of GNU/Linux in a free/non-commercial environment. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to ask in #pubnix on irc.tilde.chat. | [signup form](https://www.summit.tildex.com/join) | | +| [summit pubnix](https://www.summit.tildex.com) | summit is an intentional and inclusive community for developing, making, learning, teaching, socializing, and enjoying various aspects of GNU/Linux in a free/non-commercial environment. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to ask in #pubnix on irc.tilde.chat. | [signup form](https://www.summit.tildex.com/join) | down | | [texto-plano.xyz](https://texto-plano.xyz) | A small UNIX system community in the spirit of [Tilde.club](https://tilde.club), [RTC](https://rawtext.club) and the [small Internet](http://gopher.muffinlabs.com/republic.circumlunar.space/~spring/phlog/2019-01-16__The_Small_Internet.txt) in Spanish language (we use OpenBSD) | Send your public key and your username to [admin@texto-plano.xyz](mailto:admin@texto-plano.xyz) | | | [theasylum](https://theasylum.team) | invite-only tilde catering to programmers of all languages | join #theasylum on tilde.chat, and let us get to know you | | | [thunix](https://thunix.net) | thunix offers Secure Shell (SSH) accounts, Web Hosting, Email Accounts, and many other things to people free of charge. | [signup info here](https://www.thunix.net/signup.php) | | @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ also see the [known tildes](https://tilde.wiki/wiki/Known_tildes) section on til | [tildespark](https://tildespark.ddns.net) | Tilde Spark is a constantly evolving intentional community devoted to free software, open hardware and meeting new people! | [signup info here](https://tildespark.ddns.net/ikiwiki/tildespark/howtojoin/) | down | | [ttylde](https://ttylde.karx.xyz) | ttylde is an experimental tilde running FreeBSD. Currently seeking new members! | [signup form](https://ttylde.karx.xyz/signup.php) | | | [unix.lgbt](https://unix.lgbt) | unix.lgbt is an explictly LGBTQ+ friendly public unix/tilde! we offer web, gemini, irc and various other community services. | [signup form](https://unix.lgbt/register.php) | | -| [vern.cc](https://vern.cc) | ~vern is a non-commercial shared GNU/Linux system focused on services and free software | [signup form](https://vern.cc/register) | | +| [vern.cc](https://vern.cc) | ~vern is a non-commercial shared GNU/Linux system focused on services and free software | [signup form](https://vern.cc/register) | | | [wilde.ftp.sh](http://wilde.ftp.sh/) | The world's first (and possibly only) Windows-based tilde! | [signup form](http://wilde.ftp.sh/signup.php) | down | -| [xhec.one](https://xhec.one) | A brand new ~ running on OpenBSD. Seeking members and suggestions for content :) | [signup instructions](https://xhec.one) | | +| [xhec.one](https://xhec.one) | A brand new ~ running on OpenBSD. Seeking members and suggestions for content :) | [signup instructions](https://xhec.one) | | | [yourtilde.com](https://yourtilde.com) | If you're looking for a new ~, to learn and play, come check us out. | [signup form](https://yourtilde.com/sign-up) | | | [xinu.me](https://xinu.me) | Experimental community for socializing, developing digital skills and collaborating through the system shell. In Spanish, mainly. | [signup instructions](https://xinu.me/inscripcion.html) | |