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a digital community for socializing, learning, and making cool stuff

tilde.team is a shared system that provides an inclusive, non-commercial space for teaching, learning, practicing and enjoying the social medium of unix.

i created this tilde after hearing about paul ford's tilde.club. when i was unable to join due to the waitlist, i decided to create my own tilde.

thanks for stopping by!

tilde.team is a founding member of tildeverse.org, which is a collaborative effort among several other tilde servers.

hosting and domains are paid out-of-pocket. tilde.team will always be free to use. however, if you are able and willing to pitch in, you can donate here.



tilde.team services


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~new stuff~

  • ~gtlsgamr has made a page to show tilde.team's top nethack scorers!

  • For the text-only enthusiasts, ~soxfox has also made a gemini page to show nethack scorers.


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