Ben Harris a2ff9e3c48
fix up makefile, remove npm scripts from package.json
thanks to @tomasino for the help with the makefile!

don't use npm run *

make compiles all scripts; make dev starts the live-reload dev server
2018-11-19 19:35:07 -05:00

34 lines
905 B

lessc := node_modules/.bin/lessc
lightserver := node_modules/.bin/light-server
NPM != command -v npm 2> /dev/null
PLEX = less/plex.css
HACKER = less/hacker/*.less $(PLEX)
DRACULA = less/dracula/*.less $(PLEX)
.PHONY: build dev clean
# First target is default
build: hacker.css dracula.css
dev: build
$(lightserver) -s . -p 9000 -w "index.html, **/*.less \# make" -o
hacker.css: node_modules $(HACKER)
$(lessc) less/hacker.less hacker.css --clean-css="--s1 --advanced --compatibility=ie8"
dracula.css: node_modules $(DRACULA)
$(lessc) less/dracula.less dracula.css --clean-css="--s1 --advanced --compatibility=ie8"
node_modules: package.json package-lock.json Makefile
ifndef NPM
$(error Missing dependency 'npm'. Please install and try again.)
npm install
touch node_modules # fixes watch bug if you manually ran npm install
rm -rf node_modules
rm dracula.css
rm hacker.css