
175 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File

# Search /home/*/public_html for recently modified files and create a
# list of recently updated sites, both in HTML and JSON. It is
# written in stock Perl 5.16 and has no CPAN dependencies.
# When invoked with '--update-every XX', will rescan and recreate the
# index every XX seconds. --domain will change the system domain and
# --root the URL root; --root is derived from --domain if not
# specified.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Chris Reuter. GPL v2, no warranty.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
no warnings 'File::Find';
use POSIX 'strftime';
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
my $Verbose;
{ # This is in braces to eliminate unnecessary globals:
# Command-line arguments:
my $domain = guessRoot();
my $root = undef;
my $window = 24;
my $help;
my $destdir = ".";
my $updatePeriod = 0;
my @opts = ('domain=s' => \$domain,
'root=s' => \$root,
'since-hours=i', => \$window,
'destdir=s' => \$destdir,
'update-every=i', => \$updatePeriod,
'verbose' => \$Verbose,
'help' => \$help);
GetOptions(@opts) or die "Invalid option; try '--help'.\n";
if ($help) {
print "USAGE: $0 " . join(" ", map{"[--$_]"} grep{/^[a-z]/} @opts) . "\n";
exit 0;
# Compute $root from $domain if not set
$root ||= "http://$domain/";
verbose("$0: domain=$domain, root=$root, since-hours=$window, destdir=$destdir",
" update-every=$updatePeriod");
do {
my @updated = getUpdated($window);
verbose("Found", scalar @updated, "items.");
my $html = join("", map{ html( $root, @{$_} ) } @updated);
spew("$destdir/tilde.${window}h.html", <<"EOF");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/hacker.css"><title>$domain Updates (last $window hours)</title></head>
<body><div class="container">
<h1>$domain home pages updated in last $window hours</h1>
<p> Times are in the server's time zone.</p>
<p> There's also <a href="tilde.${window}h.json">a JSON version of this
my $json = join(",\n", map{ json( $root, @{$_} ) } @updated);
spew("$destdir/tilde.${window}h.json", "{ \"pagelist\" : [\n$json]}\n");
sleep($updatePeriod) if $updatePeriod > 0;
} while($updatePeriod > 0);
# Print the arguments to STDOUT with a newline only if $Verbose is
# true.
sub verbose {
print join(" ", @_), "\n" if $Verbose;
# Return the best guess domain-name for this computer.
sub guessRoot {
my $domain = `hostname`;
chomp $domain;
return $domain;
# Search /home/*/public_html for files modified within $window hours.
# Returns a list containing, for each match, a sublist with username,
# most recent modification time and the most-recently-modified file.
sub getUpdated {
my ($window) = @_;
my $then = time() - $window*60*60;
my @updated = ();
for my $home (glob "/home/*") {
my $ph = "$home/public_html";
next unless -r $ph;
my $latest = 0;
my $page = "";
my $uname = basename($home);
find(sub {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($_);
return unless -f;
if($latest < $mtime) {
$latest = $mtime;
$page = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::name, $ph);
}, $ph);
push @updated, [$uname, $latest, $page]
if $latest >= $then;
# Sort from most recent to least recent
@updated = sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @updated;
return @updated;
# Write $text to the file named $filename
sub spew {
my ($filename, $text) = @_;
open my $fh, ">", $filename
or die "Unable to open '$filename' for writing.\n";
print {$fh} $text;
# Return the given time (in seconds from the epoch) as an XML-format
# string.
sub xmltime { strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', localtime($_[0])); }
# Construct an HTML list item
sub html {
my ($root, $user, $time, $file) = @_;
my $mrtime = xmltime($time);
my $htime = localtime($time);
return <<EOF
<a href="${root}~${user}">$user</a>
(<a href="${root}~${user}/${file}">$file</a>)
<time datetime="$mrtime">$htime</time>
# Construct a JSON item for the arguments
sub json {
my ($root, $user, $time, $file) = @_;
my $mrtime = xmltime($time);
my $url = "${root}~${user}";
my $fileUrl = "$url/$file";
return <<EOF
{ "username" : "$user",
"homepage" : "$url",
"modtime" : "$mrtime",
"changed" : "$fileUrl"}