Welcome to thunix, newusername! Your account has been provisioned, and should be available in a few minutes for login. Your password is newpassword Any questions, concerns, comments, etc etc? Join us in IRC at irc.tilde.chat/6697, in #thunix, or via webchat: https://web.tilde.chat/?join=thunix Also, check out our git repos, that pretty much manage the whole of the system at https://tildegit.org/thunix, and feel free to open issues and PRs. Also, there is system documentation available via 'man thunix', from the command line. Also, we do expect you periodically check your email, as that is where you'll be able to get updates and announcements. You can do so via webmail, or by using mutt from the command line (Or, the imap client of your choice. Finally, welcome aboard!