# Thunix API This is the working spec for the Thunix API. Until finalization, the spec will be consider v1. v1 of the API shall be considered unstable, and a work in progress. The API should be agnostic to linux distros, and flavors of \*Nix OS's (ie, BSD, etc) whenever possible. The API will be authenticated, at all times, using the user's credentials sent in the host headers. The API shall return a 200 for successful requests, with the JSON paylod. The API shall return a 400 for any endpoint not existent. The API shall return a 401 for unauthenticated requests to endpoints requiring authentication. The API shall return a 403 for requests which are authenticated, but not permissible for the authenticated user. The API shall return a 418 for requests to the "/teapot" endpoint. The API shall return a 420 for requests exceeding the rate limits. The API shall return a 501 for requests which exist in the spec, but have not been implmented yet. ## API Format The API is a RESTful API, and the following URIs will be used: ``` https://{hostname}/api/v1/{action} ``` ## Informational APIs ### ip_info This endpoint shall return a json struct containing interfaces, and IP addresses in CIDR format: ``` { "Interfaces":[ { "Name":"eth0", "Addresses":[ "", "" ] }, { "Name":"wg0", "Addresses":[ "" ] } ] } ``` ### uptime This will return a JSON payload of system uptime: ``` { "days":164, "hours":16, "mins":22, "secs":3 } ``` ### mem This will return a JSON payload containing information about the system memory, in bytes: ``` { "free" : 8668672000, "total" : 33638055936, "percent" : 74.2, "used" : 22686449664 } ``` ### teapot This shall return a struct, describing the current tea making capabilities of the system: ``` { "tea":"available", "height":"short", "width":"stout } ```