To sign up for an account with thunix, please fill in the form below. Be sure to include a contact name, email address, a desired username, a little blurb about your interest in us and a public SSH key. Once you've filled in the form, click on the send button; the signup form will be processed and you'll receive an email, with instructions on how to log into your new account. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact us.
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Desired Username:
What interests you about thunix:
SSH Public Key:
Type the word tildeverse here:
If you don't have a public SSH key, don't worry! Check out [this guide to SSH keys]( and make sure that you only fill in your public SSH key here. Signing up implies that you agree with our [terms of service](/tos). If you haven't done so, please read it before you sign up.