'; $destination_addr = "newuser@thunix.net"; $subject = "New User Registration"; $mailbody = "A new user has tried to register. Username: $username Real Name: $name Email Address: $email Interest: $interest Pubkey: $pubkey"; // In the future, here, we *should* be able to build a process that // somehow auto-verifies the user, and instead of email, it'll kick off the new user process here $user_queue = '/dev/shm/userqueue'; // Spam attempt $success = 'success1'; if ( $tv == "tildeverse" ) { // Success! $success = 'success2'; // Check if username already taken if (posix_getpwnam($username)) { $success = 'success3'; } // Simple SSH public key format check $valid_key_starts = ['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2', 'ssh-ed25519']; $key_parts = explode(' ', $pubkey, 3); if (!in_array($key_parts[0], $valid_key_starts) || count($key_parts) < 2) { $success = 'success4'; } if ($success == "success2") { mail($destination_addr, $subject, $mailbody, $from); $fp = fopen($user_queue, 'a'); fwrite($fp, "'$username','$email','$pubkey'\n"); fclose($fp); } } header("Location: $site_root/?page=$success"); die(); ?>