$ratelimit ) { touch ( $ansible_dropfile ); touch ( $ansible_lastrun ); echo "HTTP 200 - Ansible webhook recieved.\n"; } else { http_response_code(429); echo "HTTP 429 - Rate Limited.\n"; exit(0); } } // Hook for www repo here. Same rules apply, as above, for www. We // could probably make it able to run more frequently. Backend job is // just a git pull, and is quick. elseif ($data["repository"]["full_name"] == 'thunix/www') { syslog(LOG_INFO, 'WWW Webhook recieved.'); if ( time () - filemtime ( $www_lastrun ) > $ratelimit/30 ) { touch ( $www_dropfile ); touch ( $www_lastrun ); http_response_code(200); echo "HTTP 200 - WWW webhook recieved.\n"; } else { http_response_code(429); echo "HTTP 429 - Rate Limited.\n"; exit(0); } } // Hook for gopher. Not implemented on the backend yet. elseif ($data["repository"]["full_name"] == 'thunix/thunix_gopher') { syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Gopher Webhook recieved.'); if ( time () - filemtime ( $gopher_lastrun ) > $ratelimit ) { touch ( $gopher_dropfile ); touch ( $gopher_lastrun ); http_response_code(200); echo "HTTP 200 - Gopher webhook recieved.\n"; } else { http_response_code(429); echo "HTTP 429 - Rate Limited.\n"; exit(0); } } //Wiki webhook elseif ($data["repository"]["full_name"] == 'thunix/wiki') { syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Wiki Webhook recieved.'); if ( time () - filemtime ( $wiki_lastrun ) > $ratelimit/30 ) { touch ( $wiki_dropfile ); touch ( $wiki_lastrun ); http_response_code(200); echo "HTTP 200 - Wiki webhook recieved.\n"; } else { http_response_code(429); echo "HTTP 429 - Rate Limited.\n"; exit(0); } } // Easter egg for anyone probing the hook. Enjoy. We're a tea pot // and not a coffee maker :) else { http_response_code(418); echo "HTTP 418 - I'm a teapot.\n"; syslog(LOG_INFO, "Tea Pot Webhook recieved.\n"); exit(0); } ?>