# Configuring SSH ## Setting a Default Username If your username is different on your tilde than on your personal computer, you may want to specify a default username in `~/.ssh/config`. That can be done by adding the following entries: Host tilde.black User user ## Using a Tilde-Specific key ### Step 1: Generate Your Key [Generate a key](ed25519.md), except outputting to a Tilde-specific location. mkdir -p ~/.ssh/tilde.black ssh-keygen -a100 -ted25519 -f ~/.ssh/tilde.black/id_ed25519 -C '' ### Step 2: Authorize Your Key If you have yet to [sign up](sign-up.md) to your desired Tilde, send the *public* key (`~/.ssh/tilde.black/id_ed25519.pub`) to the admin. If you already have an account, you can authorize your new key by adding it to, or replacing your old key in, `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`. $ scp ~/.ssh/tilde.black/id_ed25519.pub user@tilde.black:key.pub $ ssh user@tilde.black tilde$ cat key.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys tilde$ rm key.pub ### Step 3: Configure SSH To make `ssh(1)` *only* use that key for that tilde, you can add the following lines to `~/.ssh/config`: Host tilde.black IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tilde.black/id_ed25519 ## See Also [SSH over Tor](ssh-over-tor.md)