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<title>mastodon postgres upgrade fun</title>
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<h3><a class="ablack" href="mastodon-postgres-upgrade-fun.html">
mastodon postgres upgrade fun
<!-- bashblog_timestamp: #202010281631.39# -->
<div class="subtitle">October 28, 2020 &mdash;
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<p>howdy friends!</p>
<p>if you&rsquo;re a mastodon user on <a href="https://tilde.zone">tilde.zone</a> (the tildeverse
mastodon instance), you might&rsquo;ve noticed some downtime recently.</p>
<p>here&rsquo;s a quick recap of what went down during the upgrade process.</p>
<hr />
<p>we run the current stable version of postgresql from the <a href="https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt">postgres
apt repos</a>. postgres <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/release/13.0/">13</a> was released recently
and the apt upgrades automatically created a new cluster running 13.</p>
<p>the database for mastodon has gotten quite large (about 16gb) which
complicates this upgrade a bit. this was my inital plan:</p>
<li>drop the 13 cluster created by the apt package upgrades</li>
<li>upgrade the 12-main cluster to 13</li>
<li>drop the 12 cluster</li>
<p>these steps appeared to work fine, but closer inspection afterwards
led me to discover that the new cluster had ended up with <code>SQL_ASCII</code>
encoding somehow. this is not a situation we want to be in. time to fix it.</p>
<p>here&rsquo;s the new plan:</p>
<li><p>stop mastodon
for i in streaming sidekiq web; do systemctl stop mastodon-$i; done
<li><p>dump current database state
pg_dump mastodon_production &gt; db.dump
<li><p>drop and recreate cluster with utf8 encoding
pg_dropcluster 13 main --stop
pg_createcluster --locale=en_US.UTF8 13 main --start
<li><p>restore backup
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user mastodon createdb;"
sudo -u mastodon createdb -E utf8 mastodon_production
sudo -u mastodon psql &lt; db.dump
<p>i&rsquo;m still not 100% sure how the encoding reverted to ascii but
it seems that the locale was not correctly set while running the
apt upgrades&hellip;</p>
<p>if this happens to you, hopefully this helps you wade out while
keeping all your data :)</p>
<p>tags: <a href='tag_sysadmin.html'>sysadmin</a>, <a href='tag_tilde.html'>tilde</a>, <a href='tag_social-networks.html'>social-networks</a></p>
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<div id="footer">CC by-nc-nd <a href="https://tilde.team/~ben/">~ben</a> &mdash; <a href="mailto:ben&#64;tilde&#46;team">ben&#64;tilde&#46;team</a><br>
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