initial commit

This commit is contained in:
fosslinux 2019-01-08 14:42:52 +11:00 committed by Samuel Tyler
commit 6296539128
11 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
all: install
.PHONY: install
install -m 755 -o root -g root obamenu /usr/bin/obamenu
install -d -m 755 -o root -g root /usr/share/doc/obamenu
install -m 644 -o root -g root obamenu.txt /usr/share/doc/obamenu/doc

debian/README.source vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
obamenu for Debian
obamenu (New version 1.1.7) is a free open source utility that automagically
creates menus for openbox, an X window manager.
openbox does have built-in menu capabilities. Unfortunately, though, those
menus must be created manually in openbox's menu.xml config file. While some
users (and potential users!) find this generally cumbersome it is also
unwieldy when installing new applications.
That's where obamenu enters the scene. obamenu automagically creates complete
openbox menus based on looking at, analyzing, and working on xdg information
provided by most applications. Being badass fast obamenu can be included as a
dynamic item in menu.xml (example is in the docu) providing the user with an
always up to date menu. In case you install a new application, simply have
obox restart (which takes ~ 1 second) to find the new application right away
in the menu.
While efforts were undertaken to keep obamenu small, resource friendly and
fast (i.e. in line with the philosophy of small windows manager) it is
actually quite capable and knows some tricks such as associating the proper
icons with a menu entry.
Of course, obamenu does not interfere with any "hard wired" menu entries you
might have made but rather complements them and nicely fits in, either in the
root menu or in some sub menu like "Applications".
-- ***REMOVED*** <> Tue, 08 Jan 2019 13:37:54 +1100

debian/changelog vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
obamenu (1.1.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Upstream release 1.1.7
* add debian packaging
* add Makefile
-- ***REMOVED*** <> Tue, 08 Jan 2019 13:37:54 +1100

debian/compat vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

debian/control vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Source: obamenu
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Maintainer: TildeLinux Maintainers <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11)
Standards-Version: 4.1.3
Package: obamenu
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, openbox
Description: A utility that creates menus for openbox.
obamenu (New version 1.1.7) is a free open source utility that automagically
creates menus for openbox, an X window manager.
openbox does have built-in menu capabilities. Unfortunately, though, those
menus must be created manually in openbox's menu.xml config file. While some
users (and potential users!) find this generally cumbersome it is also
unwieldy when installing new applications.
That's where obamenu enters the scene. obamenu automagically creates complete
openbox menus based on looking at, analyzing, and working on xdg information
provided by most applications. Being badass fast obamenu can be included as a
dynamic item in menu.xml (example is in the docu) providing the user with an
always up to date menu. In case you install a new application, simply have
obox restart (which takes ~ 1 second) to find the new application right away
in the menu.
While efforts were undertaken to keep obamenu small, resource friendly and
fast (i.e. in line with the philosophy of small windows manager) it is
actually quite capable and knows some tricks such as associating the proper
icons with a menu entry.
Of course, obamenu does not interfere with any "hard wired" menu entries you
might have made but rather complements them and nicely fits in, either in the
root menu or in some sub menu like "Applications".

debian/copyright vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Upstream-Name: obamenu
Source: <url://>
Files: *
Copyright: 2018 rmoe <>
License: GPL-2+
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Files: debian/* Makefile
Copyright: 2019 TildeLinux Maintainers <>
License: GPL-3+
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

debian/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

debian/rules vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable)
# output every command that modifies files on the build system.
#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
# see FEATURE AREAS in dpkg-buildflags(1)
#export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
# see ENVIRONMENT in dpkg-buildflags(1)
# package maintainers to append CFLAGS
#export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic
# package maintainers to append LDFLAGS
#export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed
dh $@
# dh_make generated override targets
# This is example for Cmake (See )
# dh_auto_configure -- # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)

debian/source/format vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
3.0 (quilt)

obamenu Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Version 1.1.7
# ---- config ---
applications_dirs = ("/usr/share/applications", )
image_dir_base = "/usr/share" # without "pixmaps" -/usr/local/share in FreeBSD, /usr/share on linux
icon_Theme = "Humanity"
image_cat_prefix = "applications-" # if empty will create no icon text only menu
application_groups = ("Office", "Development", "Graphics", "Internet", "Games", "System", "Multimedia", "Utilities", "Settings")
group_aliases = {"Audio":"Multimedia","AudioVideo":"Multimedia","Network":"Internet","Game":"Games", "Utility":"Utilities", "GTK":"", "GNOME":""}
ignoreList = ("evince-previewer", "Ted", "wingide3.2", "python3.4", "feh","xfce4-power-manager-settings" )
terminal_string = "evte -e" # your favourites terminal exec string
simpleOBheader = False # print full xml style OB header
# --- End of user config ---
import glob
class dtItem(object):
def __init__(self, fName):
self.fileName = fName
self.Name = ""
self.Comment = ""
self.Exec = ""
self.Terminal = None
self.Type = ""
self.Icon = ""
self.Categories = ()
def addName(self, data):
self.Name = xescape(data)
def addComment(self, data):
self.Comment = data
def addExec(self, data):
if len(data) > 3 and data[-2] == '%': # get rid of filemanager arguments in dt files
data = data[:-2].strip()
self.Exec = data
def addIcon(self, data):
self.Icon = ""
if image_cat_prefix == "":
image_dir = image_dir_base + "/pixmaps/"
di = data.strip()
if len(di) < 3:
#"Error in %s: Invalid or no icon '%s'" % (self.fileName, di)
dix = di.find("/") # is it a full path?
if dix >= 0 and dix <= 2: # yes, its a path (./path or ../path or /path ...)
self.Icon = di
#else a short name like "myapp"
tmp = image_dir + di + ".*"
tmp = glob.glob(tmp)
if len(tmp) > 0:
self.Icon = tmp[0]
def addTerminal(self, data):
if data == "True" or data == "true":
self.Terminal = True
self.Terminal = False
def addType(self, data):
self.Type = data
def addCategories(self, data):
self.Categories = data
def getCatIcon(cat):
iconDir = image_dir_base + "/icons/" + icon_Theme + "/categories/24/"
cat = image_cat_prefix + cat.lower()
tmp = glob.glob(iconDir + cat + ".*")
if len(tmp) > 0:
return tmp[0]
return ""
def xescape(s):
Rep = {"&":"&amp;", "<":"&lt;", ">":"&gt;", "'":"&apos;", "\"":"&quot;"}
for p in ("&", "<", ">", "'","\""):
sl = len(s); last = -1
while last < sl:
i = s.find(p, last+1)
if i < 0:
done = True
last = i
l = s[:i]
r = s[i+1:]
s = l + Rep[p] + r
return s
def process_category(cat, curCats, appGroups = application_groups, aliases = group_aliases ):
# first process aliases
if aliases.has_key(cat):
if aliases[cat] == "":
return "" # ignore this one
cat = aliases[cat]
if cat in appGroups and cat not in curCats: # valid categories only and no doublettes, please
return cat
return ""
def process_dtfile(dtf, catDict): # process this file & extract relevant info
active = False # parse only after "[Desktop Entry]" line
fh = open(dtf, "r")
lines = fh.readlines()
this = dtItem(dtf)
for l in lines:
l = l.strip()
if l == "[Desktop Entry]":
active = True
if active == False: # we don't care about licenses or other comments
if l == None or len(l) < 1 or l[0] == '#':
if l[0]== '[' and l != "[Desktop Entry]":
active = False
# else
eqi = l.split('=')
if len(eqi) < 2:
print "Error: Invalid .desktop line'" + l + "'"
# Check what it is ...
if eqi[0] == "Name":
elif eqi[0] == "Comment":
elif eqi[0] == "Exec":
elif eqi[0] == "Icon":
elif eqi[0] == "Terminal":
elif eqi[0] == "Type":
if eqi[1] != "Application":
elif eqi[0] == "Categories":
if eqi[1][-1] == ';':
eqi[1] = eqi[1][0:-1]
cats = []
dtCats = eqi[1].split(';')
for cat in dtCats:
result = process_category(cat, cats)
# add to catDict
if len(this.Categories) > 0: # don't care about stuff w/o category
for cat in this.Categories:
categoryDict = {}
if __name__ == "__main__":
# init the application group dict (which will contain list of apps)
for appGroup in application_groups:
categoryDict[appGroup] = []
# now let's look into the app dirs ...
for appDir in applications_dirs:
appDir += "/*.desktop"
dtFiles = glob.glob(appDir)
# process each .desktop file in dir
for dtf in dtFiles:
skipFlag = False
for ifn in ignoreList:
if dtf.find(ifn) >= 0:
skipFlag = True
if skipFlag == False:
process_dtfile(dtf, categoryDict)
# now, generate jwm menu include
if simpleOBheader == True:
print '<openbox_pipe_menu>' # magic header
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><openbox_pipe_menu xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" >' # magic header
appGroupLen = len(application_groups)
for ag in range(appGroupLen ):
catList = categoryDict[application_groups[ag]]
if len(catList) < 1:
continue # don't create empty menus
catStr = "<menu id=\"openbox-%s\" label=\"%s\" " % (application_groups[ag], application_groups[ag])
tmp = getCatIcon(application_groups[ag])
if tmp != "":
catStr += "icon=\"%s\"" % tmp
print catStr, ">"
for app in catList:
progStr = "<item "
progStr += "label=\"%s\" " % app.Name
if app.Icon != "":
progStr += "icon=\"%s\" " % app.Icon
progStr += "><action name=\"Execute\"><command><![CDATA["
if app.Terminal == True:
progStr += terminal_string + " "
progStr += "%s]]></command></action></item>" % app.Exec
print progStr
print "</menu>"
print "</openbox_pipe_menu>" # magic footer
pass # done/debug break

obamenu.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
(news and updates can be found at the bottom)
obamenu (openbox automenu) is a menu generator for the openbox window manager. Rather than striving for full and complete xdg compliance
obamenu offers a reasonable basic level of xdg compliance and focuses on low resource usage and pragmatic issues.
obamenu consists of a single python file without any exotic imports. It has been developed with Python 2.7 should, however, work fine with
any Python > 2.5 (possibly even older) and with Python's standard included batteries.
That's it. No options, no parameters, simple as that. But ...
As openbox users are not afraid of editing config files, a decision was taken to make obamenu's configuration powerful yet simple not by
command line üarameters or a config file but by having a short config section right within obamenu itself.
The basic idea
It seems reasonable to assume that openbox users are quite different from users of the more common and usually monstrous window managers.
And while obamenu is perfectly capable to just splash the usual full menu into your .jwmrc the authors needs (and assumptions on other
openbox users needs) and accordingly obamenu's capabilities are somewhat more refined.
First some basics. On pretty much any halfway modern Unixoid OS, there is some directory with ".desktop" files which contain information
about applications needed by the OS; things like its name, the command, possibly some comment, and so on. On most linuxes and BSD
this directory is "/usr/share/applications". Of course, as with every standard, there's some idio^H^H^H^H players (like Gnome) who don't
care that much and dump their .desktop files elsewhere and anywhere.
Similarly there is also a place for all those nice application (not OS!) icons. Usually they are in "/usr/share/pixmaps".
Last but not least, there are "Categories" into which applications are grouped in menus. Btw, obamenu does not show empty categories to
avoid senseless clutter.
So, let's have a look at a obamenu's config section and its bits and pieces:
# ---- config ---
applications_dirs = ("/usr/share/applications", )
image_dir = "/usr/share/pixmaps"
application_groups = ("Office", "Development", "Graphics", "Internet", "Games", "System", "Multimedia", "Utility", "Settings")
group_aliases = {"Audio":"Multimedia","AudioVideo":"Multimedia","Game":"Games", "GTK":""}
ignoreList = ("evince-previewer", "python3.4", "feh","xfce4-power-manager-settings" )
terminal_string = "svte -e" # your favourites terminal exec string
# --- End of user config ---
The first one, "applications_dirs" is a list of directories in which .desktop files are to be found. The default, which should be fine for most
users, is where .desktop files are usually put by linux or BSD. Feel free to add more, for instance some subdirectory within your $HOME.
The next one, "image_dir", is quite similar but is about icon images for applications. A small caveat, though: While most applications are
nicely putting their .desktop files into the standard directory, the story with icons is quite different. Particularly the wm behemoths like
Gnome tend to spread icon files all over the place. Often, for instance, icon files are to be found in some obscure subdirectory of
"/usr/share/icons" buried deep depending in the chosen theme and the icon size. The author of obamenu admits freely to have taken a
rather deliberate choice in that regard by having image_dir be a simple string rather than a list, which might seem to be a reasonable way
to some. The author, however, didn't consider it wise to play find and catch with ignorance and idiosyncrasies of some parties. He rather
chose to use the trusted Unix mechanism of links. In other words: You are advised to soft link all icon files outside the standard icon directory
to /usr/share/pixmaps or similar. ("find" is your friend, e.g. find /usr/share/icons -name 'foo.*').
The next setting, "application_groups" looks innocent enough but has some power with it. Obviously the entries in that list are "menu
groups" or categories into which xdg menus put the applications depending on some .desktop data. You might want to keep in mind
that obamenu keeps categories in the the order of this setting, i.e. you will find those categories in the menu in that order, too.
And then there are buts ...
The first but is that you almost certaintly don't want more categories than the number of citizens in your home town. Another and more
interesting but is that, obviously, usage profiles are different. For me as a developer, for instance, a "shows coloured stuff or makes sound"
category seems sensibly sufficient; some movie editing people though might have quite different views... which brings us to the next
"group_aliases" is a list of string pairs, the first one being what is put as category in the .desktop file(s) and the second one being the
category it will end up in. In other words: this is your chance to rearrange things the way you want them. The author, for instance, has a
rather frugal attitude regarding multimedia; accordingly, he simply throws anything audio or video related into one category "multimedia".
To illustrate, though admittedly somewhat construed, another potentially useful feature, have a look at "GTK" in those string pairs. Its second
string is empty which comes down to telling obamenu "ignore that stuff. Don't put it into my menu". The reason being that openbox *only*
creates menus for applications being sorted into a category. No category, no menu entry.
Hint: This setting may also be used to have translated strings in your menu; simply have the english cat. string aliased to a translated version.
The second to last setting, "ignoreList" is what its name suggests. It's a list of .desktop file names (without the ".desktop" part) you wish to
ignore, i.e. to not have in your menu for whatever reason.
Finally the last setting, "terminal_string", is telling obamenu how to call your favourite terminal emulator for console applications like "htop".
(obamenu automagically takes care of having console applications called in a terminal emulator).
Note that the auto-generated menu can be put right into the menu section of an openbox menu.xml
Last but not least you can, of course, also send obamenu's output to a file which can be edited, inserted manually, feed your cat, and all
the other things Unixoids can do with files.
Just to avoid misunderstandings, here's an example (the authors usage) of obamenu in a ob menu.xml file:
<menu id="desktop-app-menu" label="Applications" icon="/usr/share/icons/applications.png" execute="~/obamenu" />
obamenu is under a dual license depending on who you are. If you are using it as a private person (which also means non-commercially)
it's under a 3 clause BSD license. If you are using it as or in the context of anything not private, for instance, in a business or an agency,
it's under GPL v.2.
Disclaimer: The author uses mainly jwm. While obamenu has been tested to work properly it has been considerably less tested than the authors
jwmamenu (same thing but for jwm. In fact, obamenu has been derived from jwmamenu).
The main motivation behind obamenu was the fact that openbox-menu (probably the most used menu generator for ob) doesn't compile properly on FreeBSD
and the author saw absolutely no reason why a menu generator couldn't - and shouldn't - be cross platform (e.g. using Python).
News & Updates:
- ported (from jwmamenu) smarts to get rid of '%x' target specifiers in Exec spec. (used for file managers but disturbing in menus)
- ported search for category icons in configurable Theme
- some cleaning up and small enhancements, mainly for speed.