#!/bin/sh . ./util.sh . ./basics.sh . ./irc.sh export tilde_name="" export tilde_username="" export key_file="" #configure_tilde #configure_irc key_file="$(find /tilde/key | tail -n1)" choice="" clear echo "=== Welcome to Tildelinux! ===" configure_network || fail echo "What tilde would you like to connect to? (use the domain name as you would for ssh)" read tilde_name echo "What is your username for $tilde_name?" read tilde_username echo "Now you will need to provide tildelinux with your ssh private key" echo "By whatever means, place your private key in the /tilde/key directory" echo "Here is a shell, once the key is in the proper location, simply type \"exit\" to close the shell and continue" bash echo "Looking for keyfile..." check_key_file || fail echo "Key file located!" echo "Testing connection to the tilde..." connection_test || fail echo "Connection success!" echo "Configuring user..." configure_user || fail echo "User configured!" clear echo "=== IRC Configuration ===" echo "Now we will begin configuring a WeeChat IRC relay" echo "Select the option that applies to you:" echo "1. I have a WeeChat relay configured on my chosen tilde" echo "2. I do not have a WeeChat relay configured on my chosen tilde" read -r choice while : do case "$choice" in "1") clear set_relay_config "existing" break ;; "2") clear echo "Since no WeeChat relay exists, a new one will be configured" echo "First, provide a port number and password for this relay" set_relay_config "new" break ;; "*") echo "Please enter a valid option" ;; esac done echo "All done! Enjoy using Tildelinux!" rm ./setup_incomplete #startx