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2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
namespace App\Entity\Repository;
use App\Assets\AlbumArtCustomAsset;
use App\Doctrine\ReloadableEntityManagerInterface;
2020-03-29 07:16:41 +00:00
use App\Doctrine\Repository;
use App\Entity;
use App\Environment;
2022-11-13 08:00:56 +00:00
use App\Flysystem\ExtendedFilesystemInterface;
use App\Flysystem\StationFilesystems;
use App\Radio\Enums\StreamFormats;
use App\Service\Flow\UploadedFile;
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
use Closure;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
* @extends Repository<Entity\Station>
final class StationRepository extends Repository
public function __construct(
ReloadableEntityManagerInterface $em,
private readonly SettingsRepository $settingsRepo,
private readonly Environment $environment
) {
* @param string $identifier A numeric or string identifier for a station.
public function findByIdentifier(string $identifier): ?Entity\Station
return is_numeric($identifier)
? $this->repository->find($identifier)
: $this->repository->findOneBy(['short_name' => $identifier]);
public function getActiveCount(): int
return $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT COUNT(s.id) FROM App\Entity\Station s WHERE s.is_enabled = 1
2021-04-23 02:16:00 +00:00
public function fetchAll(): mixed
return $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT s FROM App\Entity\Station s ORDER BY s.name ASC
* @inheritDoc
public function fetchSelect(
bool|string $add_blank = false,
Closure $display = null,
string $pk = 'id',
string $order_by = 'name'
): array {
$select = [];
// Specify custom text in the $add_blank parameter to override.
if ($add_blank !== false) {
$select[''] = ($add_blank === true) ? 'Select...' : $add_blank;
// Build query for records.
// Assemble select values and, if necessary, call $display callback.
2021-06-08 06:40:49 +00:00
foreach ($this->fetchArray() as $result) {
$key = $result[$pk];
2021-06-08 06:40:49 +00:00
$select[$key] = ($display === null) ? $result['name'] : $display($result);
return $select;
* @return iterable<Entity\Station>
public function iterateEnabledStations(): iterable
return $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT s FROM App\Entity\Station s WHERE s.is_enabled = 1
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
* Reset mount points to their adapter defaults (in the event of an adapter change).
public function resetMounts(Entity\Station $station): void
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount) {
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
// Create default mountpoints if station supports them.
if ($station->getFrontendTypeEnum()->supportsMounts()) {
$record = new Entity\StationMount($station);
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
public function resetHls(Entity\Station $station): void
foreach ($station->getHlsStreams() as $hlsStream) {
if ($station->getEnableHls() && $station->getBackendTypeEnum()->isEnabled()) {
$streams = [
'aac_lofi' => 48,
'aac_midfi' => 96,
'aac_hifi' => 192,
foreach ($streams as $name => $bitrate) {
$record = new Entity\StationHlsStream($station);
public function flushRelatedMedia(Entity\Station $station): void
UPDATE App\Entity\SongHistory sh SET sh.media = null
WHERE sh.station = :station
)->setParameter('station', $station)
DELETE FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistMedia spm
WHERE spm.playlist_id IN (
SELECT sp.id FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylist sp WHERE sp.station = :station
)->setParameter('station', $station)
DELETE FROM App\Entity\StationQueue sq WHERE sq.station = :station
)->setParameter('station', $station)
DELETE FROM App\Entity\StationRequest sr WHERE sr.station = :station
)->setParameter('station', $station)
* Return the URL to use for songs with no specified album artwork, when artwork is displayed.
* @param Entity\Station|null $station
public function getDefaultAlbumArtUrl(?Entity\Station $station = null): UriInterface
2021-06-08 06:40:49 +00:00
if (null !== $station) {
2023-01-03 22:55:49 +00:00
$stationAlbumArt = new AlbumArtCustomAsset($this->environment, $station);
if ($stationAlbumArt->isUploaded()) {
return $stationAlbumArt->getUri();
$stationCustomUri = $station->getBrandingConfig()->getDefaultAlbumArtUrlAsUri();
if (null !== $stationCustomUri) {
return $stationCustomUri;
$customUrl = $this->settingsRepo->readSettings()->getDefaultAlbumArtUrlAsUri();
return $customUrl ?? (new AlbumArtCustomAsset($this->environment))->getUri();
public function setFallback(
Entity\Station $station,
UploadedFile $file,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$fs ??= (new StationFilesystems($station))->getConfigFilesystem();
if (!empty($station->getFallbackPath())) {
$this->doDeleteFallback($station, $fs);
$originalPath = $file->getClientFilename();
$originalExt = pathinfo($originalPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fallbackPath = 'fallback.' . $originalExt;
$fs->uploadAndDeleteOriginal($file->getUploadedPath(), $fallbackPath);
public function doDeleteFallback(
Entity\Station $station,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$fs ??= (new StationFilesystems($station))->getConfigFilesystem();
$fallbackPath = $station->getFallbackPath();
if (empty($fallbackPath)) {
public function clearFallback(
Entity\Station $station,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$this->doDeleteFallback($station, $fs);
public function setStereoToolConfiguration(
Entity\Station $station,
UploadedFile $file,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$fs ??= (new StationFilesystems($station))->getConfigFilesystem();
$backendConfig = $station->getBackendConfig();
if (null !== $backendConfig->getStereoToolConfigurationPath()) {
$this->doDeleteStereoToolConfiguration($station, $fs);
$stereoToolConfigurationPath = 'stereo-tool.sts';
$fs->uploadAndDeleteOriginal($file->getUploadedPath(), $stereoToolConfigurationPath);
public function doDeleteStereoToolConfiguration(
Entity\Station $station,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$backendConfig = $station->getBackendConfig();
if (null === $backendConfig->getStereoToolConfigurationPath()) {
$fs ??= (new StationFilesystems($station))->getConfigFilesystem();
public function clearStereoToolConfiguration(
Entity\Station $station,
?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null
): void {
$this->doDeleteStereoToolConfiguration($station, $fs);
$backendConfig = $station->getBackendConfig();