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namespace App\Radio\Backend\Liquidsoap;
use App\Entity;
use App\Event\Radio\WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration;
use App\Exception;
use App\Logger;
use App\Message;
use App\Radio\Adapters;
use App\Radio\Backend\Liquidsoap;
use App\Settings;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class ConfigWriter implements EventSubscriberInterface
public const CUSTOM_TOP = 'custom_config_top';
public const CUSTOM_PRE_PLAYLISTS = 'custom_config_pre_playlists';
public const CUSTOM_PRE_BROADCAST = 'custom_config';
public const CUSTOM_PRE_LIVE = 'custom_config_pre_live';
public const CUSTOM_PRE_FADE = 'custom_config_pre_fade';
public const CROSSFADE_NORMAL = 'normal';
public const CROSSFADE_DISABLED = 'none';
public const CROSSFADE_SMART = 'smart';
protected EntityManagerInterface $em;
protected Liquidsoap $liquidsoap;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em, Liquidsoap $liquidsoap)
$this->em = $em;
$this->liquidsoap = $liquidsoap;
* Handle event dispatch.
* @param Message\AbstractMessage $message
public function __invoke(Message\AbstractMessage $message)
if ($message instanceof Message\WritePlaylistFileMessage) {
$playlist = $this->em->find(Entity\StationPlaylist::class, $message->playlist_id);
if ($playlist instanceof Entity\StationPlaylist) {
$this->writePlaylistFile($playlist, true);
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration::class => [
['writeHeaderFunctions', 35],
['writePlaylistConfiguration', 30],
['writeCrossfadeConfiguration', 25],
['writeHarborConfiguration', 20],
['writePreBroadcastConfiguration', 10],
['writeLocalBroadcastConfiguration', 5],
['writeRemoteBroadcastConfiguration', 0],
public function writeCustomConfigurationSection(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event, string $sectionName): void
if ($event->isForEditing()) {
$divider = self::getDividerString();
$divider . $sectionName . $divider,
$appSettings = Settings::getInstance();
if (!$appSettings->enableAdvancedFeatures()) {
$station = $event->getStation();
$settings = $station->getBackendConfig();
if (!empty($settings[$sectionName])) {
'# Custom Configuration (Specified in Station Profile)',
public static function getDividerString(): string
return chr(7);
public function writeHeaderFunctions(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
if ($event->isForEditing()) {
'# ' . __('Welcome to the AzuraCast Liquidsoap configuration editor.'),
'# ' . __('Using this page, you can customize several sections of the Liquidsoap configuration.'),
'# ' . __('The non-editable sections are automatically generated by AzuraCast.'),
} else {
'# WARNING! This file is automatically generated by AzuraCast.',
'# Do not update it directly!',
$this->writeCustomConfigurationSection($event, self::CUSTOM_TOP);
$station = $event->getStation();
$config_path = $station->getRadioConfigDir();
'set("init.daemon", false)',
'set("init.daemon.pidfile.path","' . $config_path . '/liquidsoap.pid")',
'set("log.stdout", true)',
'set("log.file", false)',
'set("server.telnet.bind_addr","' . (Settings::getInstance()->isDocker() ? '' : '') . '")',
'set("server.telnet.port", ' . $this->liquidsoap->getTelnetPort($station) . ')',
'setenv("TZ", "' . self::cleanUpString($station->getTimezone()) . '")',
public function writePlaylistConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
$this->writeCustomConfigurationSection($event, self::CUSTOM_PRE_PLAYLISTS);
// Clear out existing playlists directory.
$playlistPath = $station->getRadioPlaylistsDir();
$currentPlaylists = array_diff(scandir($playlistPath, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE), ['..', '.']);
foreach ($currentPlaylists as $list) {
@unlink($playlistPath . '/' . $list);
// Set up playlists using older format as a fallback.
$hasDefaultPlaylist = false;
$playlistObjects = [];
foreach ($station->getPlaylists() as $playlistRaw) {
/** @var Entity\StationPlaylist $playlistRaw */
if (!$playlistRaw->getIsEnabled()) {
if ($playlistRaw->getType() === Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_DEFAULT) {
$hasDefaultPlaylist = true;
$playlistObjects[] = $playlistRaw;
// Create a new default playlist if one doesn't exist.
if (!$hasDefaultPlaylist) {
Logger::getInstance()->info('No default playlist existed for this station; new one was automatically created.',
['station_id' => $station->getId(), 'station_name' => $station->getName()]);
// Auto-create an empty default playlist.
$defaultPlaylist = new Entity\StationPlaylist($station);
$playlistObjects[] = $defaultPlaylist;
$playlistVarNames = [];
$genPlaylistWeights = [];
$genPlaylistVars = [];
$specialPlaylists = [
'once_per_x_songs' => [
'# Once per x Songs Playlists',
'once_per_x_minutes' => [
'# Once per x Minutes Playlists',
$scheduleSwitches = [];
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting = [];
foreach ($playlistObjects as $playlist) {
/** @var Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist */
$playlistVarName = 'playlist_' . str_replace('-', '_', $playlist->getShortName());
if (in_array($playlistVarName, $playlistVarNames, true)) {
$playlistVarName .= '_' . $playlist->getId();
$playlistVarNames[] = $playlistVarName;
$usesRandom = true;
$usesReloadMode = true;
$usesConservative = false;
if ($playlist->backendLoopPlaylistOnce()) {
$playlistFuncName = 'playlist.once';
} elseif ($playlist->backendMerge()) {
$playlistFuncName = 'playlist.merge';
$usesReloadMode = false;
} else {
$playlistFuncName = 'playlist';
$usesRandom = false;
$usesConservative = true;
$playlistConfigLines = [];
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::SOURCE_SONGS === $playlist->getSource()) {
$playlistFilePath = $this->writePlaylistFile($playlist, false);
if (!$playlistFilePath) {
// Liquidsoap's playlist functions support very different argument patterns. :/
$playlistParams = [
'id="' . self::cleanUpString($playlistVarName) . '"',
if ($usesRandom) {
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_SEQUENTIAL !== $playlist->getOrder()) {
$playlistParams[] = 'random=true';
} else {
$playlistModes = [
Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_SEQUENTIAL => 'normal',
Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_SHUFFLE => 'randomize',
Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_RANDOM => 'random',
$playlistParams[] = 'mode="' . $playlistModes[$playlist->getOrder()] . '"';
if ($usesReloadMode) {
$playlistParams[] = 'reload_mode="watch"';
if ($usesConservative) {
$playlistParams[] = 'conservative=true';
$playlistParams[] = 'default_duration=10.';
$playlistParams[] = 'length=20.';
$playlistParams[] = '"' . $playlistFilePath . '"';
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = ' . $playlistFuncName . '(' . implode(',',
$playlistParams) . ')';
} else {
switch ($playlist->getRemoteType()) {
case Entity\StationPlaylist::REMOTE_TYPE_PLAYLIST:
$playlistFunc = $playlistFuncName . '("' . self::cleanUpString($playlist->getRemoteUrl()) . '")';
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = ' . $playlistFunc;
case Entity\StationPlaylist::REMOTE_TYPE_STREAM:
$remote_url = $playlist->getRemoteUrl();
$remote_url_scheme = parse_url($remote_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$remote_url_function = ('https' === $remote_url_scheme) ? 'input.https' : 'input.http';
$buffer = $playlist->getRemoteBuffer();
$buffer = ($buffer < 1) ? Entity\StationPlaylist::DEFAULT_REMOTE_BUFFER : $buffer;
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = mksafe(' . $remote_url_function . '(max=' . $buffer . '., "' . self::cleanUpString($remote_url) . '"))';
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = audio_to_stereo(id="stereo_' . self::cleanUpString($playlistVarName) . '", ' . $playlistVarName . ')';
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = cue_cut(id="cue_' . self::cleanUpString($playlistVarName) . '", ' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if ($playlist->isJingle()) {
$playlistConfigLines[] = $playlistVarName . ' = drop_metadata(' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ADVANCED === $playlist->getType()) {
$playlistConfigLines[] = 'ignore(' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if ($playlist->backendPlaySingleTrack()) {
$playlistVarName = 'once(' . $playlistVarName . ')';
$scheduleItems = $playlist->getScheduleItems();
switch ($playlist->getType()) {
case Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_DEFAULT:
if ($scheduleItems->count() > 0) {
foreach ($scheduleItems as $scheduleItem) {
$play_time = $this->getScheduledPlaylistPlayTime($scheduleItem);
$schedule_timing = '({ ' . $play_time . ' }, ' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if ($playlist->backendInterruptOtherSongs()) {
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$scheduleSwitches[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$genPlaylistWeights[] = $playlist->getWeight();
$genPlaylistVars[] = $playlistVarName;
case Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_SONGS:
case Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_MINUTES:
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_SONGS === $playlist->getType()) {
$playlistScheduleVar = 'rotate(weights=[1,' . $playlist->getPlayPerSongs() . '], [' . $playlistVarName . ', radio])';
} else {
$delaySeconds = $playlist->getPlayPerMinutes() * 60;
$delayTrackSensitive = $playlist->backendInterruptOtherSongs() ? 'false' : 'true';
$playlistScheduleVar = 'fallback(track_sensitive=' . $delayTrackSensitive . ', [delay(' . $delaySeconds . '., ' . $playlistVarName . '), radio])';
if ($scheduleItems->count() > 0) {
foreach ($scheduleItems as $scheduleItem) {
$play_time = $this->getScheduledPlaylistPlayTime($scheduleItem);
$schedule_timing = '({ ' . $play_time . ' }, ' . $playlistScheduleVar . ')';
if ($playlist->backendInterruptOtherSongs()) {
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$scheduleSwitches[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$specialPlaylists[$playlist->getType()][] = 'radio = ' . $playlistScheduleVar;
case Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_HOUR:
$minutePlayTime = $playlist->getPlayPerHourMinute() . 'm';
if ($scheduleItems->count() > 0) {
foreach ($scheduleItems as $scheduleItem) {
$playTime = '(' . $minutePlayTime . ') and (' . $this->getScheduledPlaylistPlayTime($scheduleItem) . ')';
$schedule_timing = '({ ' . $playTime . ' }, ' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if ($playlist->backendInterruptOtherSongs()) {
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$scheduleSwitches[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$schedule_timing = '({ ' . $minutePlayTime . ' }, ' . $playlistVarName . ')';
if ($playlist->backendInterruptOtherSongs()) {
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting[] = $schedule_timing;
} else {
$scheduleSwitches[] = $schedule_timing;
// Build "default" type playlists.
'# Standard Playlists',
'radio = random(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'standard_playlists') . '", weights=[' . implode(', ',
$genPlaylistWeights) . '], [' . implode(', ', $genPlaylistVars) . '])',
if (!empty($scheduleSwitches)) {
$scheduleSwitches[] = '({true}, radio)';
'# Standard Schedule Switches',
'radio = switch(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'schedule_switch') . '", track_sensitive=true, [ ' . implode(', ', $scheduleSwitches) . ' ])',
// Add in special playlists if necessary.
foreach ($specialPlaylists as $playlist_type => $playlistConfigLines) {
if (count($playlistConfigLines) > 1) {
if (!$station->useManualAutoDJ()) {
$nextsongCommand = $this->getApiUrlCommand($station, 'nextsong');
$event->appendBlock(<<< EOF
# AutoDJ Next Song Script
def azuracast_next_song() =
uri = {$nextsongCommand}
log("AzuraCast Raw Response: #{uri}")
if uri == "" or string.match(pattern="Error", uri) then
req = request.create(uri)
'dynamic = request.dynamic.list(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'next_song') . '", timeout=20., retry_delay=3., azuracast_next_song)',
'dynamic = audio_to_stereo(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'stereo_next_song') . '", dynamic)',
'dynamic = cue_cut(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'cue_next_song') . '", dynamic)',
'radio = fallback(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'autodj_fallback') . '", track_sensitive = true, [dynamic, radio])',
if (!empty($scheduleSwitchesInterrupting)) {
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting[] = '({true}, radio)';
'# Interrupting Schedule Switches',
'radio = switch(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'interrupt_switch') . '", track_sensitive=false, [ ' . implode(', ',
$scheduleSwitchesInterrupting) . ' ])',
'requests = request.queue(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'requests') . '")',
'requests = audio_to_stereo(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'stereo_requests') . '", requests)',
'requests = cue_cut(id="' . self::getVarName($station, 'cue_requests') . '", requests)',
'radio = fallback(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'requests_fallback') . '", track_sensitive = true, [requests, radio])',
* Write a playlist's contents to file so Liquidsoap can process it, and optionally notify
* Liquidsoap of the change.
* @param Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist
* @param bool $notify
* @return string The full path that was written to.
public function writePlaylistFile(Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist, $notify = true): ?string
$station = $playlist->getStation();
$playlistPath = $station->getRadioPlaylistsDir();
$playlistVarName = 'playlist_' . $playlist->getShortName();
$logger = Logger::getInstance();
$logger->info('Writing playlist file to disk...', [
'station' => $station->getName(),
'playlist' => $playlist->getName(),
$mediaBaseDir = $station->getRadioMediaDir() . '/';
$playlistFile = [];
$mediaQuery = $this->em->createQuery(/** @lang DQL */ 'SELECT DISTINCT sm
FROM App\Entity\StationMedia sm
JOIN sm.playlists spm
WHERE spm.playlist = :playlist
ORDER BY spm.weight ASC
')->setParameter('playlist', $playlist);
$mediaIterator = $mediaQuery->iterate();
foreach ($mediaIterator as $row) {
/** @var Entity\StationMedia $mediaFile */
$mediaFile = $row[0];
$mediaFilePath = $mediaBaseDir . $mediaFile->getPath();
$mediaAnnotations = $this->liquidsoap->annotateMedia($mediaFile);
if ($playlist->isJingle()) {
$mediaAnnotations['is_jingle_mode'] = 'true';
} else {
$mediaAnnotations['playlist_id'] = $playlist->getId();
$annotations_str = [];
foreach ($mediaAnnotations as $annotation_key => $annotation_val) {
if ('liq_amplify' === $annotation_key) {
$annotations_str[] = $annotation_key . '="' . $annotation_val . 'dB"';
$annotations_str[] = $annotation_key . '="' . $annotation_val . '"';
$playlistFile[] = 'annotate:' . implode(',', $annotations_str) . ':' . $mediaFilePath;
$playlistFilePath = $playlistPath . '/' . $playlistVarName . '.m3u';
file_put_contents($playlistFilePath, implode("\n", $playlistFile));
if ($notify) {
try {
$this->liquidsoap->command($station, $playlistVarName . '.reload');
} catch (Exception $e) {
Logger::getInstance()->error('Could not reload playlist with AutoDJ.', [
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
'playlist' => $playlistVarName,
'station' => $station->getId(),
return $playlistFilePath;
* Given a scheduled playlist, return the time criteria that Liquidsoap can use to determine when to play it.
* @param Entity\StationSchedule $playlistSchedule
* @return string
protected function getScheduledPlaylistPlayTime(Entity\StationSchedule $playlistSchedule): string
$start_time = $playlistSchedule->getStartTime();
$end_time = $playlistSchedule->getEndTime();
// Handle multi-day playlists.
if ($start_time > $end_time) {
$play_times = [
self::formatTimeCode($start_time) . '-23h59m59s',
'00h00m-' . self::formatTimeCode($end_time),
$playlist_schedule_days = $playlistSchedule->getDays();
if (!empty($playlist_schedule_days) && count($playlist_schedule_days) < 7) {
$current_play_days = [];
$next_play_days = [];
foreach ($playlist_schedule_days as $day) {
$day = (int)$day;
$current_play_days[] = (($day === 7) ? '0' : $day) . 'w';
if ($day > 7) {
$day = 1;
$next_play_days[] = (($day === 7) ? '0' : $day) . 'w';
$play_times[0] = '(' . implode(' or ', $current_play_days) . ') and ' . $play_times[0];
$play_times[1] = '(' . implode(' or ', $next_play_days) . ') and ' . $play_times[1];
return '(' . implode(') or (', $play_times) . ')';
// Handle once-per-day playlists.
$play_time = ($start_time === $end_time)
? self::formatTimeCode($start_time)
: self::formatTimeCode($start_time) . '-' . self::formatTimeCode($end_time);
$playlist_schedule_days = $playlistSchedule->getDays();
if (!empty($playlist_schedule_days) && count($playlist_schedule_days) < 7) {
$play_days = [];
foreach ($playlist_schedule_days as $day) {
$day = (int)$day;
$play_days[] = (($day === 7) ? '0' : $day) . 'w';
$play_time = '(' . implode(' or ', $play_days) . ') and ' . $play_time;
return $play_time;
* Returns the URL that LiquidSoap should call when attempting to execute AzuraCast API commands.
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @param string $endpoint
* @param array $params
* @return string
protected function getApiUrlCommand(Entity\Station $station, $endpoint, $params = []): string
$settings = Settings::getInstance();
// Docker cURL-based API URL call with API authentication.
if ($settings->isDocker()) {
$params = (array)$params;
$params['api_auth'] = '"' . $station->getAdapterApiKey() . '"';
$service_uri = ($settings[Settings::DOCKER_REVISION] >= 5) ? 'web' : 'nginx';
$api_url = 'http://' . $service_uri . '/api/internal/' . $station->getId() . '/' . $endpoint;
$command = 'curl -s --request POST --url ' . $api_url;
foreach ($params as $param_key => $param_val) {
$command .= ' --form ' . $param_key . '="^string.quote(' . $param_val . ')^"';
} else {
// Ansible shell-script call.
$shell_path = '/usr/bin/php ' . $settings->getBaseDirectory() . '/bin/console';
$shell_args = [];
$shell_args[] = 'azuracast:internal:' . $endpoint;
$shell_args[] = $station->getId();
foreach ((array)$params as $param_key => $param_val) {
$shell_args [] = '--' . $param_key . '="^string.quote(' . $param_val . ')^"';
$command = $shell_path . ' ' . implode(' ', $shell_args);
return 'list.hd(get_process_lines("' . $command . '"), default="")';
public function writeCrossfadeConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
$settings = $station->getBackendConfig();
// Write pre-crossfade section.
$this->writeCustomConfigurationSection($event, self::CUSTOM_PRE_FADE);
// Crossfading happens before the live broadcast is mixed in, because of buffer issues.
$crossfade_type = $settings['crossfade_type'] ?? self::CROSSFADE_NORMAL;
$crossfade = round($settings['crossfade'] ?? 2, 1);
if (self::CROSSFADE_DISABLED !== $crossfade_type && $crossfade > 0) {
$start_next = round($crossfade * 1.5, 2);
$crossfadeIsSmart = (self::CROSSFADE_SMART === $crossfade_type) ? 'true' : 'false';
'radio = crossfade(smart=' . $crossfadeIsSmart . ', duration=' . self::toFloat($start_next) . ',fade_out=' . self::toFloat($crossfade) . ',fade_in=' . self::toFloat($crossfade) . ',radio)',
// Write fallback to safety file immediately after crossfade.
$error_file = Settings::getInstance()->isDocker()
? '/usr/local/share/icecast/web/error.mp3'
: Settings::getInstance()->getBaseDirectory() . '/resources/error.mp3';
'radio = fallback(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'safe_fallback') . '", track_sensitive = false, [radio, single(id="error_jingle", "' . $error_file . '")])',
public function writeHarborConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
if (!$station->getEnableStreamers()) {
$this->writeCustomConfigurationSection($event, self::CUSTOM_PRE_LIVE);
$settings = $station->getBackendConfig();
$charset = $settings->getCharset();
$dj_mount = $settings->getDjMountPoint();
$recordLiveStreams = $settings->recordStreams();
$authCommand = $this->getApiUrlCommand($station, 'auth', ['dj-user' => '!user', 'dj-password' => '!password']);
$djonCommand = $this->getApiUrlCommand($station, 'djon', ['dj-user' => 'dj']);
$djoffCommand = $this->getApiUrlCommand($station, 'djoff', ['dj-user' => 'dj']);
$event->appendBlock(<<< EOF
# DJ Authentication
live_enabled = ref false
last_authenticated_dj = ref ""
live_dj = ref ""
def dj_auth(auth_user,auth_pw) =
user = ref ""
password = ref ""
if (auth_user == "source" or auth_user == "") and (string.match(pattern="(:|,)+", auth_pw)) then
auth_string = string.split(separator="(:|,)", auth_pw)
user := list.nth(default="", auth_string, 0)
password := list.nth(default="", auth_string, 2)
user := auth_user
password := auth_pw
log("Authenticating DJ: #{!user}")
ret = {$authCommand}
log("AzuraCast DJ Auth Response: #{ret}")
authed = bool_of_string(ret)
if (authed) then
last_authenticated_dj := !user
def live_connected(header) =
dj = !last_authenticated_dj
log("DJ Source connected! Last authenticated DJ: #{dj} - #{header}")
live_enabled := true
live_dj := dj
ret = {$djonCommand}
log("AzuraCast Live Connected Response: #{ret}")
def live_disconnected() =
dj = !live_dj
log("DJ Source disconnected! Current live DJ: #{dj}")
ret = {$djoffCommand}
log("AzuraCast Live Disconnected Response: #{ret}")
live_enabled := false
last_authenticated_dj := ""
live_dj := ""
$harbor_params = [
'"' . self::cleanUpString($dj_mount) . '"',
'id = "' . self::getVarName($station, 'input_streamer') . '"',
'port = ' . $this->liquidsoap->getStreamPort($station),
'auth = dj_auth',
'icy = true',
'icy_metadata_charset = "' . $charset . '"',
'metadata_charset = "' . $charset . '"',
'on_connect = live_connected',
'on_disconnect = live_disconnected',
$djBuffer = (int)($settings['dj_buffer'] ?? 5);
if (0 !== $djBuffer) {
$harbor_params[] = 'buffer = ' . self::toFloat($djBuffer);
$harbor_params[] = 'max = ' . self::toFloat(max($djBuffer + 5, 10));
'# A Pre-DJ source of radio that can be broadcast if needed',
'radio_without_live = radio',
'# Live Broadcasting',
'live = audio_to_stereo(input.harbor(' . implode(', ', $harbor_params) . '))',
'ignore(output.dummy(live, fallible=true))',
'radio = fallback(id="' . self::getVarName($station,
'live_fallback') . '", replay_metadata=false, track_sensitive=false, [live, radio])',
if ($recordLiveStreams) {
$recordLiveStreamsFormat = $settings['record_streams_format'] ?? Entity\StationMountInterface::FORMAT_MP3;
$recordLiveStreamsBitrate = (int)($settings['record_streams_bitrate'] ?? 128);
$formatString = $this->getOutputFormatString($recordLiveStreamsFormat, $recordLiveStreamsBitrate);
$event->appendBlock(<<< EOF
# Record Live Broadcasts
stop_recording_f = ref (fun () -> ())
def start_recording(path) =
output_live_recording = output.file({$formatString}, fallible=true, reopen_on_metadata=false, "#{path}", live)
stop_recording_f := fun () -> source.shutdown(output_live_recording)
def stop_recording() =
f = !stop_recording_f
f ()
stop_recording_f := fun () -> ()
server.register(namespace="recording", description="Start recording.", usage="recording.start filename", "start", fun (s) -> begin start_recording(s) "Done!" end)
server.register(namespace="recording", description="Stop recording.", usage="recording.stop", "stop", fun (s) -> begin stop_recording() "Done!" end)
public function writePreBroadcastConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
$settings = $station->getBackendConfig();
'# Allow for Telnet-driven insertion of custom metadata.',
'radio = server.insert_metadata(id="custom_metadata", radio)',
'# Apply amplification metadata (if supplied)',
'radio = amplify(override="liq_amplify", 1., radio)',
// NRJ normalization
if ($settings->useNormalizer()) {
'# Normalization and Compression',
'radio = normalize(target = 0., window = 0.03, gain_min = -16., gain_max = 0., radio)',
'radio = compress.exponential(radio, mu = 1.0)',
// Replaygain metadata
if ($settings->useReplayGain()) {
'# Replaygain Metadata',
// Custom configuration
$this->writeCustomConfigurationSection($event, self::CUSTOM_PRE_BROADCAST);
$feedbackCommand = $this->getApiUrlCommand($station, 'feedback',
['song' => 'm["song_id"]', 'media' => 'm["media_id"]', 'playlist' => 'm["playlist_id"]']);
# Send metadata changes back to AzuraCast
def metadata_updated(m) =
if (m["song_id"] != "") then
ret = {$feedbackCommand}
log("AzuraCast Feedback Response: #{ret}")
radio = on_metadata(metadata_updated,radio)
public function writeLocalBroadcastConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
if (Adapters::FRONTEND_REMOTE === $station->getFrontendType()) {
$ls_config = [
'# Local Broadcasts',
// Configure the outbound broadcast.
$i = 0;
foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount_row) {
/** @var Entity\StationMount $mount_row */
if (!$mount_row->getEnableAutodj()) {
$ls_config[] = $this->getOutputString($station, $mount_row, 'local_', $i);
* Given outbound broadcast information, produce a suitable LiquidSoap configuration line for the stream.
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @param Entity\StationMountInterface $mount
* @param string $idPrefix
* @param int $id
* @return string
protected function getOutputString(
Entity\Station $station,
Entity\StationMountInterface $mount,
string $idPrefix,
int $id
): string {
$settings = $station->getBackendConfig();
$charset = $settings->getCharset();
$output_format = $this->getOutputFormatString(
$mount->getAutodjBitrate() ?? 128
$output_params = [];
$output_params[] = $output_format;
$output_params[] = 'id="' . self::getVarName($station, $idPrefix . $id) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'host = "' . self::cleanUpString($mount->getAutodjHost()) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'port = ' . (int)$mount->getAutodjPort();
$username = $mount->getAutodjUsername();
if (!empty($username)) {
$output_params[] = 'user = "' . self::cleanUpString($username) . '"';
$password = self::cleanUpString($mount->getAutodjPassword());
if ($mount->getAutodjShoutcastMode()) {
$password .= ':#' . $id;
$output_params[] = 'password = "' . $password . '"';
if (!empty($mount->getAutodjMount())) {
if ($mount->getAutodjShoutcastMode()) {
$output_params[] = 'icy_id = ' . $id;
} else {
$output_params[] = 'mount = "' . self::cleanUpString($mount->getAutodjMount()) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'name = "' . self::cleanUpString($station->getName()) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'description = "' . self::cleanUpString($station->getDescription()) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'genre = "' . self::cleanUpString($station->getGenre()) . '"';
if (!empty($station->getUrl())) {
$output_params[] = 'url = "' . self::cleanUpString($station->getUrl()) . '"';
$output_params[] = 'public = ' . ($mount->getIsPublic() ? 'true' : 'false');
$output_params[] = 'encoding = "' . $charset . '"';
if ($mount->getAutodjShoutcastMode()) {
$output_params[] = 'protocol="icy"';
$output_params[] = 'radio';
return 'output.icecast(' . implode(', ', $output_params) . ')';
protected function getOutputFormatString(string $format, int $bitrate = 128): string
switch (strtolower($format)) {
case Entity\StationMountInterface::FORMAT_AAC:
$afterburner = ($bitrate >= 160) ? 'true' : 'false';
$aot = ($bitrate >= 96) ? 'mpeg4_aac_lc' : 'mpeg4_he_aac_v2';
return '%fdkaac(channels=2, samplerate=44100, bitrate=' . $bitrate . ', afterburner=' . $afterburner . ', aot="' . $aot . '", sbr_mode=true)';
case Entity\StationMountInterface::FORMAT_OGG:
return '%vorbis.cbr(samplerate=44100, channels=2, bitrate=' . $bitrate . ')';
case Entity\StationMountInterface::FORMAT_OPUS:
return '%opus(samplerate=48000, bitrate=' . $bitrate . ', vbr="constrained", application="audio", channels=2, signal="music", complexity=10, max_bandwidth="full_band")';
case Entity\StationMountInterface::FORMAT_MP3:
return '%mp3(samplerate=44100, stereo=true, bitrate=' . $bitrate . ', id3v2=true)';
public function writeRemoteBroadcastConfiguration(WriteLiquidsoapConfiguration $event): void
$station = $event->getStation();
$ls_config = [
'# Remote Relays',
// Set up broadcast to remote relays.
$i = 0;
foreach ($station->getRemotes() as $remote_row) {
/** @var Entity\StationRemote $remote_row */
if (!$remote_row->getEnableAutodj()) {
$ls_config[] = $this->getOutputString($station, $remote_row, 'relay_', $i);
* Filter a user-supplied string to be a valid LiquidSoap config entry.
* @param string $string
* @return mixed
public static function cleanUpString($string)
return str_replace(['"', "\n", "\r"], ['\'', '', ''], $string);
* Convert an integer or float into a Liquidsoap configuration compatible float.
* @param float|int $number
* @param int $decimals
* @return string
public static function toFloat($number, $decimals = 2): string
if ((int)$number == $number) {
return (int)$number . '.';
return number_format($number, $decimals, '.', '');
public static function formatTimeCode($time_code): string
$hours = floor($time_code / 100);
$mins = $time_code % 100;
return $hours . 'h' . $mins . 'm';
* Given an original name and a station, return a filtered prefixed variable identifying the station.
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @param string $original_name
* @return string
public static function getVarName(Entity\Station $station, $original_name): string
$short_name = self::cleanUpString($station->getShortName());
return (!empty($short_name))
? $short_name . '_' . $original_name
: 'station_' . $station->getId() . '_' . $original_name;