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2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
namespace App\Controller\Api\Stations\Files;
use App\Entity;
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
use App\Flysystem\StationFilesystems;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\RouterInterface;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use App\Paginator;
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
use App\Utilities;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr;
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
use League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
class ListAction
public function __invoke(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response,
EntityManagerInterface $em,
CacheInterface $cache,
Entity\Repository\StationRepository $stationRepo
): ResponseInterface {
$router = $request->getRouter();
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
$station = $request->getStation();
$storageLocation = $station->getMediaStorageLocation();
2021-06-08 06:40:49 +00:00
$fs = (new StationFilesystems($station))->getMediaFilesystem();
$currentDir = $request->getParam('currentDirectory', '');
$searchPhrase = trim($request->getParam('searchPhrase', ''));
$isSearch = !empty($searchPhrase);
$cacheKeyParts = [
(!empty($currentDir)) ? 'dir_' . rawurlencode($currentDir) : 'root',
if ($isSearch) {
$cacheKeyParts[] = 'search_' . rawurlencode($searchPhrase);
$cacheKey = implode('.', $cacheKeyParts);
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
$flushCache = (bool)$request->getParam('flushCache', false);
if (!$flushCache && $cache->has($cacheKey)) {
$result = $cache->get($cacheKey);
} else {
$result = [];
$pathLike = (empty($currentDir))
? '%'
: $currentDir . '/%';
$mediaQueryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select(['sm', 'spm', 'sp', 'smcf'])
->from(Entity\StationMedia::class, 'sm')
->leftJoin('sm.custom_fields', 'smcf')
->leftJoin('sm.playlists', 'spm')
->leftJoin('spm.playlist', 'sp', Expr\Join::WITH, 'sp.station = :station')
->where('sm.storage_location = :storageLocation')
->andWhere('sm.path LIKE :path')
->setParameter('storageLocation', $station->getMediaStorageLocation())
->setParameter('station', $station)
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
// Apply searching
$foldersInDirQuery = $em->createQuery(
SELECT spf, sp
FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistFolder spf
JOIN spf.playlist sp
WHERE spf.station = :station
AND spf.path LIKE :path
)->setParameter('station', $station)
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
$unprocessableMediaQuery = $em->createQuery(
FROM App\Entity\UnprocessableMedia upm
WHERE upm.storage_location = :storageLocation
AND upm.path LIKE :path
)->setParameter('storageLocation', $storageLocation)
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
if (!empty($searchPhrase)) {
if ('special:unprocessable' === $searchPhrase) {
$mediaInDirRaw = [];
$unprocessableMediaRaw = $unprocessableMediaQuery->toIterable(
} else {
if ('special:duplicates' === $searchPhrase) {
SELECT sm2.song_id FROM
App\Entity\StationMedia sm2
WHERE sm2.storage_location = :storageLocation
GROUP BY sm2.song_id
HAVING COUNT(sm2.id) > 1
} elseif (str_starts_with($searchPhrase, 'playlist:')) {
[, $playlistName] = explode(':', $searchPhrase, 2);
$playlist = $em->getRepository(Entity\StationPlaylist::class)
'station' => $station,
'name' => $playlistName,
if (!$playlist instanceof Entity\StationPlaylist) {
return $response->withStatus(400)
2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
->withJson(new Entity\Api\Error(400, 'Playlist not found.'));
'sm.id IN (SELECT spm2.media_id FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistMedia spm2 '
. 'WHERE spm2.playlist = :playlist)'
)->setParameter('playlist', $playlist);
} else {
$mediaQueryBuilder->andWhere('(sm.title LIKE :query OR sm.artist LIKE :query)')
->setParameter('query', '%' . $searchPhrase . '%');
$mediaQuery = $mediaQueryBuilder->getQuery();
$mediaInDirRaw = $mediaQuery->getArrayResult();
$unprocessableMediaRaw = [];
$foldersInDirRaw = [];
} else {
// Avoid loading subfolder media.
$mediaQueryBuilder->andWhere('sm.path NOT LIKE :pathWithSubfolders')
->setParameter('pathWithSubfolders', $pathLike . '/%');
$mediaQuery = $mediaQueryBuilder->getQuery();
$mediaInDirRaw = $mediaQuery->getArrayResult();
$foldersInDirRaw = $foldersInDirQuery->getArrayResult();
$unprocessableMediaRaw = $unprocessableMediaQuery->toIterable(
// Process all database results.
$mediaInDir = [];
foreach ($mediaInDirRaw as $row) {
$media = new Entity\Api\FileListMedia();
$media->id = (string)$row['song_id'];
$media->title = (string)$row['title'];
$media->artist = (string)$row['artist'];
$media->text = $row['artist'] . ' - ' . $row['title'];
$media->album = (string)$row['album'];
$media->genre = (string)$row['genre'];
$media->is_playable = ($row['length'] !== 0);
2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
$media->length = (int)$row['length'];
$media->length_text = $row['length_text'];
$media->media_id = $row['id'];
$media->unique_id = $row['unique_id'];
$media->art_updated_at = $row['art_updated_at'];
foreach ((array)$row['custom_fields'] as $custom_field) {
$media->custom_fields[$custom_field['field_id']] = $custom_field['value'];
$playlists = [];
foreach ($row['playlists'] as $spmRow) {
if (!isset($spmRow['playlist'])) {
$playlistId = $spmRow['playlist']['id'];
if (isset($playlists[$playlistId])) {
} else {
$playlists[$playlistId] = [
'id' => $playlistId,
'name' => $spmRow['playlist']['name'],
'count' => 1,
$mediaInDir[$row['path']] = [
'media' => $media,
'playlists' => array_values($playlists),
$foldersInDir = [];
foreach ($foldersInDirRaw as $folderRow) {
if (!isset($foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']])) {
$foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']] = [
'playlists' => [],
$foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']]['playlists'][] = [
'id' => $folderRow['playlist']['id'],
'name' => $folderRow['playlist']['name'],
$unprocessableMedia = [];
foreach ($unprocessableMediaRaw as $unprocessableRow) {
$unprocessableMedia[$unprocessableRow['path']] = $unprocessableRow['error'];
if (!empty($searchPhrase)) {
if ('special:unprocessable' === $searchPhrase) {
$files = array_keys($unprocessableMedia);
} else {
$files = array_keys($mediaInDir);
} else {
$protectedPaths = [Entity\StationMedia::DIR_ALBUM_ART, Entity\StationMedia::DIR_WAVEFORMS];
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
$files = $fs->listContents($currentDir, false)->filter(
function (StorageAttributes $attributes) use ($currentDir, $protectedPaths) {
return !($currentDir === '' && in_array($attributes->path(), $protectedPaths, true));
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
foreach ($files as $file) {
$row = new Entity\Api\FileList();
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
if ($file instanceof StorageAttributes) {
$row->path = $file->path();
$row->timestamp = $file->lastModified() ?? 0;
$row->is_dir = $file->isDir();
} else {
$row->path = $file;
$row->timestamp = $fs->lastModified($file) ?? 0;
$row->is_dir = false;
$row->size = ($row->is_dir) ? 0 : $fs->fileSize($row->path);
$shortname = (!empty($searchPhrase))
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
? $row->path
: basename($row->path);
$max_length = 60;
if (mb_strlen($shortname) > $max_length) {
$shortname = mb_substr($shortname, 0, $max_length - 15) . '...' . mb_substr($shortname, -12);
$row->path_short = $shortname;
$row->media = new Entity\Api\FileListMedia();
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
if (isset($mediaInDir[$row->path])) {
$row->media = $mediaInDir[$row->path]['media'];
$row->text = $row->media->text;
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
$row->playlists = (array)$mediaInDir[$row->path]['playlists'];
} elseif ($row->is_dir) {
$row->text = __('Directory');
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
if (isset($foldersInDir[$row->path])) {
$row->playlists = (array)$foldersInDir[$row->path]['playlists'];
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
} elseif (isset($unprocessableMedia[$row->path])) {
$row->text = __(
'File Not Processed: %s',
2021-03-31 16:42:24 +00:00
} else {
$row->text = __('File Processing');
$result[] = $row;
$cache->set($cacheKey, $result, 300);
// Apply sorting
$sort = $request->getParam('sort');
$sortOrder = ('desc' === strtolower($request->getParam('sortOrder', 'asc')))
? Criteria::DESC
: Criteria::ASC;
static function (Entity\Api\FileList $a, Entity\Api\FileList $b) use ($searchPhrase, $sort, $sortOrder) {
return self::sortRows($a, $b, $searchPhrase, $sort, $sortOrder);
$paginator = Paginator::fromArray($result, $request);
// Add processor-intensive data for just this page.
2021-07-19 05:53:45 +00:00
$stationId = $station->getIdRequired();
$isInternal = (bool)$request->getParam('internal', false);
$defaultAlbumArtUrl = (string)$stationRepo->getDefaultAlbumArtUrl($station);
static function (Entity\Api\FileList $row) use ($router, $stationId, $defaultAlbumArtUrl, $isInternal) {
return self::postProcessRow($row, $router, $stationId, $defaultAlbumArtUrl, $isInternal);
return $paginator->write($response);
protected static function sortRows(
Entity\Api\FileList $a,
Entity\Api\FileList $b,
?string $searchPhrase = null,
?string $sort = null,
?string $sortOrder = Criteria::ASC
): int {
if ('special:duplicates' === $searchPhrase) {
return $a->media->id <=> $b->media->id;
$isDirComp = $b->is_dir <=> $a->is_dir;
if (0 !== $isDirComp) {
return $isDirComp;
if (!empty($sort)) {
if (str_starts_with($sort, 'media_custom_fields_')) {
$property = str_replace('media_custom_fields_', '', $sort);
$aVal = $a->media->custom_fields[$property] ?? null;
$bVal = $b->media->custom_fields[$property] ?? null;
return (Criteria::ASC === $sortOrder)
? $aVal <=> $bVal
: $bVal <=> $aVal;
if (str_starts_with($sort, 'media_')) {
$property = str_replace('media_', '', $sort);
$aVal = property_exists($a->media, $property) ? $a->media->{$property} : null;
$bVal = property_exists($b->media, $property) ? $b->media->{$property} : null;
return (Criteria::ASC === $sortOrder)
? $aVal <=> $bVal
: $bVal <=> $aVal;
$aVal = property_exists($a, $sort) ? $a->{$sort} : null;
$bVal = property_exists($b, $sort) ? $b->{$sort} : null;
return (Criteria::ASC === $sortOrder)
? $aVal <=> $bVal
: $bVal <=> $aVal;
return $a->path <=> $b->path;
protected static function postProcessRow(
Entity\Api\FileList $row,
RouterInterface $router,
int $stationId,
string $defaultAlbumArtUrl,
bool $isInternal
): Entity\Api\FileList|array {
if (null !== $row->media->media_id) {
$row->media->art = (0 === $row->media->art_updated_at)
? $defaultAlbumArtUrl
: (string)$router->named(
'station_id' => $stationId,
'media_id' => $row->media->unique_id . '-' . $row->media->art_updated_at,
$row->media->links = [
'play' => (string)$router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId, 'id' => $row->media->media_id],
'edit' => (string)$router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId, 'id' => $row->media->media_id],
'art' => (string)$router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId, 'media_id' => $row->media->media_id]
'waveform' => (string)$router->named(
'station_id' => $stationId,
'media_id' => $row->media->unique_id . '-' . $row->media->art_updated_at,
$row->links = [
'download' => (string)$router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId],
['file' => $row->path]
'rename' => (string)$router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId],
['file' => $row->path]
if ($isInternal) {
$playlists = $row->playlists;
$row->playlists = [];
$flatRow = Utilities\Arrays::flattenArray($row, '_');
$flatRow['playlists'] = $playlists;
return $flatRow;
return $row;