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namespace App\Controller\Api\Stations;
use App\Entity;
use App\Exception;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use App\Paginator;
use App\Utilities;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class RequestsController
public function __construct(
2021-04-23 05:24:12 +00:00
protected EntityManagerInterface $em,
protected Entity\Repository\StationRequestRepository $requestRepo,
protected Entity\ApiGenerator\SongApiGenerator $songApiGenerator
) {
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Get(path="/station/{station_id}/requests",
2017-06-17 19:39:21 +00:00
* tags={"Stations: Song Requests"},
* description="Return a list of requestable songs.",
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/station_id_required"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Success",
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Schema(
* type="array",
* @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/Api_StationRequest")
* )
* ),
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Response(response=404, description="Station not found"),
* @OA\Response(response=403, description="Station does not support requests")
* )
2020-07-08 07:03:50 +00:00
* @param ServerRequest $request
* @param Response $response
* @throws Exception
* @throws Exception\InvalidRequestAttribute
public function listAction(ServerRequest $request, Response $response): ResponseInterface
$station = $request->getStation();
// Verify that the station supports requests.
$ba = $request->getStationBackend();
if (!$ba->supportsRequests() || !$station->getEnableRequests()) {
return $response->withStatus(403)
->withJson(new Entity\Api\Error(403, __('This station does not accept requests currently.')));
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('sm, spm, sp')
->from(Entity\StationMedia::class, 'sm')
->leftJoin('sm.playlists', 'spm')
->leftJoin('spm.playlist', 'sp')
->where('sm.storage_location = :storageLocation')
->andWhere(' IS NOT NULL')
->andWhere('sp.station = :station')
->andWhere('sp.is_enabled = 1')
->andWhere('sp.include_in_requests = 1')
->setParameter('storageLocation', $station->getMediaStorageLocation())
->setParameter('station', $station);
$params = $request->getQueryParams();
if (!empty($params['sort'])) {
$sort_fields = [
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
'song_title' => 'sm.title',
'song_artist' => 'sm.artist',
'song_album' => 'sm.album',
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
foreach ($params['sort'] as $sort_key => $sort_direction) {
if (isset($sort_fields[$sort_key])) {
$qb->addOrderBy($sort_fields[$sort_key], $sort_direction);
} else {
$qb->orderBy('sm.artist', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('sm.title', 'ASC');
2021-04-23 02:16:00 +00:00
$search_phrase = trim($params['searchPhrase'] ?? '');
if (!empty($search_phrase)) {
$qb->andWhere('(sm.title LIKE :query OR sm.artist LIKE :query OR sm.album LIKE :query)')
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
->setParameter('query', '%' . $search_phrase . '%');
$paginator = Paginator::fromQueryBuilder($qb, $request);
$is_bootgrid = $paginator->isFromBootgrid();
$router = $request->getRouter();
function (Entity\StationMedia $media_row) use ($station, $is_bootgrid, $router) {
$row = new Entity\Api\StationRequest();
$row->song = ($this->songApiGenerator)($media_row, $station);
$row->request_id = $media_row->getUniqueId();
$row->request_url = (string)$router->named(
'station_id' => $station->getId(),
'media_id' => $media_row->getUniqueId(),
if ($is_bootgrid) {
return Utilities\Arrays::flattenArray($row, '_');
return $row;
return $paginator->write($response);
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Post(path="/station/{station_id}/request/{request_id}",
2017-06-17 19:39:21 +00:00
* tags={"Stations: Song Requests"},
* description="Submit a song request.",
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/station_id_required"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="request_id",
* description="The requestable song ID",
* in="path",
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="integer", format="int64"
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* )
* ),
2018-09-18 14:09:48 +00:00
* @OA\Response(response=200, description="Success"),
* @OA\Response(response=404, description="Station not found"),
* @OA\Response(response=403, description="Station does not support requests")
* )
2020-07-08 07:03:50 +00:00
* @param ServerRequest $request
* @param Response $response
* @param mixed $media_id
* @throws Exception\InvalidRequestAttribute
public function submitAction(ServerRequest $request, Response $response, $media_id): ResponseInterface
$station = $request->getStation();
// Verify that the station supports requests.
$ba = $request->getStationBackend();
if (!$ba->supportsRequests() || !$station->getEnableRequests()) {
return $response->withStatus(403)
->withJson(new Entity\Api\Error(403, __('This station does not accept requests currently.')));
try {
$user = $request->getUser();
} catch (Exception\InvalidRequestAttribute $e) {
$user = null;
$isAuthenticated = ($user instanceof Entity\User);
try {
return $response->withJson(new Entity\Api\Status(true, __('Request submitted successfully.')));
2019-09-04 18:00:51 +00:00
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $response->withStatus(400)
->withJson(new Entity\Api\Error(400, $e->getMessage()));