{ "type": 3, "title": "AzuraCast", "description": "AzuraCast Web Radio Suite Docker installation.", "administrator_only": false, "image": "", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast", "stackfile": "docker-compose.sample.yml" }, "logo": "https://www.azuracast.com/img/logo.png", "env": [ { "name": "AZURACAST_HTTP_PORT", "label": "HTTP Port", "description": "The port that will receive non-secure HTTP traffic.", "default": "80" }, { "name": "AZURACAST_HTTPS_PORT", "label": "HTTPS Port", "description": "The port that will receive secure HTTPS traffic.", "default": "443" }, { "name": "LETSENCRYPT_HOST", "label": "LetsEncrypt Host", "description": "The optional domain name to use if wanting to auto-register with LetsEncrypt." }, { "name": "LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL", "label": "LetsEncrypt E-mail Address", "description": "The optional e-mail address to receive updates regarding LetsEncrypt certificates." }, { "name": "AZURACAST_VERSION", "label": "AzuraCast Release Channel", "description": "Which release channel of AzuraCast to update to.", "preset": true, "select": [ { "text": "Rolling Release (Latest Updates)", "value": "latest", "default": true }, { "text": "Stable Release", "value": "stable", "default": false } ] } ], "note": "AzuraCast is the free and open-source software suite that makes web radio easy. This is the standard Docker installation for AzuraCast, including all necessary components.", "platform": "linux", "categories": [ "streaming" ] }