#!/usr/bin/env bash APP_ENV="${APP_ENV:-production}" read -p "WARNING: This operation is destructive and will uninstall software on this server. Continue? [y/N] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "Uninstalling AzuraCast..." ansible-playbook util/ansible/uninstall.yml --inventory=util/ansible/hosts --extra-vars "app_env=$APP_ENV" echo " " echo "Uninstallation complete. Some components were not removed." echo " " echo "To automatically remove unnecessary packages, run:" echo " apt-get autoremove" echo " " echo "To remove MariaDB data, run:" echo " rm -rfv /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql" echo " " echo "To remove AzuraCast station data, run:" echo " rm -rf /var/azuracast/stations" echo " " echo "If moving to Docker, you can remove every file in this folder except docker-compose.yml." echo "Thanks for using AzuraCast!" echo " " fi